Tuesday, July 14, 2015


High today will be 70º, mostly sunny...A break from the mid 90's and perfect weather for digging and transplanting...Yesterday, Herb helped me dig up some "worn out lupines" and other plants just taking up space and with the cooler temps I dug volunteer gailardia and transplanted them to this space...They are a bit droopy but with extra water I think they will thrive and give us some fall blooms.

The veggie garden has slowed a bit waiting for the hot days to return...All seems happy except for the raspberries, which I had such high hopes for...Seems they are victim of something called a "crown borer."...After looking so good this spring, they now have stunted berries, yellowing foliage and dried up stalks...From what I read on the Internet it takes strong chemicals to kill the "beast" or else we dig up the plants and start over, but still have to use chemicals to keep it from returning...Makes me sad!

More positive thoughts, we have had beet greens and lettuce to eat, cabbage is getting huge and starting heads, peas are about ready to pick...Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and pole beans are blooming...Potatoes are almost 2 feet tall and it is time to let the garlic dry out so we can dig them and hang to dry.

Yesterday I took a quart of rhubarb juice, added sugar and boiled it for 30 minutes, then filled 4, 1/2 pint jars in the hopes that it will make jelly without adding pectin...Looks like it will make pancake syrup or Bobi suggested martinis?

Onward...Today is a full day, Write People, Brown Bag Lunch (maybe), then on to Garden Club (hope the rain holds off) in the afternoon...As usual when I made spaghetti yesterday, we have leftovers so Herb can heat that up for his dinner...Enough blather for one day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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