Saturday, September 8, 2018


The old cliché "Time flies when you're having fun," fits our week perfectly...Laughter, play, work, canning, roasting, cooking/eating, road trip, wiener roast/smores and games all crammed into one short week...When the girls pulled out of the driveway early Friday morning, it was like letting air out of a balloon in one fell swoop...The calm and quiet took place of the hubbub of activity that has been life for a week...No more dosey-doe dance in the kitchen where the 4 of us jockey for space, the quiet is deafening.

Herb deals with all this by sorting sheets and other laundry and soon has everything washed and on the line...Out comes the vacuum, to clean and make noise...I on the other hand, sit in my chair doing scrabble on the computer, before moving to the deck, where I sit staring into space, sorting through the last week in my mind, breathing deep, counting our blessings and taking in the view!

Today Herb has another load of laundry going, I've finished my coffee and am trying to put enough words on paper to qualify for a blog post...Thoughts run through my head, meals to plan, phone calls to make, tomatoes to finish roasting...Slowly I move back into my routine...It was a wonderful week...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Before the girls left we robbed some potatoes, pulled carrots and beets, cut a cabbage and of course included garlic in their box to take home...The carrots always grow in interesting shapes, giving us one final chuckle.

Crazy carrot

Our Mountain is covered in haze on this morning.

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