Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Apples on the ground...50º

Monday morning, Rusty found me still sitting in my chair, tapping away on the computer...I was trying to hurry but not making much headway...I had started bacon on the stove, so he took over the kitchen and soon had bacon, eggs, toast and fruit ready to eat!..I left my blog still only half done and sat down for breakfast...What a guy!

Breakfast done, I finished the blog, as Connie came in the back door, ready to clean house or work in the flower gardens...We decided the gardens would be first, and finish up in the house doing what ever she had time to do.

I made my usual rounds, in the veggie garden and moved water hoses on the yard...As I walked under the apple tree, I spied several apples on the ground, knocked off by last nights rain...Something clicked in my brain, pie crust frozen, wouldn't take long to thaw?..

By 1pm, Connie had finished deadheading, cleaning bathroom, kitchen and vacuuming...AND an apple pie sat cooling on the kitchen counter.

The Mom in me said, "Rusty, you know this pie is the best right now while it is still warm?" And he said, "Do you want yours with ice cream or sharp cheese?" "I'll have ice cream, you can have the cheese." So he had both!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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