Monday, April 22, 2019

Amazing Spring...42º

Easter Sunday brought a balmy 60ºs, warmer in the direct sun, a few clouds, slight breeze...A perfect day to be outside playing in the garden...Last Wednesday in La Grande I succumbed to a bunch of Walla Walla sweet onion starts...So even though it is early I planted them, next to the eleven rows of garlic that are 8 to 10 inches tall already...Then it seemed to be the perfect time to side dress the garlic with well aged manure, giving it a boost...The rains of the last few days have greened everything up and and literally made them jump out of the ground...All in all I spent about 3 hours outside puttering in the yard/gardens, picking up debris from the winter, pruning off dead growth and enjoying the warm rays of sunshine and the bobbing daffodil blooms.


It was to be a quiet Easter for Herb and I, there were leftovers in the fridge for dinner, that could be made into a special meal, with the addition of a lemon pie...I spaced the eggs that sat in the fridge waiting to be made into deviled eggs, guess they will be the main dish for today's dinner...😁 Or maybe on this warm spring day, we will have a Chef Salad?..Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Lemon Meringue Pie


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