Yesterday dawned a partly cloudy morning, temperature hovering around 70º, Herb worked out back straightening up and adding pallets to the wood pile as we have about 4 more cords of wood in the log deck that remain to be cut, hauled and stacked there...He was also close by to help me when I needed a bale of straw lifted into the garden and bags of alfalfa pellets and peat moss hauled around back from the storage shed (old garage)...I layered straw, pellets, peat moss and manure on the space now empty after digging the garlic...It awaits a good soaking rain...Later this fall another layering will be added in this space and it continues to decompose over the winter and will be the new bed for cabbage plants next spring...I side dressed the carrots, beets, beans, squash, cucumbers and tomatoes with alfalfa pellets (I use these as fertilizer) giving the plants a boost to finish out the summer...The potatoes are blooming so I searched for new potatoes that I could rob, not finding any I had to be satisfied with pulling beet greens with a few baby beets, along with Walla Walla sweet onions, lettuce and pea pods to go with chicken for our dinner...The most gourmet dinner in a restaurant can't compare to the dinner we had when I added Imnaha sliced cucumbers and squash from the fridge.
Late afternoon found us in Enterprise where Herb did some grocery shopping, then waited for me at the acupuncturist office...Needles sticking out of my body, mind in a semi dreaming state, the sounds of rain and then thunder brought my thoughts back to the garden and make me happy with the work we had accomplished in the morning to take advantage of a good rain storm...We had planned to go to the Thursday night music at the gazebo in Enterprise (probably canceled because of rain) but instead returned to our cozy home for the evening where fresh rhubarb sauce, still warm, was a good dessert...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
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