Anticipating a busy, hot day yesterday I was outside early eradicating weeds before the sun rose too high in the sky...What I hadn't planned on was that the mosquitoes were also out looking for breakfast!...Swatting with one hand, spraying with the other I quickly finished that job and moved on to the vegetable garden where I rearranged the nylon netting that Herb had helped me with the day before when we covered the cabbages plants to protect them from the moths...The netting didn't work as well as hoped as 6 moths were gaily flying around under the netting like they had found a new favorite spot...GGGRRRRR!..
Back in the house I quickly browned ground beef, added spices and tomato, chopped lettuce and other veggies...Made up two taco salads, one for me to take as a "brown bag" lunch before our pinochle game and the other for Herb later in the day...I was right on schedule when the phone rang and Robin (Magic Garden) said, "Idella I have cucumbers for you this morning, will drop them off shortly."...Now I calculate, do I have time to get the cucumbers scrubbed, in the jars and ready to process so Herb can finish them?..Noooo not possible so I leave them soaking in cold water to do when I get back home at 5pm...7pm pickles done, we clean up the kitchen...Another perfect day on Barton Heights...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
PS...Pinochle was great fun, playing with old and new friends...Conversation entertaining and my hands were at time loaded with aces...I only took the bid once but the aces took many tricks...Donna served real homemade pie...:)
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