Friday, January 31, 2014

True Grit...24º

Continuing the "Big Read"...Movie last night at the Josephy Center was well attended...An extra large screen was set up, light snacks of cookies, popcorn and cider was enjoyed by all...This week was the 1969 movie starring John Wayne, next week Jeff Bridges stars in the 2010 Coen Brothers remake..Click for a comparison of the two movies...Having just read the book and watching the movie for the first time I enjoyed both of them...Last night was definitely "Hollywood style" and I look forward to next week to make my own comparisons.

We welcomed a sunny day yesterday after several cold, gloomy days...Our toasted tuna/cheese sandwiches on homemade sourdough biscuits was a perfect dinner choice...A simple salad of peach on lettuce and cranberry sauce on the side...Herb said it was so good he could eat another one but had better quit before he was too full...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Toasted tuna/cheese

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Good Food...23º

In between reading True Grit, A new mystery series, Get Your Pitchfork On and thumbing through the Smitten Kitchen cookbook, I'm about half way through a book called "French Kids Eat Everything..."I should have moved to France about 60 years ago or at least read this book to further my belief that kids should eat what is put before them...No snacking, no choices, no short order kitchen, no whiny kids, no playing with their food...It is all about coming to the table hungry and eating what is on your plate or going away even hungrier...(I have to qualify here that it needs to be good food...) Meaning home cooked, as fresh as possible and not prepackaged, filled with preservatives, instant preparation (cheese and crackers in a package...)

According to this book, children in France are educated about eating at home and also in school...A half hour is dedicated to eating a hot lunch at school, (no choices) where teachers are present to explain any new foods...Lunch is considered a "class." It is also a popular belief that a child might have to try a food seven or eight times before they learn to like it...I like that!

I could go on and on here but I see eyes glazing over and eyes rolling as my audience thinks "Oh no, she's on her soapbox again."  But I won't go on, just one more comment...In the good ole US of A, it was decided that kids should have choices, they should never be reprimanded for fear of hurting their "psyche" and they should be praised for every act good or not...So what have we raised?..A whole generation who thinks they are God's gift to the world and that the world owes them a living...(I know this is a generality but I think it has some truth.)

I believe that children should be loved, held and cuddled, nourished, encouraged to do their best, expected to respect their parents, friends, teachers, fellow man and the earth we live on...Done for now...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Changing Weather...15º

Predicting badly needed precipitation...After a dry summer, a good snow pack this winter would be nice...However after some early snow storms, nothing has come our way...A few clouds and cooler temperatures, not so much sunshine but still very pleasent weather for January.

Yesterday I volunteered at the Josephy Center...It was a quiet day, after a weekend wedding...Thursday night will see activity there with the showing of "True Grit" (for the Big Read) the original John Wayne movie and on Saturday night a release party for Carolyn Lockhart's new CD.

The dog races are over for another year...Weather was beautiful and participation was up...Hopefully this event will continue to grow, giving Joseph another winter event...Sun is shining this morning and I have write people today...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Frosty Morning...14º

After many, many, days of sunny weather, the fog finally rolled up the valley from Wallowa and Enterprise...Daytime temperatures stayed in the teens for the past 2 days...So far this morning the sun is out, with a promise of spending the day...Just FaceTimed with Pat in sunny florida where they had been out for a bike ride in 80º temperatures...Things are very quiet here on Barton Heights so will post some photos of last week and also our frosty morning, and called it good...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Frosty Morning

Rusty Cooking

John and Becky ready to eat.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fun on Barton Heights...15º

A routine morning with nachos planned for our dinner skidded to a halt when Pam called wondering if we wanted to play cards early evening...I said, "Sure, come for dinner as well."  My mind was thinking I can make nachos for 4 as easy as two...Herb started his routine, bringing things up from the basement and I opened jars of home canned deer meat and chili, soon heating on the stove...He grated the cheese, I sliced and chopped the toppings, before putting together a "rustic cherry pie"...At 4pm we played a game of cards before eating the "finger licking good nachos," played another game of cards and finished up with cherry pie à la mode...A fun evening with friends...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Fire On The Roof....16º

Somewhere between 6 and 7am on Wednesday morning, I sat in our living room typing my blog...Rusty was on the sofa and Herb in his chair...My chair is a good spot to watch our morning sunrise, so in between sentences I glance out at the sky...This view also includes the back of Belle Peppers bed and breakfast...(No longer in business)....As I looked up on that particular morning, there was no sunrise but suddenly a red, florescent ball appeared on the roof of Belle Peppers, located at the base of a chimney as it comes through the roof...I did a double take and stood up to get a better look and said to Rusty and Herb, "Guys does this look like the start of a fire to you." They both looked at me like I was delusional (again), until they got a good look and said, "Yup, looks like it."...No flames but by now it was smoking and looked like it could be coming out of the attic...I dialed Belle Peppers, (disconnected number,) when Rusty said, "Mom just call 911" and Herb headed out the door saying, "I'll go knock on their door and make sure they are up and aware of the fire."

Rusty and I stood at the window and watched as the red glow got bigger and smoke began to appear...Then we could see someone at their back door and thought oh they are aware of the fire, but no the figure had just let the dogs out for their morning business and had no idea of the fire on the roof...Seemed like forever before the fire department arrived (only a matter of a few minutes) and quickly had water spraying on the roof...Only minimal damage to the roof and probably very lucky that it didn't happen in the middle of the night...You can read about this Joseph Land Mark, by clicking on the Belle Peppers link above...So glad we are still looking at the back of slightly damaged house and not a burned out shell as this is a nicely restored historical home...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Up early yesterday, sun shining, with a normal Write People day and acupuncture in the afternoon...Rusty & Herb were in charge of dinner...I also had two other issues, that I really didn't want to deal with...1. Laptop battery is dying...2. New printer waiting to be installed.

First on the agenda was a filling breakfast of sourdough pancakes and ham...Now I was ready to face the day...After some research I found an authorized computer repair/apple store in Moscow, Idaho...Doable for us as we could combined it with a trip to Lewiston/Costco...First I had to convince the store to order the battery so we could make the trip, have the battery installed and back home all in one day...After talking to the store rep he agreed to have a tech call me late afternoon to see if we could work that out...Had a little time before WP, so with directions in hand Herb and I got ink in the printer, plugged it in and started the setup with the enclosed CD...Right away I had flashing warning signals going off in my mind as the CD was printed with MS/Windows...Not a good sign when you have a Mac computer...Put the printer install on hold and went to WP...Back home about noon, call Canon support to see about installing drivers or whatever I needed...An hour and a half later "Carlos" (english speaking, patient man) and I had installed 4 drivers for printer, scanner and wireless stuff...I hung up just in time to speed to Enterprise and my acupuncture appt...Couldn't have come at a better time!

Back home Rusty has elk roast in oven, Herb has potatoes ready to boil and Becky & John are coming to dinner...R and I decide to make a chocolate cake but I have a little time so decide to try to get the scanner to work on the new printer...It will work just won't let me open photo's in iPhoto (will work around that)...An hour before dinner time R starts on the cake with me helping, H is busy emptying the dishwasher & sets the table..The three of us do-si-do around the kitchen...As B & J walk in the door, I'm frosting the cake, table is ready, dinner is on the table...As I sit down and look around I say "OH S--t we forgot to cook the green beans!...The guys were sooooo disappointed that all they had to eat was meat, potatoes and dessert...(NOT)...We closed out the evening playing cards until nearly 10pm....Computer tech had called and is going to order the battery.

Sitting here this morning writing I have a full view of Belle Peppers Bed and Breakfast...I glance out and see a red "ball" atop their roof at the base of a chimney...More on this in tomorrow post...( Looks like only minimal damage to the roof)....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Weeks March On...22º

January more than half over, full moon waning, daylight increasing, days speed by...It is hard to get the winter blahs when one keeps busy and especially when the sun shines every day.

Lively discussion at book group yesterday on this months read..."Hot, Flat and Crowded"...Tom Friedman's ideas on why we need a green revolution and possible ways to make it happen...New book to read is "True Grit" as we join the county in "The Big Read."  Coming up in the next two weeks both movies of "True Grit" will be shown county wide for all to watch.

Today Write People is on my calendar along with an acupuncture treatment with Amy...Rusty arrived yesterday so I hope he has plans to make dinner!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Moonshine/Dutch Oven...25º

The "Big Read", True Grit, number 8 or 9 is spaced out over two months time here in Wallowa County...Plans for this event started over a year ago and the committee works all year to come up with new and innovative programs to keep Wallowa Countyians entertained on these cold January and February days...Yesterdays program went back in time to the making of moonshine and cooking in a dutch oven...Luckily we have our own distillery in Wallowa County, so Dan gave us a tour explaining how he makes whiskey from home grown rye, rum from cane sugar as well as vodka and assorted fruit cordials...After the tour we sipped a little whiskey before going across the street to the Josephy Center and a demo of dutch oven cooking and more tasting...This time it was grass-fed beef grown in the county and sourdough biscuits....So we not only learn about how people lived many years ago but also what is available in our county today and get to visit with our friends and neighbors in the process.

Today is a busy day for me as I have book group this morning, docent the afternoon away at the Josephy Center and Rusty might arrive this afternoon...Dinner will be easy with leftover pork and gravy...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mocha's...23º Few Clouds

Full moon dropping behind Ruby Peak

Yesterday we treated ourselves to a mocha for me, and a chai tea for Herb...It was the noon hour and the shop was quiet, everyone must have been eating lunch...It gave the crew at Arrowhead Chocolates time to concentrate on their party due to start at 5pm...Three years they have been in business and just keep coming up with more new flavors for truffles...They have a friendly staff and do a great job, I would have loved to go to their party but the space is small and bound to be crowded and noisy...So we wished them well, brought our drinks home and enjoyed them in the solitude of Barton Heights.

Pat and Brian arrived at their condo in Florida yesterday, glad to be in the warmer climate and less hectic schedule...Rusty is thinking he will make it to Joseph tomorrow for a few days before returning to Boise and the juniper job...The Portland Wall Family, continues keeping up with Cienna's busy schedule, Stan's job and Bobi's knitting, chauffeuring and duties of a stay at home Mom.

Today I plan to take in the dutch oven cooking in conjunction with the Big Read...Just finished this years selection "True Grit"...An okay read for me...Never watched either of the movies, so look forward to a book discussion where I always find out the finer points that I miss when reading...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Molly Gloss/Big Read...27º...more sun

It was standing room only at the "Toma Room" in enterprise last night, where we listened to Molly Gloss, author of four novels...Best know for Jump Off Creek. A novel about a woman homesteader in the Blue Mountains of Oregon...

Molly traced a path of how the dime novels morphed into "W"(for western novels) with the mythical hero, Cowboy, who showed up to save everyone and then rode off into the sunset...When in reality she thinks, it was all about family and community...People helping and taking care of each other...Hollywood of course played a big part in how America and the early west is viewed...Women and people of color were only bit players in movies and books...A very skewed perception of the way it really was...She is quite a dynamic speaker and was well received...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Katey Schultz, writer, author and teacher is using my story "Whistlin Joe" on her blog to demonstrate how she can help students to improve their writing skills and keep their audience engaged...Writing does not come natural to me and my high school education didn't teach me good writing skills...Katey really had her work cut out for her when she took me on as a student...Click on Katey's name to read how a short excerpt from one of my stories has progressed.

Life here on Barton Heights is sunny and bright and looks to continue for several days...Shortly after the full moon slipped behind Ruby Peak to the West this morning, a brilliant sunrise made its appearance as we looked out our East window...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


An absolutely beautiful day yesterday, sunny with temps in the high 30's...Herb and I made a trip to Enterprise, taking "stuff" to donate to Soroptomists resale shop...They are open again after a months closure due to broken water pipes in their storage room...Not a good time to have to close since Christmas shopping really boosts their income, all of which stays in the county for scholarships and other good works by this dedicated group of women.

Write People was canceled yesterday due to lack of bodies...Our group has been hampered by illness, accidents and snow birds leaving for a warmer climate...I arrived back home with good intentions but instead of working I found a cosy place in a south window where I frittered the day away, reading and computering...We had leftovers for dinner, no exertion there...So today I must sort through another drawer, cupboard or closet and fill a bag for donating...Dusting and cleaning as I sort and also figure out what we are eating for the next few days!...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


A couple of days to recuperate after canning turkeys I was ready to spend another day in the kitchen...A couple of phone calls and all was set to have dinner and play cards...All set that is except for the cleaning and cooking...A two pound meatloaf was soon mixed, shaped and refrigerated until later...Dinner rolls mixed and left in the sponge to raise...A rice pilaf in the works, then on to the cleaning...At noon I took a break before panning the rolls and finishing the rice...Herb added a leaf to the table before draping it with a red cloth, then set out the dishes and silverware...I had time for another break before I put everything (but the rolls) into the oven and changed into a clean shirt.

At 3pm Becky, John, Pam and Mel arrived as I placed the pan of rolls in the oven...Herb served everyone drinks of their choice and soon after we were all seated and eating...The rest of the afternoon/evening was spent playing 5 Crowns, lots of laughter, camaraderie and stories filled the air...A fun way to close another weekend on Barton Heights...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, January 13, 2014


Katey Schultz, author, mentor, teacher and friend...A few years ago Katey was the "Writer In Residence" at Wallowa County's  FishTrap...Along with teaching in the county schools she also offered an evening memoir class...I was lucky enough to catch the 2nd half of this class along with six other adults...It was just a taste of what Katey had to offer...At the urging of a fellow classmate we questioned Katey about continuing classes with her via the internet...In the fall of 2010, "We3" (Pat, Amy, Della) were off and running...Our deal was: Write 15 pages every month, send it to Katey for critique, about a week later, "We3" met over lunch and wine to discuss Katey's critique...Then we started revising, rewriting getting it ready to send back while also writing another 15 pages for her...We committed to six months, then a three month break, reevaluated to decide if we wanted to continue...We continued and here we are starting our fourth year, visions of a book on the horizon.

A week ago Katey emailed me asking if I would consider letting her use my writing as an example in her blog that she posts twice a week...I said, "Yes, I would be delighted and honored." So today she has posted the first of two parts showing how with her instruction my story has come alive...Read  The Writing Life by Katey Schultz...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gusty Winds...32º

Wind warning is off, storm is evidently moving out of the valley...Winds are gusty this morning, little snow, but more is predicted for today...Some of the bigger gusts rattled our house but here on Barton Heights this storm was mild compared to winds in past years...Don't know how the rest of the valley faired...The warm wind and rain of yesterday melted most of the ice, making our yard a little easier to navigate...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

A photo from Nov. 2007 when the wind demolished a storage shed

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Calm before the Storm...43º

After the whirlwind of activity on Wed. and Thurs., yesterday seemed anti-climatic...I did a small pressure cooker to finish up the turkey and filled the remaining spots in the canner with pints of beans; red, black and garbanzo...These are especially nice to have on the cellar shelves instead of salty canned beans purchased from the store...Herb took his time moving everything back down stairs and out to the garage while I wiped down the jars of turkey, labeled them before they go to the cellar.

While I waited for that last canner I spent time searching the internet for airline tickets for our spring trip...Finally mid afternoon with Herb looking over my shoulder (at my request) I filled in all of the info, he double checked, before I hit the purchase button!..It is now official, we will be visiting Pat and Brian in Florida for a week, then meet our kids in Washington DC, spend 5 days there before flying home...EXCITED...

Went to bed last night thinking we would be awakened by wind, was still calm this morning at 4am but now at 7am the wind storm/rain is moving this way...Will just hunker down and hope the roof stays on....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, January 10, 2014


36 pints of turkey and 6 qts of broth

I slept late this morning and awoke to gusts of wind making the wind chimes sing and a voice in my head humming "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer."...As I slowly crawled out of bed it felt more like I walked in front of a semi truck!..The last two days have been a whirlwind of activity here on Barton Heights...Shall we call it the "Turkey Trot?"...An annual occurrence since my mom taught me how to can turkey meat...This year I was in the role of teacher since Becky wants to learn more about canning...Wednesday went well as both Becky and Pam are quick learners and with them boning and me chunking the meat, we in record time had all three turkeys in chunks, refrigerated overnight in the large Tupperware bowls so we could start early Thursday morning...We had lunch, enjoyed a glass of wine and played a couple of games of "5 Crowns."...After the girls left I put the turkey bones on to simmer before straining the broth so it was ready to can...I was tired that night because earlier in the day I had mixed 2 large batches of cookie dough, rolled them into logs before placing them in the fridge to chill and made a gallon of soup to take to a family friend before we started on the turkeys...All the time I was working, Herb was making a gazillion trips up and down stairs, carrying boxes of jars along with extra kettles and the myriad of other things needed...I think I went to bed at 7pm.

Up early Thursday morning, two cups of coffee, scrabble games done, shower taken I was off and running again...Jars loaded into the dishwasher, broth on to heat, jar lids in simmering water, I soon had a small canner of broth "hissing" away...B & P arrived and I instructed them in filling the jars with turkey, adding a little salt and water and running a knife around the inside of the jars to get rid of the air bubbles...So many steps to follow, I won't go into, our first big canner, 18 pints of turkey was soon underway, timer set for 75 minutes...That gave us time to have lunch and play cards...Second canner on to process we now had time to play cards, as well as chunk the rolls of cookie dough and bake cookies for the "Big Read Kickoff."...Two timers going, jars of turkey cooling, pressure cooker hissing away, glass of wine in hand, 12 dozen cookies baked, laughter, mild swearing, we reminisced about days gone by...They left about 4pm after the second canner was done...I collapsed in my chair and did the zombie stare, before I did some kitchen cleanup, fixed two platters of cookies for the kickoff, bagged the rest for the freezer, changed clothes and met Pam at the Josephy Center at 7pm.

I'm beginning to see why people look at me really funny when I say, "I just love canning especially pressure canning, I do turkey, elk, deer, chili." and they say, "You must be crazy."...I think they are right!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Changing Weather...26º

Clouds are moving in with predictions of snow "likely" for the next 7 days and also a wind advisory...Maybe winter is on its way...Eagle Cap Extreme dog race is scheduled for later in the month and Fergie could use more snow for family skiing.

The next two or three days will find us busy on Barton Heights...Herb will make many trips up and downstairs as he sets up canning equipment for another "pressure cooking extravaganza..."Turkeys will be boned out before the meat is packed into jars, turkey bones simmered on the stove for stock...All will be pressure cooked before storing on the cellar shelves for future meals.

It is still early morning so I have time to mix up two batches of cookies, shape them into "logs" and chill in the refrigerator...Tomorrow afternoon I can bake them while the turkey is processing and they will be fresh for the "Big Read Kickoff" on Thursday night...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

My Mothers Peerless Pressure Cooker

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Essay Sent...27º

January brings thoughts of pressure cooker, turkey, cellar shelves...The turkeys are thawing and will be boned tomorrow for the pressure cooking to start on Thursday or maybe Friday as I have cookies to make for the Big Read Kickoff on Thursday night.

Today is write people and this afternoon I have an acupuncture appointment...Must get moving...Thanks for all the comment "checks" as I start the 4th year of blogging...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Reminisce on Barton Heights...17º

Barton Heights

Three years ago today I posted my first blog as "Oma With A View"...I had no idea what I would write about or even why I was writing and today I still don't know from one day to the next what I will post...An average of 323 blogs per year have appeared complete with photos, recipes, travel high lights, family history and just plain blathering about life here in Wallowa County and Barton Heights...A few people are regular followers and if I skip a couple of days, people check to see if I'm sick in bed...That keeps me writing, knowing I have an audience, also it is fun to look back and see what has happened over the years, since my memory isn't what it used to be!

Our simple life follows a pattern along with the seasons...Spring renews our spirit when our gardens come to life once again with the greening of spring...Then warm rain and sunshine bring the blooms  of summer...Long days on the deck, taking in the view or digging in the dirt, rejuvenates mind and body...Then quickly summer turns to fall as evenings cool, colors change and then we rest, read, sort and clean through the cold, crisp days of winter, until we are ready to start all over again.

January 2014 is much like it was three years ago "The Big Read" kicks off this week and "The Eagle Cap Extreme" dog race closes out the month and I suppose my blog will touch on both of those events as the month progresses.

Just a quick thank you to those who read and comment whether it be daily or occasionally, I appreciate knowing you are there...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Books and Dust Bunnies...15º

I can only move the dust in our house around with a "swiffer" for so long before I get out my cleaning pail, add a small amount of cleaner, water and a cleaning cloth...Yesterday I tackled my cookbook library...Not a huge collection but it takes time as I remove the books, clean the book case, dust each book, leaf through it, thinking maybe this one could find a new home, before I put it back in the stack to keep...None of these cookbooks are old family heirlooms, nor do they have recipes that are often used...You see, some were given to me, others I bought at yard sales, sometimes I read them like a novel, savor the photos and think someday I will try a recipe...Some of these books are huge volumes, used by chefs...I found them at a yard sale in Portland, 50 cent each...Others are tiny paper backs, such as "The Tassajara Bread Book" also found at a yard sale...I love the calming feeling I get when perusing this little book and can feel the dough come to life in my hands as the yeast or sourdough start, works its magic.

One small case with its odd collection.

Last night before I went to bed the books cases had been cleaned, rearranged and all the books back where they belong...Only two went into the sack that will take them to a new home, the others seem happy with their lot, collecting dust waiting for the day when I choose one to read or maybe even try a new recipe...Today I have another corner calling me, another book case...This is the gardening library...Ah todays journey, as I dust and savor, will take me into spring, bulbs blooming, trees leafing out and then the flowers, do I smell lilacs in the air?...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Breezy, "Balmy"...34º

Yesterdays foggy morning.

A little snow is forecast on this January day...Clear morning, stars bright and no fog so far...Unlike yesterday when the fog moved in and out of the valley all day making for a crisp, cold day...I ventured out for a visit with my friend, Jane, of 40 years, she will celebrate her 90th birthday this summer and is doing quite well.

News from friends Pat and Brian who are still in Maryland before departing for Florida later this month...A blizzard covering the East left them with 8-10 inches of snow, high winds, freeways closed...They are cosy and safe at Applewood Farm as they dismantle the Christmas decorations, the season over for another year...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Corny Idea...20º

At the Amish store (Kaufmans) in Island City a few weeks ago, I purchases some masa flour...I like corn tortillas, but have a hard time finding fresh ones in Wallowa County...I thought it would be fun to make some from scratch...It was fun but not very practical...I don't think mine will ever hold up to filling them with hamburger to make tacos out of them...They smelled wonderful as they cooked but were way too thick and I could tell right away that they were going to fall apart...So I quickly grated some cheese, sprinkled a thick layer overtop of the tortilla in the frypan, folded it over, left it on the heat until the cheese melted, then Herb and I had breakfast as I cut them into wedges, warm fresh from the pan...Simple quesadillas....I spooned salsa over mine, he ate his plain...I had made a half batch and we slicked up every little morsel...We could add some leftover, pork, chicken or beef and it just might be a new breakfast staple at our house...Maybe we will try tostadas for dinner, to be eaten with a fork...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Rustic corn tortilla

Not very pretty but it sure tasted good!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Ringing in the New Year, bright and early this morning...In bed last night by 10pm after a rousing game of cards with Becky and John...Wishing every one good health in 2014...Hugs from Barton Heights....OWAV:)