Saturday, April 13, 2024

A surprise in the mail box...40º Sunny

In the age of instant messages, snail mail has almost become a thing of the past...I still have a few bills that come in the mail, the weekly paper arrives that way, because I still like to look at a "real" newspaper, not one that is online...As I checked out the flower beds yesterday, occasionally moving leaves/debris out of the way so another tiny bloom could surface, I was near the mailbox and thought, what the heck, maybe I better check for mail... Hugs To All...OWAV:)

This is what peaked out at me...A real live postcard.

A small city in 
Czech Republic.

And this in Cienna's very own handwriting was on the back of it!..It took 3 weeks to arrive.

Thank you Luv! 


  1. Read postcard. Very exciting. A trip! Excellent!

  2. If possible please sign posts, so I know who is commenting...Oma
