Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Change of Pace...46º

Both of us up this morning at 4am, doors wide open to cool off the house for the afternoon, and we sit wrapped in our lap quilts, computing...A busy day looms ahead...The Write People will be arriving here at 10am for our meeting, due to a scheduling mixup at the Josephy Center...We are a flexible group and the deck should be warm and inviting by then or we will hunt the sun on the lawn...After Write People, I will be volunteering at the Wallowa County Museum for the afternoon...Herb will be mowing lawns, tending to water and scrounging his own dinner, while I am away!

Yesterday morning I worked in the veggie garden, prepping the empty spot, where the garlic had been growing...I plan to seed a cover crop in this 8 X 10 plot enriching it for next years cabbage and peas, wish me luck...Late morning found me spreading wood chips as I continue ridding flowerbeds of spent blooms and plants...The wood chips give the garden a clean and tidy look and mulch the ground in the process...A good soaking followed and I finally turned off the sprinklers at 7pm...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Yesterdays harvest

Moon going down before
 I went to bed last night (not sure 
how I got this double)

This is how it really looked.

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