Saturday, November 18, 2023

What to Write?..35º/ partly cloudy

 I could write about the boxes still in the living room, waiting to go to Soroptomist...I was thinking Monday morning might be a good day, when I go to PT...But no, Soroptomists is closed all this coming week to donations until they are able to sort more stuff and put it on the shelves...It seems we are a world of stuff, so far mine is still in my house, not in a storage unit...It is hard for me to believe that people are paying to store "stuff," that could be labeled "junk" for years, until they have no longer remember what is in storage...Many people stop paying, some people die, leaving the unit to be auctioned off...I wonder if other "collectors" buy the unit, at auction, then don't have time to sort it, so they put it back in storage for years and continue paying the rent.

Maybe I would have been better off this morning to just say "no blog to day." instead of going off on a rant...Hugs to all...OWAV:)

Chief Joseph Mountain
Joseph, Oregon

1 comment:

  1. I moved! But you shouldn’t. In retro speck, neither should I have. Loved other house. This one is too sterile; no good memories…….love your “rants”!
