Yesterday I was watering the garden, gathering the days produce and planned to spread more chips in the cool of the morning, but I was just getting started when the insurance company called to get my info on the "fender bender" of last Saturday...Since I was back in the house and had the paperwork out I decided to quickly make a copy of the estimate that had arrived by email....Printer would not work, said it wasn't connected and my laptop was searching...Grrrrr, it worked the last time I used it!..Finally when I was ready to scream, I gave up, found the number for Canon and was soon talking to "Hazel," a kind, patient lady at tech support...She talked me through the steps to get a printout of what the problem was...Long story short, when our kids installed our new router about a month ago, no one thought about the wireless printer and that it needed to be included...It took maybe 10 minutes and the printer was spitting out all the info that I needed, but by then it was too hot outside to do chips...I had my timer set for two hour intervals to change water and since it is a drip system, I didn't mind watering in the heat of the day.
We had a perfect summer dinner yesterday, parsley, dill, garlic "new" potatoes, zucchini/egg patties with small chunks of sausage in them, cucumber and cherry tomatoes...All fresh from the garden to our table...Soooo Good!...It is almost 7am and if I get moving I can spread chips before the day gets hot...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
Zucchini, egg, sausage patties
(cooking and will be flipped over.)
Garden Produce
Last nights sunset through a smoky haze.
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