Thursday, February 28, 2019

Storm Ending, 2" new snow...28º

Yesterdays' snowy day turned into sunshine and the temperature zoomed up to 40º...Early morning Herb raked snow off the south side of our roof, because they were forecasting snow, turned to rain, which would add more weight to the snow already on the roof...He raked, I shoveled, took our time and got it done...About noon the sun came out for a few hours and melted ice and snow, much nicer than rain.

Last Friday Pam and I braved the weather for what is becoming our regularly scheduled trip to LaGrande to get out hair cut...A mini getaway, nothing planned except the haircut, just time to do whatever strikes our fancy...The roads were bare, wind wasn't blowing, sun came out...We shopped, had a leisurely lunch, shopped some more and made a full day of it, arriving home after dark...Our last stop of the day was at Kaufmans', Amish store...They have a fresh deli case, (Herb likes the pastrami and swiss for a treat) bulk items, fresh baked pies and breads...It is family owned, friendly and inviting...I bought a few items, including frozen pie cherries.

After raking the roof yesterday, while fixing our breakfast, in the back of the fridge, the now thawed cherries, spoke to me..Not always but over the years cherry pie or cherry cheesecake is something made and consumed in February...Valentines day and Washington's birthday come to mind...I spent the sunny part of the day in the kitchen making cherry pie...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

We didn't even miss the ice cream.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Snowy West...22º

A four day storm has been predicted for the Western US, mostly in Oregon and Washington...We are getting our share of it here in Northeast Oregon and all other surrounding areas...It snowed steady yesterday, sometimes it really came down, but still light and fluffy...This morning we have over 5 inches of new and still snowing, doesn't look like we will see much sun until Friday.

I started Challah bread on Saturday, mixing and folding, then refrigerated overnight...Sunday morning began the fun part...First I sectioned the dough into even pieces, rolled them flat with the rolling pin, then rolled them up tightly into long strips...I did 3 strip braids, just like braiding hair, one 4 strip loaf ( I thought that would be hard but no it was simple, just followed Utube directions) and one small round loaf, using the last of the dough...The fragrance was overwhelming and the flavor heavenly, they are almost two pretty to cut into...Pam joined us for dinner and she let me win again at cards...😀 French toast is on the menu for this mornings breakfast.

3 strand loaves

Snail loaf and 4 strand loaf

All baked and waiting for butter and jam, 
leftovers for French Toast.

It is a good thing that we have leftovers for dinner because our day is going to be spent shoveling, plowing, resting...Repeat...Fingers crossed that we stay well and don't have to leave our warm abode...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Looking out the sliding glass doors.

A little different view

Thursday, February 21, 2019

More Snow...22º

A dusting of snow overnight, add more during the day and maybe we get a couple of inches all together...The storms still seem to go around us and that is okay...Walla Walla has gotten snow and yesterday Lewiston piled up 7 inches, these towns are much lower in elevation and snow is a rarity...Our first of the year snow measurement in the mountains says we are at normal or above...Perfect, that is where we need it for summer irrigation...I 84 was closed for several hours yesterday, so anyone headed to Boise or Portland had to wait or take the alternate routes (sometimes not a good choice).

With nothing to do and nowhere to go yesterday, I soon found myself, mixing a batch of dough...The dough raised nicely, was soft and stretchy, perfect for pizza crusts...We ate one, I froze one, it was a good day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Ready for the oven.

Ready to eat.

Sunday, February 17, 2019


On our trip to La Grande on Friday, we had slushy roads through the canyon, (unusual that they hadn't been plowed)...We followed our friend Tim through the canyon, with his log truck, he made the tracks wider and it helped our visibility, as we could see the top of his load through the blowing snow...Roads were bare from Elgin into La Grande.

We shopped for a new microwave, couldn't make a decision, so we went to Bi Mart, bought a new vacuum (replaces one we bought at a yard sale 3 years ago, and then to lunch, and Walmart before my appointment...I was seen by the PA (I'm now on a low dose antibiotic for 2 months then will see the actual urologist and proceed from there)...Pam drove home on bare, wet roads, but it had snowed 3 to 4 inches in Joseph, so Herb and I shoveled before unloading the car.

Yesterday we got more snow and instead of baking, I made a childhood favorite, mac and cheese...When our kids were little, the fluorescent mac and cheese in a box hit the grocery store shelves...As most young mothers then, I succumbed to the mixes in a box as an easy way to put dinner on the table...They also provided an easy meal, when we left the kids in the care of a babysitter, they didn't mind at all when we went out the door because they knew that dinner would be, Mac and cheese and wieners...One of my many shortcomings when it came to parenting!

Yesterday Herb and I had Mac and cheese, green salad and (I hate to say it) no not wieners, but fish sticks!..We do get hungry for any kind of fish or sea food but it is almost impossible to buy good fish in this part of the country...On a snowy winter day it tasted delicious...Herb is now out plowing so I better get outside and start shoveling...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

It was yummy.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Catching up...26º

Since my last post, we have had a little more snow, and winds that make drifts, that close roads...Schools have opened late and closed early but compared to the rest of the state and Northwest, we have been very lucky...As long as we didn't have to leave home, things didn't look bad, but going north the Lewiston Hwy was closed for a day, blocked by two semi's on Buford Grade...The road to La Grande has been iffy for several days, with icy, snowy, windy conditions...Cricket Flat out of Elgin can be especially bad, when the wind blows...I 84 freeway has been closed almost as much as open, not that unusual for this time of year...On Tuesday night I 84, blocked by semi's near Hood River, escalated into a 20 mile stretch of road closed and about 1000 people stranded overnight...I read this morning that, that stretch has been opened and traffic is slowly moving...Our local Hurricane Creek road was drifted shut and closed for most of a day, I don't remember that happening before.

On the home front we are comfortable and warm and well fed, lucky that we don't have to leave the county...I did reschedule an appointment in LaGrande from Wednesday to Friday (tomorrow) where I will see a urologist for my recurring UTI...The road conditions look somewhat better.

After being back to water therapy for two days, the pool is again closed due to a faulty heater, maybe fixed by next Monday...On Tuesday Sinclair Brothers tree service showed up to trim our fruit trees, in the middle of a wind storm...I told them they were crazy, but go ahead, if they wanted to brave the cold...After two hours they were done, I handed them a check and warm cinnamon rolls, with smiling faces they were on their way, done for the day!...Valentine Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Keeping Busy...0º

Back at water therapy on Tuesday, a newly painted pool reminded me of the blue waters of both Cancun and Hawaii...Friendly faces, laughter and constant chatter filled the air, we were all excited to be in the pool again.

After several weeks of dealing with icy conditions on our property, and on the roads, we now have snow every where and the temperatures are dropping...I think snow and cold is much easier to deal with than ice...The cold weather puts me in the baking/cooking mood.

Yesterday I put ground beef in the crock pot, added onions, celery, broth and seasonings, then as the day went on I added more veggies until it turned into Taco Soup...While that was simmering away, I mixed a batch of roll dough, it rose into a big, soft, puffy ball, that I rolled out, smeared with butter, and covered with brown sugar and cinnamon...While Herb and I dined on taco soup, the smell of cinnamon rolls filled the house...We limited ourselves to one roll each for dessert and the rest were given away, with a few frozen for another day.

The smell must have traveled far and wide because Pam decided it was a good day to play cards...She wasn't very happy with me, when I beat here 4 out of 4 games, but went home sort of happy, clutching cinnamon rolls for her breakfast...I'm sure another day, she will be the big winner of our continuing card games...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Ready to eat.


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Winter White...20º

Sunday night, while we slept, the predicted storm arrived...It came in on a silent note, no howling wind to wake us, just snow flakes falling, ever so gently, until it left 8+ inches of a light, fluffy blanket that greeted us at 5am.

Daylight came at 7am, so both Herb and I bundled up and were out the door into the fresh crisp air, taking in the wonder of it all...He on the 4-wheeler, with a plow, and me with my snow shovel and broom...We agreed to work slowly and stop before we got too tired or cold...An hour later we had made a good start and it was time for breakfast, french toast and sausage.

We worked like this all morning, taking breaks, when needed...I put spaghetti sauce in the crockpot to simmer away for our dinner...We both got ample exercise, but wondered if the track was being plowed at school, so we would have a safe place to walk, when our snow turns to ice, as it most often does...All of the county schools were closed for the day and I assume they opened Fergi, for a day of powder runs, probably over a foot of new snow for skiers, young and old.

The sun came out, warming the temperature into the 40's, making it perfect to shovel in my shirt sleeves...We relaxed in the afternoon, it was a picture perfect day...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

The deck is all done.

A path to the car port and mail box.

The back parking area all plowed.

John came by late afternoon and "raked" our roof.

A well earned dinner, spaghetti and salad.