Monday, August 17, 2020

Very Hot for Joseph...94º

 Outside at 6:30AM, I knew I had to work, while it was cool...I rummaged in the freezer before leaving the house, found a package of beef stew meat...Frozen solid, I put it in the crockpot, added 2 bullion cubes, pepper, garlic, celery, onion and half a cup of red wine.,,Back in the house by 8am for a quick breakfast and back to work until 10:30...The raspberries are finished for this season, so I cut the old canes and pulled all the small canes along with quack grass and other weeds...Herb hauled them to our pile of debris...I took time to thin carrots, pull a couple of onions and robbed a few new potatoes, as the sun was getting into full gear!..The house smelled heavenly as the crockpot simmered away

Becky dropped in for a catchup visit and we sat on the deck in the shade and heat for a nice visit...I texted off and on most of the day with Bobi and Cienna who spent a rare day on the Oregon Coast...Nice to be a part of these trips by photos and texts...Hugs To All...OWAV:)  PS more tomorrow about a new recipe.

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