Sunday, July 26, 2015

Greasy Delight...45º

Our once a year CJD's celebration...Many years ago hand dipped corndogs were ready available at the CJD's Carnival, a cheap meal and a change of diet for us...The corndogs started getting expensive and not so good and the carnival quit coming to town...So I tried making our own corndogs (without much luck,) then Bobi mentioned that Ci liked something called "Scooby Snacks," wieners cut into pieces, dipped in batter and fried...This seemed more doable, so we added another grease bomb to the mix that we only eat occasionally at cafes, french fried onions rings...That way we get out grease fix all in one day each year...I set up the electric fry pan outside the back door on the deck and we dip, fry and eat until we are stuffed...Clean up the greasy mess and put the fry pan away for another year...At the carnival we washed it all down with a pop of choice, at home we go for ice cold water melon.

Walla Walla Sweets

Hill Meats wieners and sausages

Hermiston water melon

All fried up, (not a good photo) but we were
so busy eating I almost forgot!

Chief Joseph Days is officially over as of last night, our town shrinking down to a manageable size for the summer and by the end of September we will be back to our normal size of 1000 people...Fall will really be in the air, gardens mostly died back, garlic ready to plant and hibernation mode just around the corner...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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