The dill pickles are done and we are about pickled out!..Just kidding...I will finish the sweet pickles in about a month from now, but before that we have zucchini relish to make and maybe mustard pickles and confetti pickles...I can't imagine fall without pickles.
Today I will start on the tomatoes...I grew up on home canned tomatoes, they were a staple in Mom's cellar...She used them in soups, casseroles or cold from the jar, add salt and pepper, we ate them for dinner...She made something she called "sop." Butter was melted in a fry pan, add diced onions, sauté to cook the onions, then add a quart of tomatoes, simmer until thickened, then add stale bread chunks, season and simmer until hot...We ate it with gusto, simple foods are sometimes the very best.
Now I oven roast tomatoes, package in 1pound packages and freeze for winter meals...Below is a link to the process for roasting, plus a recipe for a zucchini casserole that I call "Mock Eggplant Parmesan."..Eat in good health...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
PS: The photos below are what it takes to make dill pickles...Add a brine of vinegar, water and salt.
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