Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Resting easier...41º

Sometimes we long for the good old days, when we went to the woods, just the two of us or along with younger friends and got our winters wood...Then we graduated to buying a load of wood logs, that Herb sawed up, we split, loaded and hauled home...Always staying ahead of the game with a winters supply stacked in our back lot.

John, Becky, Rusty and Herb

John, Becky, Me and Herb

What we called a cord.

For the last few years we have ordered cords of unsplit wood...Last year we anticipated more deliveries than were forthcoming, the back lot, looked empty...This spring I called and ordered 4 cords of wood to be delivered at any time...September rolled around and no wood appeared...I was beginning to panic...So when an ad came on FB, split wood for sale, immediate delivery...I ordered two cords, it took a few messages and some waiting but on Sunday afternoon we had two cords of wood in a pile in our "wood room," waiting to be stacked...I helped what I could, but it is a small space, so Herb did most of the stacking...We both breathed a sigh of relief.

Sunday afternoon an email came in that we could expect the 1st of our 4 cords, on this coming Saturday...It is unsplit, but we can take our time now and finish filling the wood room...Sometime over the summer we placed an order for I think 3 cords of wood, but haven't heard anything about that...If it shows up, it will be like money in the bank...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Herb does a great job of stacking.

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