When I signed off of my blog yesterday, I thought "Well that was kind of a bomb."..But no, it hit a nerve with several people and I hope it encourages some of you to fill a box/bag of stuff and get it out of your house and if you have a storage unit, add up what that is costing you for a year and multiply that by the years you have had the storage unit...Maybe that will make an impression!..That's enough preaching for one day.
Now I have another semi rant...For over a year now I've been billing my "Blue Cross," insurance for massages and acupuncture treatments, (both are covered under my plan) and when the providers billed them they paid, no problem...But the providers were having multiple problems with other insurances who were supposed to pay but didn't, that they decided to go to a cash only basis.
I get "super bills" from the providers that has ALL the info on them but "Blue Cross" wants it included with their claim form, (that I have to fill out and take a photo of, so I can put it in the email along with the "super bills.")..I have talked to multiple people at "BC," all with different and special ways that I can make sure the claims get taken care of in a timely manner...I can send them, ATTN: "SO and SO," but if I do that I must call their office, when the email goes out (where sometimes the wait is an hour)and tell "SO and SO" to watch for these emails that are labeled for their attention!
This has worked, on occasion, and sometimes I get a phone call that says, your photos are blurry, please send again...So I do...Now when I get my EOB (explanation of benefits), SO and SO has mixed the acupuncture and massage together in one bill, so that makes the coding wrong and they don't pay the entire bill...Such craziness, I feel bad for the people who do this job but I would like to strangle "SO and SO." Hugs To All...OWAV:)
PS...Just writing this blog has me all wound up, so to relax, I will finish my latest jigsaw puzzle...Have a "Happy Day."
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