Saturday, July 25, 2015


Early morning work, lazy afternoons, seem to be the norm of these late July days...After spreading chips and cleaning up flowerbeds, I moved to the veggie garden to sow the experimental cover crop...Seeds of all kinds were mixed with sand and broadcast onto the 8 x 10 plot, (previous garlic spot..)Included in this seeding were lettuce, kale and swisschard that can be use on our table, others are flower seeds, none of which will have time to go to seed and can be covered and layered for next springs planting...I covered the new seeding with a light layer of straw, then hand watered to start the sprouting process.

Just as I finished this job, Pam stopped by for a visit and we spent several hours visiting about gardens, kids, jobs and life in general, just like old times...Our friendship dates back many years and sometimes we go weeks without a visit, but have no trouble picking up where we left off...It was soon "wine thirty" and the rumble of our stomachs signaled dinner time...Taco meat simmered on the stove, while we sliced, diced and grated and soon we were enjoying the messy process of eating a taco, along with delicious slices of cantaloupe and watermelon.

Late afternoon I started a book on tape, again sitting on the deck...Guilty thoughts running through my mind, such as "I" should be out digging more daylilies, and I did dig a couple, but decided the ground was too dry, so move the gravity feed sprinkler to the daylily patch and resumed listening to "Mom & Me & Mom," all guilty thoughts saved for another day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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