Thursday, January 31, 2019

Water Therapy Confirmed...21º

December 26 2018 was our last water therapy session for the year, then the pool closed for repairs for the month of January 2019...We got the official word yesterday that in February we will be back on our regular schedule...I along with many other people have missed our sessions, the exercise, the socialization, the routine of knowing that twice a week I would be in the pool and the hot tub...It is a wonderful winter activity.

My relationship with water has not always been good...Boulder Creek was close to our house in Lake Fork, Idaho, but it was not the ideal place to learn to swim...It was cold, deep and swift in the spring, in the few pools that were big enough to practice in and I was not supposed to go there by myself...Later in life I actually took lessons in different pools, with different instructors but never mastered the art...I couldn't relax and I panicked when the water got over my head and flailed around like a beached whale...Finally I did learn to relax enough to float and "swim" across the pool.

I've done water aerobics and therapy over the last 25 years and found a new friend in the "noodle floaties" that are used in pools around the world...We used them in Australia, Hawaii and Cancun, (mostly for snorkeling), and now locally in the hotel pool, where we do water therapy, and the noodles keep everyone afloat...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Me learning how to swim.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A glimpse of spring...17ª

The past few days were rejuvenating, as only sunny days in January can be...When the sun is at its highest and warmest, around noon, Herb and I found our way to the Joseph Charter School track, where we walked a few laps, breathing the fresh air, taking in the amazing view and getting some much needed exercise.

Years ago, you would have found us at "Fergi," the local ski area, riding the T-Bar up, sometimes zooming down the hill, other times taking the leisurely way down, visiting with friends on the way, then stopping for lunch and more visiting...As the sun moved low in the sky, we stepped out of our skis, poles over a shoulder and trudged our way to the waiting car, tired but happy...It was exercise, while having fun...Now we settle for the track and walking, the only thing the same is the poles we both use to help keep our balance...We miss those carefree days and encourage anyone younger to take advantage of all the fun exercise available, while they are still able.

Our forecast says, one more sunny day, then back to normal snowy winter weather...We can always hope for sunny days, come February...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Me years ago.

Me now, well sort of.

The real me.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

2000 Posts Today, January 27 2019...22º

I happened to glance at my blog "status page" this morning, and on the list it said 1999 posts!...I had no idea when I started "Oma With a View" in January, 2011 that I would continue writing blathering for so many years...I didn't know how to set up the page or what writing a blog entailed, but I blindly bumbled along, came up with a photo and a name and never looked back...It has been a great journey and a handy tool, when my memory fails me, I look it up in my blog...Thanks to my followers, for encouragement to keep writing on a regular basis about how we spend our days...You've seen us through family celebrations, ER visits, many road trips, endless photos of gardening, food and scenery...Suffered through my misspelled words and poor grammar...Thanks for coming along on this little slice of our life.

On that note, yesterday was a spring like day in January with snow still on the ground...Herb washed our car, I fixed meatloaf for dinner, went for my first walk, of the year, around the high school track, drove to the foot of the lake to take in one of our awesome views...It got to a balmy high of 38º with the sun blazing down...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

View from the track.

Foot of Wallowa Lake, looking South to the head.


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Homemade Tamales...31º

The first tamales I ever tasted were from a can...My Dad occasionally got tired of our meat and potatoes diet and asked Mom if she would fix tamales for supper...I remember tamales packed upright and tight in a can...Mom would heat them up for supper and Dad would savor every bite...One taste for me was enough, and I ate whatever else was offered for supper, probably bread and milk.

Tamales have never been a staple in our diet, but over the years, I have purchased them, frozen, from Costco and from local people via an ad on Face Book, but the best tamales ever, we bought on a spring trip through New Mexico, several years ago.

The sign said, "Tamales For Sale." Herb turned the car around and stopped next to a roadside stand next to the sign...I didn't know what to expect, so I asked the man, "Are the tamales fresh?" Pointing to an older lady, behind him, he said, "My Mama, she make them this morning." I paid for a dozen tamales...The package he handed me was tightly wrapped and warm...Glancing around I saw bags of fresh picked oranges, so I bought a bag...Back in the car we continued our journey, planning to arrive at my sister's house in Oklahoma by night fall...Right now it was lunch time and we started looking for a place to eat, not a cafe in sight, and the smell of tamales filled the car...Herb pulled onto a wide spot in the road, and we were soon sitting on the back bumper of the Subaru, eating delicious, warm tamales and succulent oranges...That was one yummy lunch!

About a year ago I tried my hand at making tamales, it is a time consuming and messy job, but they were good...So last Sunday, I was ready to make another batch, which I doubled...I decided to make them long and skinny, like the ones in New Mexico...Mine turned out flat instead of round but they tasted very good...Some we ate with homemade salsa on top and some with homemade chili...I'm thinking about making another batch with enough to freeze, so we can have tamales, when we get tired of eating meat and potatoes...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Next batch I will make shorter and fatter like the ones we buy.

Ready to wrap up.

Wrapped in parchment, almost a foot long.

Steamed for 2 1/2 hours

Covered with chili, salsa and sour cream.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Cabin Fever...20ª

January and cabin fever seem to go hand in hand...It is hard to stay indoors when the sun is shining outside, unless the temperature never gets much above 30º...Yesterday as I pondered, "what's for dinner?" and couldn't get in the mood to cook anything, thoughts of "burgers and fries" floated through my head...Text to Pam, "Road Trip to Imnaha?"...Almost before we had time to get bundled up against the cold wind, she was driving into our driveway.

The Imnaha Tavern and Store is a gathering place for the Imnaha locals and a destination for the rest of Wallowa County, when we need the scenery of a lower elevation and something to eat without cooking...Opening the door to the tavern, warm air from the wood fired barrel stove, engulfed us and invited us in out of the cold...We were greeted by the familiar laugh of Leita and Steve and old forest service friends, Janie and Bob...We had a quick visit before they left for "up top" as the Wallowa Valley is called by the Imnaha folks.

It wasn't much warmer down there, but the snow line is much higher on the rim rocks, cattle can be seen grazing on the lower pastures...The trip down and back up that winding road and full bellies will last us, maybe until March, when calves will be frolicking in the fields, or lying flat out, soaking up the sun and the day will be perfect for another "Road Trip."...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

We Left This.

For This.

And This.

Almost Back Home.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Baking Mood...28º

I got a phone call from my sister, Mona, last night..."Are you guys okay, you haven't posted a blog? "Sure we are okay, just not real energetic, nor is there much to write about."  It gets old, talking and texting about the weather and I'm not very excited about taking more winter photos...I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing that I hate housework and feel better when the fog lifts and the sun comes out!..But today I will put fingers to keyboard and come up with something.

Yesterday morning was foggy and cold, with a half inch of snow covering the ground and old snow, I wanted some fresh air and exercise...I bundled up, swept the walks, stairs and the deck...Actually it wasn't that cold outside and by the time I finished it was starting to sprinkle and I was very warm and feeling better.

Back in the house, breakfast eaten, shower taken I decided it was a good day for some baking, that always makes me feel better...A few days ago, I had cleaned out the fridge freezer and uncovered several packages of frozen bananas...Yes, those bananas that are two ripe to eat but make, oh so good, banana bread...Soon the house was filled with wonderful aromas of freshly baked goodies...Banana bread was cooling on the counter.

As two people can only eat so much banana bread, (especially when they are not supposed to have sugar) I wrapped warm loaves in parchment and was soon visiting with old friends, Carol and Joyce, from my "lunch room" days...We all promised that we would keep in touch more often, especially on these foggy winter days.

It was late afternoon before I arrived back home, luckily leftovers was on the menu for dinner and the extra loaves were wrapped and frozen, maybe for gifting on another day...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Friday, January 11, 2019

How many sticks, does it take?...21º

Trying to keep healthy, once you pass 70, is a full time job...Vowing to start the new year right, it was time to have a blood draw to see what my thyroid function is doing...This is on going for me and I still have hopes that some day soon, it will get regulated...Over the passed two years I have breezed in and out of the "lab," whenever "S_____" was wielding the needle...Yesterday I checked in, requested that "S_____" draw my blood and was met with, "S_____ no longer works here."

Darn!...Maybe I can do it another day, NO they didn't say it's her day off, they said she is gone, moved on to other endeavors!..How could that be?..Deep breaths, don't hyper ventilate right here in the hospital...The nice girl then said, "L__ is new to our lab, but he trained under S_____, would you like to see him."..."I guess that will have to work," I said, not at all excited about the scenario.

L__, looking about 16 years old, called my name, led me to the chair, and started the process...I pointed out where S_____ always found a good vein...After one stick, with shaky hands, and no blood came flowing out, L__ said, "I'll get C_________, shes been doing this for years!"...A total of 45 minutes, 4 sticks and just barely enough blood for the 5 routine tests, I was taped and apologized too and asked if I had to do this very often?..I said, "Yes, so you better work on "honing your skills, sharpening the needles, and be ready for me."..Luckily, I'm not overly bothered by this procedure, it is just a bit unnerving...I've come to the conclusion that not all people should be in this profession and one of the best ones, has just moved onto something else that I hope she is well suited for...I will miss her very much!..Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Sounds Like a lot of Work...21º

I hear this often after I have explained the process in making chocolates...Cook and hand beat the fondant, roll, cut and form fondant before hand dipping each piece in warm chocolate...Their eyes really glaze over when I say, "But it is not work for me, because I love doing it."

Chocolate season is over (really) and I'm looking for other projects to keep me busy in January...Of course I could do year end stuff, such as clean out the filing cabinet, clean kitchen cupboards, but cleaning tasks are endless and bring joy that is short lived, as the dirt, dust and clutter return...The sun was hiding yesterday, so nothing cheered me and I turned to the kitchen and cooking, still trying to stay away from sugar...That means no dessert of any kind, no bread because the sour dough is dormant, also most flour foods are simple carbohydrates...I resorted to the least evil (my way of thinking) and settled on noodle dough with eggs, partial whole wheat flour and semolina.

This 4 to 5 hour project included making the dough, sautéing onions, garlic, mushrooms, arugula and sausage, then adding cheese, egg yolk and bread crumbs to make it all stick together...Hand roll the dough into two large, 18 inch rounds...Using my tiny scoop, I place little piles of the sausage mixture all over the dough, leaving room between each for the "press," then I carefully cover this with the second circle of dough.

Ready for the Press

After the Press and ready to cook.

Voila we have Ravioli.

Oops I forgot the wine.

In order to make this "hours" long process worthwhile, you need people that really appreciate your time and efforts, so we invited Pam for dinner and wine...Later a game of cards and some of us had a small dish of ice cream...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


After a year with 3 emergency room visits, (2 for me, 1 for Herb) new drugs added to our daily total, added pounds to my body, some changes probably need to be made...Herb can eat the sweets and still loose weight, but not me...But sweets show up on blood tests as borderline diabetic, for both of us, and we get the admonition to cut out sugar and simple carbs!

Since I'm the cook in the family, most of the blame responsibility falls on me...Problem is, I love making/baking all things with white flour and sugar...Pure Poison!...Who in their right mind likes to clean, slice, chop and package raw vegetables or for that matter, snack on them?..Not us!

Over the years, we have made positive changes to our diets...Smaller plates are used for all meals, we eat a good breakfast and our main meal mid afternoon, with maybe a snack before bedtime...Herb loves ice cream for an evening snack but is good about policing himself and has cut down on the amount and eats it only occasionally...As for me, I always seem to be looking for something to eat, I raid the fridge, pantry, cellar, freezer, I love leftovers and I taste and snack on whatever I'm cooking, sometimes even raw veggies...I wonder if "duck tape" over my mouth is the only answer!

As all of you know, I have (we, Herb is along for the ride, as I do the cooking) been on the Chip program/vegan diet and Whole 30 program (almost an opposite of Chip) and as with any "program," for me they work at first but without lasting results, I fall back into my old habits...So I want to be healthy in "old age," but cooking and eating brings me great joy, denying myself brings frustration!

I don't make new years resolutions, usually, but so far this year I'm saying no to sugar, except in emergency situations, such as staying awake on the drive home from La Grande and an occasional Chai Tea...I have hid the Halloween Dove chocolate (I bought it at an insane price after Halloween) and also the home made delectable Christmas mints...I'm banking on my "old age memory" that I have forgotten where they are hidden...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Herbs MRI came back with positive results, no specialist appointments and no more tests...Don't know what caused it?

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Road Trip...19º

January is not usually a good time for a road trip, but after Pam's haircut in December, we both made appointments for January 4th, with the stipulation, "If the roads are good."...We were on the road by 8:30am, roads mostly bare, some icy spots, well sanded corners in the Minam Canyon, windy as we neared LaGrande...Getting out of the car at Grocery Outlet, we found out just how cold and windy it was!

An hour of shopping at "GO," before Pam navigated our way to the Me Daza Solon, where we tiptoed around the icy parking lot and felt good that the wind wasn't howling there...Our beautician "Quinn," a classmate and friend of Becky's finished cutting our hair in less than 2 hours and said, "I scheduled myself a long lunch hour so we can go to my house and see our remodeling project now in progress...A new kitchen was her "Christmas Present."...The Golden Crown, was our choice for lunch before Quinn left us, for her next appointment...Lunch was delicious and once again we had to slip/slide our way in a parking lot...LG had a major snowstorm a few days ago and snow was piled high everywhere and now after wind and rain, the city is covered in ice.

Next stop was BiMart, the parking lot was bare and dry, very little wind in that part of town and a great place to shop...Small enough that you can find things or find a friendly employee to help you...It was almost balmy and no wind as we left BiMart...The Subaru was quite full, but one more item (tamed jalapeno peppers) was still on our list...Did we dare brave WalMart at 3pm?

BiMart and WalMart are only a few miles apart but it was a struggle to open the car doors at Walmart because of the howling wind, that comes out of Ladd Canyon...Luck was with us, as we found two large jars of tamed peppers, pick up a Coke (to keep us alert on the drive home) at the check stand and left LaGrande at about 4pm, that would put us through the canyon before dark...Home safe and sound about 6pm, it was a good day!..Hugs To All and thanks for reading my "blathering"...OWAV:)

PS...Cienna arrived in Chile, let the adventures begin.

Windy City.

New Hairdo's

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Fly Away Cienna...17º

When Cienna was 3 years old, her parents gave her encouragement and opportunity to swim like a fish and as she grew up they nurtured her adventurous spirit to fly like a bird...The first is under her own power, the second with the help of a jet plane...At age 16 she flew away to Thailand for 11 months on a Rotary exchange and today, age 20, she flies away to Chile and studies abroad for the next 10 weeks.

All of these years, she has continued to swim, first as a student, then on a swim team and the last few years she has taught lessons and coached children, hoping they will find joy in the water as she does.

We as grandparents, encourage these adventures, and love hearing about her experiences thorough her blog, photos, and her antimated voice as she describes in person, the new places, people and excursions...We are excited for her and anxiously await the first communications from Chillan, Chile...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Last nights sunset.

I searched for a jet stream, 
thinking of Cienna.

In Thailand, she almost launched herself.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019...Positive thoughts for a good new year...11º

We basically closed out the year Sunday afternoon/evening, with many plates of delicious food, card games and craziness...While we celebrated, the outside world turned into a winter wonderland...Five to 6 inches of white fluffy snow came down and covered every surface...Cars had to be swept off and warmed up and paths shoveled before our guests could leave...Our world looked fresh and new to usher in 2019.

Monday  morning Herb plowed snow and I shoveled more walks before I made a pot of soup from the leftover chicken wings and stirred up another batch of dough for rolls and baguettes...We left the soup to simmer, and made the drive to Enterprise for Herb's MRI, results will be forth coming in a few days.

Since I love a snowy winter land so much, it brings back memories of days, just like this one, on a ski hill, cold but sunny, with powder snow...Herb and I took up skiing in our forties, and skied for about 10 years, going to Anthony Lakes, Mt Bachelor, Silver Mountain (near Spokane) but mostly at our local family area, Ferguson Ridge, lovingly called "Fergy."..During that time I also took a February ski trip with 3 other ladies, we skied at Big Sky Montana, then visited Yellowstone Park where we cross country skied and took a snow cat tour of the Yellowstone River area...It was a cold trip, but skiing keeps you warm and we also spent time soaking in hot tubs.

Coming home from Enterprise, yesterday, I drove through Joseph and on to the head of Wallowa Lake, where with new snow, it was a beautiful sight...Back home we had soup and rolls for our late afternoon dinner and went to bed way before it was time to welcome in the new year...Hugs To All and Happy New Year...OWAV:)

Winter Wonderland.

Looking Northeast from
the head of Wallowa Lake