I always seem to be thinking up things to add more work to our day and yesterday was no exception...My mom always grew "Cromfrey," which in the old days was a medicinal herb, but has since fallen out of favor...Read all about it at the link...I still have two plants, grown from starts that I brought home from her house in Elgin, OR., many years ago...A few years ago I read that it was "the best" soil amendment.
I copied and pasted the following from the internet..."When using comfrey as a green manure, add chopped comfrey to garden soil in the fall. Gently mix it into the top layers of the soil using a digging fork. By spring, it will have mostly decomposed and enriched the soil. Comfrey cuttings and compost soil are added to beds in the fall as a green manure soil amendment."
For my faithful readers, you know that we just harvested our garlic crop and something has to be done to the empty bed to amend it for next year...My plan is: I've saved a bag of maple leaves from last fall, and now I have comfrey that is 3 to 4 feet tall, just waiting to be used..While Herb was mowing the lawn, I cut both cromfrey plants down, carefully laid tham out in a row...He finished mowing the lawn, then mowed over the comfrey plants...All went well until the "big tube" on the mower plugged up with soggy/green comfrey leaves/stalks and he had to dismantle the tube to unplug it!! Damn...We continued on with our day, of watering, laundry, pulling weeds and deadheading...We sure slept good last night.
The chopped cromfrey is waiting this morning for me to get moving...I will layer leaves, comfrey, alfalfa pellets, straw and aged manure in this 8x8 foot bed, keep it well watered and over the fall and winter it will compost into lovely friable soil, no tilling needed, ready for a new crop...Probably carrots...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
The following photos are for your enjoyment, as it is difficult to take photos of a plugged up mower, while holding tools and doing the heavy looking on while Herb is reattaching the tube, using only a few swear words...😀
Front Porch
Lots of blooms.
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