Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Brrrr...37º...Warmer at our house.

Yesterday morning was cold enough to turn on the space heater to warm up our living room and this morning is even colder on the 28th day of July...Garden veggies are at a standstill, wondering if somehow they have been moved to the North Pole!

Sunday we pulled the pea vines, brought them up on the deck where Herb and I pulled the pods off the vines, then he took on the job of shelling peas while I worked at cleaning up the garden space, propping up the asparagus stalks, etc...Creamed peas and potatoes tasted good for our dinner, along with a BBQ'ed pork roast.

Yesterday was a perfect morning for working outside, (no chance of sweating) I dug starts for Pat to transplant before cleaning up and doing a docent stint at the Josephy Center...Today is Write People, with a potluck lunch at Evelyns so I must get something cooking...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

BBQ'ed Pork Roast, delicious!!!

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