Saturday, September 15, 2018

Cooler Weather...35º

Most of our flowerbeds are looking quite sad as the flowers move from blooms to seed but the front porch with geraniums still have their bright red blooms that greet us each morning...Nice to have as the weather is forecast to be cooler and cloudy this week.


Yesterday Herb worked cutting down more foliage in flowerbeds and I worked in the veggie garden amending beds for next spring...I had mixed a batch of bread early in the morning, left it to rise while I was outside, by noon it was in pans, doing its final raising before going into the oven...I had enough dough to make 4 double loaves and a sheet pan of wiener wraps, using up the leftover wieners from our family picnic at the lake.

Since Herb and I ate only 1 wiener wrap each, I shared the others with Margaret (who taught me to make them, when she was my boss in the school lunch room) and Mike, who also lives at the Alpine House and is an old family friend...We shared the rest with B & J, who help us out by eating many of our leftovers. 😉

I have put off a project until the weather cooled down and now think I must get busy and prep everything to make a huge batch of chili, to put in jars and pressure cook, for our winter supply...Life is always busy on Barton Heights...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

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