Friday, April 27, 2018

Homeward Bound...Warm 40º

Sitting at the table, our last day at the cabin, I had good intentions of keeping up on my blog...I was about half way done when an email came in from "Bank of America," our visa card company...They wanted me to update something on my personal information...We had Wifi so I looked to see what they wanted, my cell phone number for alerts wasn't listed, I put it in but couldn't tell if it was accepted...It said I needed to do this as soon as possible...I immediately "freaked out just a little" because I figured their next step was to cancel the card and I had a shopping trip planned to Costco!..When something like this happens I reach for the phone but we didn't have cell service at the cabin...Long story short, we packed up, headed to Lewiston when we would have cell service...I called the number on the back of my card and got their famous recorded message...Blah, blah, blah...I did my usual and just kept repeating "customer service." Finally I was connected to the right department with a 2 hour wait and if I would like they would take my phone no. and call me back, when my turn came up.

We shopped for fresh produce at Winco, then on to Walmart to kill time until Costco opened..Somewhere in Costco I got the call...I explained, the lady said the email was probably spam and hoped I didn't put in any personal info...That really "freaked" me out, but what could I do, cancel the card? so I hung up, wandered the aisles of Costco, thinking?..I called Bank of America again and this time when they asked what I wanted I said, Cancel my card!..That got their attention but again I was put on hold, now with a 4 hour wait...We checked out of Costco using the "card" with no problem...Herb didn't waste any time getting on the road, we just wanted to get home...We stopped for lunch/dinner at the Range Rider in Enterprise, relaxed a little...I answered the call, as we were unloading the car, and this lady said that the email was not spam but a legitimate inquiry from Bank of America.

We were both ready for bed by 7pm, slept like the dead and woke up ready to tackle our familiar world...No traffic, No hoards of people, No air pollution and a yard full of blooming daffodils, and the sun shining in our windows...The best part of any trip that I have ever taken is arriving home!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Getaway Cabin

Home to our blooms

More blooms

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