Our week was "jam packed" and literally flew by...Sunny, cold days were the norm, lots of frost but no snow...Much time was spent in the kitchen, food is always a focal point here on Barton Heights, when we have a family celebration...It was different this year with only the three of us, but "Herb, Dad, Gramma's and Grampa's," peppered our conversations as we reminisced about previous celebrations...Cienna is in Prague, teaching English as a foreign language to pre schoolers and we were able to FT with her.
Going way back, we have celebrated in Idaho, Utah, NewYork State, on the Oregon Coast. Portland and Bend but mostly on Barton Heights. One year, Herb and I found ourselves alone in a movie theatre watching "Crocodile Dundee" and another year on the slopes of "Silver Mountain" skiing in Northern Idaho, after both Bobi and Rusty had graduated from high school and moved on to Portland and Bend.
It was at this time that we decided, our "celebration/holidays" would happen whenever, we could get together, not on a specific day... "Thanksmas" was born so maybe travel would be safer, before winter really set in.
This year on Thanksgiving Day, Pam joined us for dinner, as she has for many years, then on Sunday, Bobi "engineered" a Charcuterie Board (Rusty and I helped) we shared the day with Pam, Becky and John...A good time was had by all...More details in posts to follow, as I remember some day by day stuff!...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
Cornucopia Charcuterie Board