Thursday, March 31, 2016


Many changes took place in my life from 1990 to 2000...I took an early retirement in May, 1995, Herb had retired in December 1994 and my Mother moved from Bountiful, Utah to Elgin, Oregon in 1991, and a major remodel was done on our house...Bobi got married and Cienna came into our life.

Without the stress and politics of a job, I could concentrate more on my journey back to "normality."..Herb and I had to learn to live together in retirement...My Mother was 80 years old, quite self sufficient, but needed our help with yard work and transportation to and from appointments.

I had to take a serious look at the hand I had been dealt and make the best of it...The things I absolutely couldn't do was ride a bike, downhill or cross country ski, or hike mountain trails...I could still walk, garden, drive, cook and clean...I kept up a social life and we bought an RV and traveled each year in late spring and fall...Eventually we added some volunteer jobs to our life...Basically we just kept busy!

Reflecting back now, I know that I'm very lucky to be as "normal" as I am, making the best of the life I have...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Learning to adjust...29º

For the next two years I worked part time, kept my job as Head Cook, but only because I had a well trained staff that kept the kitchen on an even keel....The school was in continual flux, with budget cuts, changing administrations, moral in the toilet...I attended board meeting on a regular basis, trying to keep up on the changes being made and to protect the lunch program...This certainly didn't help my state of mind.

I returned to the "Dizzy Clinic" for semi annual checkups, always hoping for a new break through to treat my condition...The good news was that since my balance was a total loss that I would be free of dizzy spells but the doctors had no idea how long the zoned out spells would last...The doctors and I were also concerned about my working in the kitchen, lifting hot, heavy containers, with my non functioning balance system...They encouraged me to look into early retirement.

Still using sick leave I stuck it out for another year but because of fatigue, I could never made it through a full week...Physical and mental changes took place as I coped with my new life...Would I ever be able to walk in a straight line or think straight again?..Trying to remain positive, when all I wanted to do was crawl in a hole and sleep until my old life was restored...Daily I fought against depression and anger and yes I asked the question, "Why me?"

Coming to grips with all of this I found a new outlet in gardening...Digging in the dirt, planting, weeding and seeing a new world every spring gave me hope that I could have a life, maybe not quite like the old one, but good in different ways...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Welcome To My World...30º

On my second visit to OHSU some 25 years ago I was subjected to several tests, still looking for a reason for my illness and also to gauge if I had any balance function left...The rotating chair, where I was connected with many electrodes, to measure my eye movements, was painless...The ENG/Caloric test, where from warm to ice water was introduced into the ear (held in place by a rubber dam) was also painless for me...I should have reacted with dizziness, nausea, vomiting...The "cube test" or CDP test (click on the link) was the worst...It was emotionally and mentally draining...A harness kept me safe and upright, so I wouldn't suffer any injuries...I totally flunked all three of these tests and was officially diagnosed with "Bilateral Vestibular Loss."

Limited rehab programs were available in Portland but none were offered in Wallowa County...So Dr. S suggested that I continue walking daily (in a safe environment) for exercise and I continued to work part time...Luckily I had built up sick leave over the past 12 years and could work a 3 day week...My biggest problem then was the "zoned out, spaced out" world that I lived in...A brain fog so thick that mental clarity was impossible...My dedicated staff manned the kitchen, I floated in and out.

The question I kept asking the medical profession was, "Will I ever feel normal again." They couldn't tell me...The best answer I got was, "Over time your brain will help your body adjust and that will feel normal to you."

The local doctor I had been seeing for the last year couldn't understand my illness and thought that as long as I looked okay, nothing was wrong with me and he thought I was just feeling sorry for myself...I found a different doctor and explained to him that I wasn't looking for sympathy, but for compassion and support as I coped with my illness and moved on with my life...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, March 28, 2016

Being Lazy...27º

Our view for the last three days...A bit of sun and then crazy snow storms that lasted maybe 10 minutes, along with wind and cold temperatures...March is drawing to a close, wonder what April will bring?..Looking forward to more sun, daffodils blooming and warmer temperatures...I will get back to writing my story in the days to come....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Time Flies...34º

In 4/5 days, we (Bobi) got my new laptop set up and we think all the bugs ironed out...I have a new external hard drive that my Mac Book Air backs up to and my laptop is lighter, sleeker and faster with a soft touch...When not downloading, uploading, installing, swearing, we managed to do outings to Wallowa Lake, the Imnaha Canyon, a quick visit to Soroptomists, play cards, cook and Cienna /Bobi masqueraded as the Easter Bunny...On Thursday night, while the rest of us, slept like the dead, light foot Cienna, set her alarm for midnight and delivered Easter Goodies a few days early.

While all this was happening, Rusty cleaned the chimney, and spent a night at Jim Creek, helping John check on the horses...He also moved some furniture downstairs so I could advertise it for sale (not going well) in hopes of getting rid of some of our junk treasures...May resort to FREE, you haul.

Girls left Friday morning, weather unpredictable, because Ci had her refresher class to continue in her job, as a life guard this summer...While here she accessed her grades online and to every ones delight came up with a 4 point!..Keep it up Cienna!

Rusty was on the road by 8am Saturday morning, leaving us to our peaceful world...I visited Margaret in the afternoon, picked up a few groceries and our plan for this Easter Sunday is a quiet day, Pam joining us for dinner....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Easter Treats

Posing in a squall

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Photo Day...38º

Went for a walk at the head of Wallowa Lake, along the Wallowa River.

Dessert last night.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Fun Begins...35º

Girls arrived safely, Cienna shared in the driving...Bobi navigated the thick fog over Cabbage, said it was one of her worst driving experiences...Arrived here at 9:30pm...Took awhile to unwind and relax before an 11pm bedtime.

We (Bobi) will work at getting my new computer "Mac Book Air" set up this morning...She brought a new external hard drive as my old one didn't seem to be working properly...We backed up to it over night and now should be able to migrate everything from my old computer to my new computer and it will be ready to go!..Then "we" remove everything from the old computer, box it up and send it off to Portland to Power Max as a trade-in on my new computer.

Rusty will arrive this afternoon for our family get together...Sun is shining this morning, rain in the forecast...Let the fun begin...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Taking a break...28º/Parly cloudy

Taking a break from the "dizzy stuff."...Getting ready for spring break and a visit from our kids...Not sure if they are arriving today or tomorrow but we have the beds ready and think I will start a pot of soup...Weather looks decent for the week, no major snow storms, so we should be able to spend part of the time outside...Lots of visiting, card games and eating!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, March 18, 2016

Would I ever be normal?...18º

It was late spring when I made my first visit to the Dizzy Clinic, and was diagnosed with "bilateral vestibular loss," some 25 years ago...It was also called "Idiopathic Dandys Syndrome," because the cause was unknown, and "Oscillopsia" because of the movement of everything around me, when I moved, including the mountains and telephone poles...Physical therepy wasn't an option because no one really knew how to treat me...Dr. S told me to continue walking, but instead of looking straight ahead, make myself look left to right, forcing my brain to make adjustments...Also walk heel to toe on a 2 x 4 while trying to maintain my balance...Do not continue with biking because it was too dangerous...Also get adequate rest and a balanced diet, begin seeing a massage therapist on a regular basis to help relax my muscles...In three weeks return to Portland for more testing.

After over a year of sudden dizzy spells that came and went on a regular basis, they became infrequent and were replaced with a "brain fog" and "spaceyness" that left me feeling drained and out of touch with the world and left me wondering, would I ever feel normal again?..I did find a support group called VEDA (vestibular disorders association) and started reading and studying everything they published...Misery loves company, described me perfectly...Below are a couple of paragraphs that give you a little insight into my life...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

The sudden onset of symptoms, the unpredictability, and variability that often occur with a vestibular disorder are terrifying, unsettling and turn your world upside down ... literally and figuratively. Another common experience I’ve often heard people describe is what I refer to as the invisibility of your illness. Vestibular disorders are, well, invisible ... and thus more likely to be misunderstood. Most of the time people with vestibular disorders don’t look sick or unwell. Unlike a broken limb, a runny nose, a cough, or a positive blood test or scan, the damage/injury can’t be seen, furthering this lack of understanding. However, invisible does not mean imaginary. This invisibility can lead to another common concern: a fear of being misperceived as lazy or drunk. 

Finally, one should not underestimate the amount of mental effort, energy, and concentration it takes to maintain balance when the labyrinthine sense is absent. Imagine how hard it would be for any of us to walk on a balance beam for an entire day. Patients who have lost labyrinthine function must constantly pay attention to their balance and make an effort to keep it. They do not have the automatic, subconscious reflexes that people with normal labyrinthine function have and about which they never have to think.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Dizzy Clinic...30º

 Otolaryngology was the name of the special clinic at OHSU but even Dr. Scheulining called it the "dizzy clinic."..Herb, with Bobi's help, navigated us to OHSU for my first appointment...Thankfully Herb was good at reading signs and following arrows through the maze of elevators, hallways and offices...I just kept my eyes straight ahead and followed or held on to his hand...Dr. S was kind, gentle and understanding...He listened to my story from beginning to end, with compassion...He didn't condescendingly pat me on the shoulder and say, "Its just a little dizzy spell," nor did he say, "You look perfectly healthy to me, I don't know what you are complaining about."

When I told him that when I walked, everything around me moved, including the mountains, he started asking questions..."Have you been in a car wreck, had a blow to the head, taken intravenous antibiotics?"...I answered no to all...We spent several hours that day at the clinic, Dr. S ordered another MRI, blood tests for heavy metals, and syphilis, among other things, they all came back negative...He looked into my eyes with magnifying glasses, called in another specialist and said, "Look through these, her eyes are dancing like an Irish Jig, trying to focus." They conferred with other specialist in the dizzy clinic.

We got a diagnosis that day...For some unknown reason, probably a viral infection, I had lost considerable balance function (vestibular) in both ears...I would need to return to the dizzy clinic in a few weeks for more tests...Of course my first question was, "How do I get my balance back?"...The simple answer was, "You don't."..The only consolation was, that similar to recovering from a stroke, my brain, over time, would help do what my vestibular no longer did. But basically I would balance with my eyes and the soles of my feet...I also came home with a prescription for Valium (to relax my body from a year of trying to stay upright) and Prozac to "help my frame of mind?"...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Grasping at Straws...29º

A trip to Portland, to OHSU, had me on edge...During the past year, my world had become quite small...I continued to drive but only in the Joseph/Enterprise area and only in the daylight...The motion of riding in a car/truck was very disconcerting, things seemed to bombard me from every direction...I had always loved going deer hunting with Herb every fall, when he "road hunted." I was pretty good at spotting the game, but now the continual motion of trees and brush made my stomach churn, my head hurt until I lay back, closed my eyes and said, "I have to go back to the house."  I was still walking for exercise and occasionally, with great difficulty I could ride my bike...But now even when I walked, everything around me moved, such as, the mountains jiggled, the trees and telephones polls swayed and bounced, with every step...Some days I lived in a fog so dense that I thought maybe I was loosing my mind...I was scared, angry and depressed.

So even though a trip to Portland frightened me, it gave me a glimmer of hope, a possibility that another MRI could see what was going on inside my head, brain, ears or a specialist with all of his knowledge could diagnose the problem, and that a pill could make me better..OR at least I thought I could deal with knowing what was wrong, rather than trying to live with the unknown...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

No Warning/Virus...30º/light snow

I have no recollection of the day, other than when I opened my eyes, the room was spinning and I couldn't make it stop...Somehow I managed to get out of bed, call in sick, go to the bathroom, then return to bed.

This was the start of an odyssey, 25 years ago...Dizzy spells were not something new for me...Ten years previous I was plagued with dizzy spells, consulted with doctors, went to Walla Walla for a cat scan, took the only prescribed medicine, Meclizine, available...The doctors told me, Maclizine makes you sleep, enabling your body to heal itself...A side effect is, that it also turns you into a zombie...But that time it had worked...The dizzy spells went away, I returned to my normal life which included, hiking, biking, walking, skiing, working...In this way I kept my weight down, kept in shape, I felt fit and healthy.

So now when I woke up to a spinning room, I knew that all I had to do was take Meclizine and soon the dizzy spells would pass and all would be well...But this time it didn't work that way...The first month I spent much of the time sitting on the sofa, staring straight ahead...I was able to fix basic meals for Herb and I and tried to get some exercise...For the next year, Herb took me for cat scans, MRI's, to neurologists for tests for MS, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson's disease, and a myriad of other rare and crazy illnesses...All the tests came back negative...The doctors talked about the intricate workings of the inner ear, and all the things that can go wrong in the space no bigger than a dime...Most of these maladies have no cure, just time will usually heal...I existed in a fog, learning to stand or sit, looking straight ahead, because the slightest movement could send me into another dizzy spin...I worked off and on during this year, keeping up with menu's, ordering, scheduling changes, but my mind played tricks on me and I made mistakes that affected the program...My staff covered for me, and I knew enough to let them take over, when I could no longer think straight...During this first year,  I had some weeks without a dizzy spell and my world would begin to feel normal and life would move on...Then out of the blue, a slight move of my head and my world was spinning out of control again.

A routine dental appointment, with my dentist of 20 years, brought me to a turning point...The first words out of Dr. Underhills mouth were, "Good to see you Della, and how have you been?"...Words would not come, just tears and uncontrolled sobbing as I choked out the story of the last year of my life...Dr. Underhill comforted me, listened and said, "You need to go to OHSU, I will get you an appointment."...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Good/Bad...32º/5" new snow.

I have only given you a brief glimpse into the ten years I spent supervising the Joseph Schools lunchroom...I loved my job and the freedom that came with it to serve good, homemade food...With backing from the administration and my competent staff, we made meals from scratch; hot rolls, pizza with our own crust, oven fried chicken, baking powder biscuits, topped with hamburger gravy, cookies, cinnamon rolls, fruit crisp and a long time tradition that we continued was a once a month birthday cake...Every child whose birthday fell in the month received a "pin on" tag as they came through line and received a piece of cake with a candle on it, making them stand out and feel special on this day...So that no one was left out we included summer birthdays at the end of the school year...Many students, when asked what their favorite class in school was, answered "Lunch."

Along with the changing of admin about every three years, other changes took place...The classified staff formed a union (to protect themselves.)..Less funding from the state, so programs and staff continued to be cut...Moral was low but one good thing was, that it caused people to stick together and make the best of a bad situation...We learned to laugh at the ineptness of the people in charge and worked harder at our jobs...As a person and a professional I grew in untold ways...I still have many good memories of those days.

We kept the lunch count up by serving home cooked food, but were being undercut by the federal commodity program, when they started sending us chicken nuggets, instead of "real chicken," and other prepared foods...When the admin stopped supporting our program...When the school board started asking, "why can't you be self supporting?" (I never got a clear answer on what they meant by that.)..I could see that to save money, lunches were soon going to be "thaw, heat, serve" or "open a can, heat, serve."..Home cooked food was on the way out!

Dealing with all of this craziness took its toll on everyone involved and to make matters worse my own personal health went into a tail spin...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, March 11, 2016

More Upheaval...35º/Calm

A new search was launched for a superintendent...These searches were costly and time consuming for the district and draining for the volunteer board members and staff, wondering who the new boss would be...Applications received, interviews scheduled...The front runner seemed to be a woman...That put a new slant on things and the search now included a new principal, because the "buddy" principal turned in his resignation and retired...He let it be known that he didn't take orders from a woman!

He also didn't take criticism from a woman, as at the end of his tenure and our last face to face, I questioned his "professionalism," he said I was insubordinate and if he could have, he would have fired my A__, months ago...Normally that would have brought me to tears, but on this day I laughed in his face...He sputtered and glared at me, quickly turned and with clinched fists, he left the kitchen for the last time...Two staff members witnessed this scene...I was shaking like a leaf, but have never regretted standing up to this man.

I would like to say, with a new administration, that things got better...It seemed so for awhile, but the "honeymoon, " was short lived...The new lady superintendent was charming but not very savvy...The new principal and I didn't have confrontations, mostly because I didn't have the energy to fight...On one particularly hectic day, in the cafeteria, he stood in the doorway, watching, as bedlam reigned...I left the serving line, and asked if I could speak with him...I asked about a lunchroom monitor, to keep order, because students were playing instead of eating and then dumping food into the garbage...His reply went something like this, "They are just kids and need time to let off steam, what difference does a little noise make?" By this time we had moved into the hallway to talk because of the noise...He also enlightened me to the fact that he and his wife shopped at Costco, monthly and bought prepackaged "lunches," that their boys preferred, and also that it was cheaper than hot lunches at school.

I was smart enough to know that I couldn't win, over that kind of mentality...I don't think he ever ate lunch with us, always going home to eat and rumors soon started that after lunch, his office took on a faint smell of gin...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Tumultuous Years...50º/Windy

The 10 years that I supervised the kitchen saw many changes...I worked for 5 different superintendents and 3 principals...The downward spiral started with a man so totally out of his league, over his head, and borderline stupid that he was pathetic...No people skills what so ever, knew little about budgeting/finance and tried to bully his way through by convincing the school board members, that they were not to communicate with any of the staff (certified or classified.)..Luckily some of the board members had a backbone...His 3 year contract was not renewed, he sued the school district, classified staff in particular were called in to give depositions and he lost his job...During his tenure, the long time principal, saw the writing on the wall and accepted a job a crossed the state and with great hopes the board hired a local person known to the board and staff, to fill the principal spot...I was on that interviewing committee and listened to the man answer all the questions put before him with positive answers, assuring us that he could do the job of rebuilding moral...In reality he had a strange way of rebuilding, as he set to work pitting the certified staff against the classified staff...He also tried to become a "buddy" to high school students instead of being their authority figure...Before, the students had been taught and encouraged to treat all staff with respect but were now led to believe that classified staff was there to clean up after them...We were relegated to servant level.

I personally butted heads with this man, practically from his first day on the job...In his buddy role with the students, he saw no reason why they couldn't leave campus and go downtown, to eat a good lunch and when the school board raised the cost of lunches for adults, he advised the certified staff to boycott the lunch room!..I think lunch prices for adults were raised from $1.50 to $2.00...Pop machines had been banned from the school, years before, but with the promise of new score boards in the gymnasium (furnished by coke), with the new principals blessing, they set up a coke machine in the cafeteria...Every morning as we worked at preparing a healthy lunch, we listened to the "ker chung" of quarters going in and the "plunk" of pop cans coming out of this machine, with its flashing lights, begging for more!..Now students were allowed to take open cans of pop, in the halls and classrooms...Of course if anything was spilled, all they had to do was call for a custodian to come clean up the mess...AND the only custodian on duty during the day (because of staff cuts,) was also the Head of Maintenance, who was now cleaning bathrooms and emptying garbage cans, as well as driving bus, organizing transportation, and supervising what was left of his staff.

Stay tuned, things were going to change, but would it get any better?...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Finding My Groove...27º/Sunny

Not many people fall into a job that they love, working with nice people, making a decent wage (without a college degree,) medical benefits, paid holidays, summers free...I felt very lucky and blessed as I went to work each day...I ended up with a staff of three, hard working, aim to please, ready to try any new recipe, assistant cook/baker, in line Joyce, vegetable/fruit prep and mover/rotator of freight, so nothing became outdated and everything was neatly arranged and stored...Joyce also came with a wealth of knowledge (from working in restaurants) about easier and faster ways to prep food and keep ahead of the mountains of pots and pans that always needed to be washed...She and Willa were also death on cleaning and kept the kitchen and equipment sanitized and sparkling...Salad bar was manned by Johnnie, prepped and presented in her meticulous manner, was better than any restaurant salad bar and the envy of other schools in the county...We were a top notch team and they made my job in the kitchen easy.

The year before Margaret retired, our long time superintendent Mr. Williams had also retired, leaving me to work for a new superintendent...Although  the new "Super" didn't eat lunch with us very often he was still supportive of our program and wanted good homecooked food available for all kids...He looked for ways to bring more money into the program through signing up low income families for free and reduced meals, that were subsidized by the government...After his initial 3year contract expired he moved on to another school...A younger, energetic man took his place and worked on the relationship between certified/classified staff making a better working environment for all involved...He was well liked and frequented the lunch room ofter...In about his 3rd year, we were stunned to learn that he had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and had only a short time to live...Following his death an interim superintendent was hired to fill our his contract and pave the way for a permanent person...Also at this time, funding for schools out of Salem was changing drastically...In the years ahead money became tighter and tighter, staff was reduced, programs cut and my once perfect job became a nightmare of meetings, backstabbing, cutthroat, and new administrative staff that didn't have a clue about running a school system...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Life Changes....30º/partly cloudy

The 1980's came in with a bang, literally speaking...Mount St. Helens erupted on Sunday, May 18 1980, 8:30am...We heard a boom, similar to a distant sonic boom, but had no idea what it was and went on with our day, without giving it a thought...Later in the day the sky darkened from the ash fallout and we heard the news that St. Helens had indeed blown her top...We attended Bobbi's baccalaureate that day and she would graduate from high school the following week, and leave for college in September...Within three years Rusty would also graduate and move to Bend...Empty nest syndrome was staring us in the face, so I think the timing was right for me to move into a new job...Margaret made good on her plans to retire, join the Peace Corp and broaden her horizons...I was offered and accepted the Head Cook job at the Joseph Schools, in the fall of 1983.

I was excited, scared and full of plans...I wanted to continue with a great program but also introduce new menus, get more training for myself and staff and streamline the jobs in the kitchen...Working with teachers and administration and educating students about nutrition was high on my list...I took advantage of programs offered, through the summer, by the state for food service workers...Most of them were held in Bend and worked well for me because Rusty lived there...I must say many of these classes were poorly organized, redundant and a waste of time...BUT over the years I gleaned recipes and knowledge about making bread and cinnamon rolls, that I passed on to my new baker, Willa, that would make our kitchen, the go to place for melt in the mouth, delicious, cinnamon rolls.

It was always interesting to meet and talk with other food service workers, discuss government regulations and always a topic for conversation was how to use some of the government comodities...One summer I decided to take classes at Eastern Oregon College in LaGrande, thinking since they had a nursing program, surely they would have classes on nutrition...Wrong, the only thing close were classes on bulimia and anorexia, not what I was looking for but interesting all the same, so I signed up...I found that I loved learning and worked hard to make continual improvement to our program...I also was educated daily on getting along with people and a new administrative staff...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Moving Forward...41º/Warm Rain

Other than a lingering headache, low energy, the crud seems to be running its course...Herb announced this morning that, he no longer hurts!...That's a plus and could mean that within the next week I too will be pain free?..As any doctor would say, for your age, you are both in pretty good shape for the shape your in...They are so consoling/condescending...Actually we are quite lucky to be as healthy as we are!

Last evening found us at B & J's for a family birthday party, celebrating for both Nick and Jen, who are rapidly approaching the 40 mark...B had a taco bar set up...With beverages in hand, we visited while the zesty aromas from chicken, ground beef/elk simmered in chili, cummin, garlic, wafted through the room, whetting everyones appetites...Soon the eating extravaganza began...The idea is to fill your chosen tortilla shell (flour, hard or soft corn) with a meat, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, peppers, sour cream, salsa, guacamole, then tamp it down and get it to your mouth without spilling it down the front of your shirt or on the table or floor...Herb stopped at 1, I at 2 "small" ones and we watched Dylan finish off his 4th...John and Nick were more into how many they could get on a plate, 2 small and 1 gigantic and both were finishing up their 2nd plate and eyeing what was left on the "buffet."..We left before dessert as the thoughts of a warm bed enticed us home...I'm sure the party continued late into the night with card games on tap...We enjoy being able to attend, with the freedom to call it a night and let the younger set party on...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Come back tomorrow as I continue my working saga at the Joseph School Cafeteria.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Feeling Human...43º

A week ago today I called for an early appointment at Winding Waters Clinic, hoping I could get a miracle drug to stop the cough, clear my plugged up head and words to the affect that my cold was out of the contagious stage and by noon I would be on my way, with friends, to see "My Fair Lady" at the Elgin Opera House....It was all a dream.

I saw Dr B_____, the latest resident, in a continual rotation, coming from Portland, just graduated from 8th grade , sorry I meant to say Medical School...He didn't think I needed a prescription cough syrup when Robitusin would do, but he was all over writing a perscription for real Sudafed to take the place of my over the counter stuff...Now I remember why I take these drugs with extreme caution...While my friends were enjoying "My Fair Lady," I was sitting in my recliner, head twice as big as before "sudafed"...Now every hair follicle in my head was swollen, standing at attention as I endured the proverbial finger in light socket treatment...AND I thought I felt bad before drugs.

I reverted to the sage advise from family and friends to DRINK...Copious amounts of water, orange juice, broth, hot water, honey/lemon hot water and small amounts of chicken noodle soup, and today one week later, almost two weeks later from inception I am again a somewhat normal human being...The common cold wins again, and my sister called from Utah, to thank me for sharing it with her, generous person that I am...Hugs To All...OWAV:)