Monday, June 13, 2016

Close Ups...41º

Our weekend in Joseph was semi warm, so time was spent both inside and out, keeping up with the gardens and yard...I did some walking, we visited with friends, and ate dinner last night on the deck...Today looks like our last warmish 70º day, with the rest of the weeks daytime temps in the 50's/60s.

In Portland, Cienna spent the weekend paddling with her team "Dam Beavers" on the Willamette River...Races were held both Saturday and Sunday, weather cool, but the rain held off...This event, in its 26th year is part of the "Portland Rose Festival," so while Ci paddled, the Grand Floral Parade was also underway, on Saturday.

Since we have opted to stay in Joseph and away from all of the craziness of crowds, noise, and traffic, Bobi, through the wonders of "camera phones" and "drop box" keeps us in the loop with photos of the Dragon Boat races...For this we are thankful....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Click on photos to enlarge.

Ci reaching

Ci did it!

One race done

Sometimes she paddles

A little "drama" here

A 4th place trophy


  1. I was using C's camera, so just a bit better than a "camera phone".

  2. Looks like amazing and bravo Ci
