Saturday, November 15, 2014

Mini Vacation from Blogging....7º

Thursday morning I had a good excuse...Herb had the car warmed up at 6am, I had the list and we were on our way to LaGrande...Weather station had been forcasting a winter storm warning for the last two days to arrive at about 10am on Thursday...Herbs eye appt. was at 9am...Our trip out was cold and clear, we were a bit early for Gocery Outlet so did our WalMart shopping (both working on the list and keeping in touch via cell phone...)I dropped Herb off at Pettit's office and continued on with the list at BiMart...As I headed to checkout, Herb called to say he was done...10am, wind was blowing a gale, really cold and a horizontal snowstorm was in progress...A quick stop at Gocery Outlet and Hoffman's in Island City...A light dusting of powdery snow, swirling in the wind, we arrived home at 12:30pm.

Friday morning no excuse, just lazy I guess...Herb was out shoveling the 3" of snow and putting the plow on the 4-wheeler while I did some cleaning and started a batch of chex mix...We had our own version of hot pastrami sandwiches with swiss cheese, sauteed onions/peppers on homemade buns for dinner...It snowed off/on all day and we have about 6" of snow on the ground...The head of the lake got nearly a foot and in last nights paper it said LaGrande got 7" of snow Thursday afternoon...Whew we made it out of there just in time!

Today I'm thinking of more comfort food as I have sourdough working and Italian sausage that needs to be used...I think biscuits and gravy will be a good choice for dinner.

Since I missed throwback Thursday and flashback Friday, I will do my own Sentimental Saturday...Hugs to Cienna...OWAV:)

Cienna and Family in Joseph, Oregon

Cienna and Host Family in Thailand

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