I was up early on Tuesday...Monday evening I had mixed a batch of "no knead" bread and left it to raise in the fridge...Didn't work quite like I had invisioned but not bad...Herb and I enjoyed a slice for breakfast...My plan had been to take a loaf to Write People for our luncheon at Pats lovely cabin at Wallowa Lake...It wasn't up to par so I stirred up a small batch of dinner rolls, did a quick proof and had them out of the oven and ready by 9am...We did our usual reading and even had a new writing exercise, "A story in six words." (the original idea by "Hemingway")...Lunch was promptly at noon, with everything from salads, cheese/crackers, crustless veggie quiche, stirfry, and homemade (by Evelyn) fortune cookies, a special treat...I stayed late to help Pat with the cleanup and enjoyed the quiet outside as we wound down...My six word story: Yowling cats, garden hose, spay/neuter.
Hugs To All...OWAV:)
Photo of the day.
Looking forward to a good day.
I like to see the movie of that story! 555