Rusty and I visited a garden yesterday, to check out the watering system and ended up bringing home enough fresh cucumbers for 4 more quarts...I sliced one jar into spears and put lots of garlic in all of them, along with one Thai pepper, grape leaves and dill...They sure are pretty...Larry and Sandy have a beautiful place, Dobbin ditch along one side and room for chickens, 2 horses, a lovely log home and a garden with green house...Sandy grows an amazing garden, using the green house for cukes, tomatoes, beans, tiny cantaloupes and 4 watermelons...In the garden itself are squash, onions, corn, garlic (harvested already)grapes and everything else that is growable...She is an amazing gardener.
Yesterday I finished the 5th week of my balance class, 3 more weeks to go...They challenged us with tossing a ball (basketball size) to a partner and walking backwards...12 people, 12 balls, 2PT instructors and 2 student instructors...You can imagine, it was balls going every which way, and unbalanced people trying to standup and walk backwards...Someone mentioned that they forgot the chewing gum...It is hard work, but fun as well, think I might/should sign up for the next session...
Almost forgot, dinner last night was delicious, Rusty did salmon on the grill and I did pasta salad and fresh carrots, onions and tomatoes...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
Dill Pickles
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