Saturday, June 30, 2018

Friends Reunited...49º

After a delayed flight, the Adelhardt's arrived in Joseph a day later than scheduled...As if that wasn't bad enough, Pat either got a stomach bug or food poisoning and certainly didn't feel like visiting even with her best "Buddy."...Pat and I met as volunteers at Mule Days 2010, (we think) and although the "bond" wasn't immediate, our friendship was soon off and running...We met up to walk and talk, I invited her to the book group that I attended, then we found ourselves together in a memoir class and she started coming to "Write Group"...We continued as volunteers with Mule Days and soon we were tagged as "Bosom Buddies,"Two Peas in a Pod," or the "Bobbsey Twins"...She talked me into volunteering at the Josephy Center and we started attending other events together, yard saling was a favorite activity...Usually where you saw one of us, the other one wasn't far away...Although our lives were intertwined, we both had other friends and other interests, so we may have been Bosom Buddies, but we weren't joined at the hip...We could intermingle our friends and activities, no jealousy, no pettiness...We laughed and cried together.

Things began to change about 3 years ago, when P and B started spending more time back in Maryland (home to them for all of their marriage), than here in Wallowa County...Their son and grandson lived there, it was where they needed to be...Our friendship has changed to a long distance friendship, texting, FaceTime, phone calls and a short summer visit...So we will make the best of the time they are here, did a little yard saling yesterday and more maybe today...Much laughter, giggling, talking, listening, both of us keeping the tears at bay...By many standards our friendship was short lived, but to us it is a lifetime friendship, packed into a few years and will continue, although we are separated by the miles our hearts will never be very far apart...Hugs My Friend...OWAV:)

River Retreat.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Busy in the Kitchen...49º

Hard boiled/cooked eggs, that have lemon yellow yolks (no dark circle surrounding them) and easy to peel, does not always happen...After many years of trying all the methods, the latest one appeared somewhere on facebook and since I was expecting guests for conversation and appetizers, deviled eggs came to mind...This newest method uses a steamer, bring eggs to a boil, turn off and set the timer for 15 minutes.

Eggs are ready to cook, 
I marked the oldest eggs
 with a magic marker.

I chilled the eggs in ice water before peeling, didn't work that well, but none of the eggs were "really" old...I managed to get them peeled and was okay, with the final outcome.

Finished product.

My guests, Leita and daughter, Amy (Pat was unable to come because of delayed flights and stomach upset 😞) brought a bottle of wine to go with the  mini sandwiches, and pickles...Deviled eggs were a hit!..It was a fun afternoon...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Cool of the Morning...49º

Yesterday remained cool, unless you were in the direct sun, so I used that time to play in the dough...Of course I don't need much of an excuse...I'm practicing roll making 101 for a project coming up later this month...Usually when I make dinner rolls, they are all sizes and shapes, but I wanted these to be more square and a size to make quick sandwiches, to be eaten on the run...My first pan turned out just about right and filled a pan with 30 rolls and enough dough left over for a pan of cinnamon rolls as a welcome "home" package.

Perfect size

One Dozen Cinnamon Buns

This morning I must get moving, do some house cleaning and make a plate of appetizers for a late afternoon visit with friends...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Garden Clean Up...41º

I didn't plan to be a gardener...Many years ago, gardening to me was much like housework, it never stayed done, so I decided I just wouldn't do it...Grass, trees and bushes suited me just fine!..Then one by one plants, (given to me by friends) appeared and started to bloom...Soon I was going to nurseries and coming home with more plants...My Mom needed help in her garden, so I practiced (under her tutelage) digging, weeding and planting...I found gardening books at yard sales and with photos included it wasn't difficult to put names to the blooms...I didn't know what I was doing but if a place in the yard was difficult to mow, we killed the grass, amended the soil and put in plants...Down came many of the trees, because the plants I grew to love, needed more sun...Now we have more gardens than grass!

So, as you all know, I happily spend hours doing the weeding, deadheading and watering to keep everything blooming in its own season...I've found that most things in life do not stay done, the dust still piles up on any flat surface, endless piles of clutter adorn our house and eventually I have to clean...But outside with each changing season, seeds sprout, something new blooms and blooms make me happy, so I don't mind the endless chores of keeping a garden...Herb and I both work hard to keep the weeds at bay...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Pat and Brian's plane was delayed before they boarded in Baltimore, so they will be arriving tomorrow instead of today...Also their entire trip will be three weeks, only 10 days spent in Joseph...Things seldom go as planned...😉

Leading to the front door.

Sidewalk is much wider
with all the plants pulled our and/or trimmed.

Meadow Rue


Monday, June 25, 2018

Busy Week...54º

Early morning tooth cleaning appointment with Kathy...Maybe on to Soroptomists for a quick run through, not looking for anything in particular...Pat, Brian and Mason arrive in the county tomorrow for a 3 week visit before driving cross country (Maryland) and stopping along the way to visit National Parks...Will be fun to visit and catch up with them.

For the past two days, I've worked in the flower beds, pulling old forget me knots, grape hyacinths, and deadheading columbine, irises and poppies...I filled several large totes, hauled them across the road and spread for mulch...As I finished each section, irrigation water was turned on for a much needed watering...Amazing how fast things dry out.

The Veggie garden is doing well, harvested some garlic scapes for a friend and the rest I delivered to the "Dog Spot" (a small cafe in Joseph)...They were delighted!..Potatoes are starting to show through the straw, squash, peas, beans and cabbages are growing like weeds and we got our first taste of broccoli...Continue to eat asparagus and green onions, fresh from the garden to the table...Pam joined us for dinner, then we played cards and made another batch of brownies...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Yesterday's Photos...48º

 Flowers now blooming on Barton Heights, not very many but they are lovely...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Friday, June 22, 2018

First Week of Summer...51º

After almost a month of rainy weather, the forecast is for a week of sunshine and temps in the 70's, a perfect way to kick off the first week of summer...Yesterday we closed out spring with steaming bowls of clam chowder, along side a cottage cheese/pineapple salad, (Right out of my Mother's kitchen in the 50's) for dinner...Pam joined us for music at the Gazebo, near perfect weather and back home H and I finished the day with popcorn.

Today will find us outside weeding, trimming, digging, irrigating and mowing as we enjoy the sunshine and blue sky...Also poppies and peonies are blooming and that is bound to bring a smile to ones face...Enjoy your day as we will ours...Hugs to All...OWAV:)


Oriental Poppy

Bouquet of Peonies.

Bowls of Beauty, still on the bush.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Summer Arrives...51º

As we celebrate the longest day of the year, I rejoice and love the daylight and sunshine...I will mention that tomorrow we start on that slippery slope, as the daylight shortens, and gradually makes the slide into Indian Summer, 😁 another beautiful time of the year.

Just when I thought our trips to La Grande were done for awhile, my calendar reminded me of a regular eye appointment for me...All went well as Herb's eyes are healing nicely and he wanted to resume his position in the drivers seat...I relaxed  in the passenger seat and he drove both ways, putting his new lenses to the test...I snapped many photos of the Minam Canyon and will share a few on here today...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Drive to La Grande.

Blooming Syringa on green hills.

More Syringa in the rocks.

Clouds building as we left La Grande.

More to the Northeast

Over Minam Canyon

Monday, June 18, 2018

Rain/More Rain...51º

It has been several years since we had a rainy June, first time in years that we haven't had the lawn sprinklers going full blast...Bright note, a sunny weekend is in the forecast.

We had a quiet Fathers Day, fixed a simple dinner of hamburger steak, baked potatoes, swiss chard and salad...Brownies fresh from the oven had been sampled early on, so Herb passed on the "Brownie Sundaes" that Pam and I had for dessert.



Nothing big on the calendar for today, maybe finish the memoir I ordered from the Book Loft..."Time It Was" written by Nonnie Thompson, the mother of our friend Annie...Annie moved from here to Montana and we stay connected through FaceBook...The book is well written about life in the 70's...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, June 17, 2018


 We've had "critters" in our pasture for about a month now and there is still plenty of food left, but like all critters they think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence...Of course they found the weak spot in the fence and headed out into the wheat field.

Herb and I were "outstanding in our field" early this morning (6am) as well as neighbor Bill and "critter" owners Debbie and Tim...I guess that is a good way to start ones day...With major help from the "border collie" the critters are back in the little pasture, fence is reinforced!

The day is cool again, perfect to make brownies for Fathers Day...Herb is doing well with his cataract surgery, enjoying freedom from glasses and seeing better each passing day...Hugs to all Fathers...OWAV:)

Roses over the fence from the neighbors.

Roses and sky

Roses and Iris

Friday, June 15, 2018

Gazebo Music...38º

It has been over 10 years since "The Wallowa Valley Music Alliance" started their weekly, summer, Thursday night concert series, at the Gazebo in Enterprise...Herb and I have been regular attendees, for all those years...We have come away half frozen, roasted, windblown and sometimes wet...We left early on a few occasions but mostly we stayed and enjoyed...We now dress in layers, prepared for all kinds of weather...In the early years we manned our booth (Oma's Grainy Bread), at the farmers market as we listened to the music...Sometimes we have shared lunch and a bottle of wine with friends...Last nights concert, (click on concert) we think was one of the best...The Whateverly Brothers will also play tonight Friday 15th, at the "East Fork Brewery" and on Saturday at the Farmers Market, both in Joseph...Make an effort to see these guys, they have a sense of humor and make good music!

Today will be more of the same here on Barton Heights, Herb got lawns mowed yesterday, so watering is not far behind...Potatoes need a drink and the animals love it when their pasture is freshly watered...Some sun will shine, with a possible thunder shower...I'm posting a few more photos of what is blooming in the garden...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

My favorite Hybrid Oriental Poppy

Turken Louis Poppy

Random Shot

Fern Leaf Bleeding heart.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


I spent most of the day outside yesterday, it was sunny, warm in the sun, cool in the shade...Weeding, watering and deadheading it the manta for summer...Rest breaks on the deck will get longer and longer as we move into summer.

It was a quiet relaxing day...We had leftovers for dinner and Pam stopped for a short visit, later I visited Margaret at the Alpine House...Neither Herb nor I had any kind of an appointment!..Hugs to All...OWAV:)

 PS...Sorry some of the Columbine are a bit blurry, trying to get close ups for detail...The deer have eaten some but not all...The Columbine plants "dot" the flowerbeds, growing wherever seeds have fallen...Click on photos for a closeup.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


After making two early morning trips to La Grande, the last two days, Herb and I were both awake early this morning, but relieved that we could stay home!..Right now I want to sit in my recliner and stare into space, for days, until our world feels normal again...(That is not going to happen).

Herbs second eye surgery went well, healing will continue for the next week and if there are no complications, (fingers crossed) he doesn't have to see the eye doctor for a month...Our early morning trips, one rainy all the way and the second, blue skies and sunshine were uneventful and the Minam Canyon is at its peak of loveliness.

We arrived back home by noon yesterday, in time for me to keep an appointment with Dr. Furraldo, a heart specialist, who comes to Enterprise, from Spokane, once a month...It was a followup visit on the pulmonary embolism, that I experienced 2 1/2 months ago...After many questions, an EKG, a brief exam, he didn't seem very concerned about my heart itself but more about the possibility of more blood clots, (a possible stroke) if I were to go off of the blood thinners...Now I have 3 1/2 months to ponder that dilemma...His parting words were, "I want to see you in a year."

This morning seems to be as "normal" as possible, my outside chores calling to me, the inside chores piling up, as they do every summer and thoughts of what kind of meat should I thaw out for dinner, are running through my head...Also thoughts that we have many things to be thankful for and that became more apparent with visits to Dr's. offices, hospitals etc. and we saw people struggling with infirmities much worse than anything that we have experienced!..Right now we are just happy to be alive...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Monday at Grande Rhonde Hospital

Tuesday morning before we left for La Grande

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Pam and I joined 15/20 people for the wildflower tour, I think that number of people exceeded the expectations of the "Land Trust."...Many of the people were new to the county or visitors, the others were "old timers, like P and I" but none of "US" born and raised here...(Born and Raised, is a whole other segment in this county).

Hopes were high that the clouds would stay away and the sun would shine  on the Zumwalt Prairie...We opted to take our own car, with the excuse that we had to be home for a BBQ...It was a beautiful drive out Crow Creek, wildflowers putting on quite a show...Our first stop was on "Nature Conservancy property" to read their Kiosk about how the Prairie was formed, what their plan is and rules for visitors to follow...Driving on to Harsin Butte where we would split into two groups, seasoned hikers and people like me, more interested in the flowers...Out of the car, the temp was around 50º, wind chill factor brought it down several degrees, light rain, storm moving closer...Everyone dressed in rain gear, hats/hoods and determined to do this!..The leaders of the group didn't know that cows had been turned into this particular allotment, just days ago...So we not only had to trek with caution because of rocks but also "cow pies," luckily I had my hiking poles...I'm thinking, with my balance issues, I am really out of my element.

I didn't have to make the decision, to stay or not to stay the course, because the call came out, "back to the car's, to a lower elevation and a flat trail."..Arriving back at the kiosk, P and I watched everyone climb out of their cars, tighten their hoods and embark on a hike...It was now raining really hard!...The sandwiches in the cooler bag started calling us...In unison we said, "I'm hungry, lets eat half of our lunch and see if this storm blows over."

The storm didn't blow over, the hikers came back, the Wildflower tour ended...We were dry and warm, tummies full...We watched everyone get back in their cars and speed off...Adventure over.

Back home, I made brownie cup cakes to take to Becky and Johns' BBQ...John's family from Riggins, Idaho were here for the weekend...We visited, ate ribs and chicken, laughed a lot, Herb got the cupcake with a lit candle...It was a very good day...Hugs To All...OWAV:

Brownie bites, very rich.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

A little Rain Must Fall...48º

Pam and I are signed up for the "Wildflower Tour" with The Wallowa Land Trust, on the Zumwalt Praire today!..Forecast is 80% chance of rain, high temperature of 53º...Hmmm, do we pack a lunch, dress warm and brave the weather?...Or maybe stay home, build a fire, try a new brownie recipe, play cards and drink wine?...I know what my inner gut is telling me, but we are not usually "quitters"😀😀...Join me tomorrow for photos of wildflowers or brownies...

Today is Herbs Birthday, but we will celebrate tomorrow with a rhubarb pie (one of his favorites) and a slow cooked beef roast...Also celebration is in order for our 57th (yes that is right) Wedding Anniversary, hard to believe that all those years have gone by....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, June 8, 2018


Our front porch changes for the summer, indoor plants are moved out there, red geraniums are in their pots and special chairs are in place for sitting...The morning sun peaks through the trees, with an eerie glow.

The porch holds memories for me...The captains chair came from an old hotel in Wyoming and it was my Dad's chair for every meal at our kitchen table in Lake Fork, Idaho...The 5 gallon crock, a vessel for fermented dill pickles, made by my Mother...The milk cans bring back memories of early mornings, in the barn, steam rising off the Jersey, Holstein, Guernsey cows as they ate their morning ration of oats...I settled myself on the 3-legged stool, head in the cows flank, bucket between my legs and milked until the bucket was full, 2 inches of foam on the top, I was 10 years old...The asparagus fern, cascading out of its pot as it did in Lake Fork, only then it was in a hanging pot over top of the new 15 inch, black and white, console television, that graced our living room, the year was 1953.

Jumping ahead many years, fall of 1995...Herb and I both retired, we drove cross country to New York State, where Herb was born and lived until he was 20...We spent 7 days visiting friends and relatives, Herb gave me a tour of farming country, lakes and the vibrant colors of fall in the East...I mention this because the Adirondack Chair was purchased at an Amish store, in Pennsylvania, somehow it fit in our van and now has a spot on our front porch...So many good memories..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Round 2...51º

Another trip to La Grande, another eye appointment...The right eye is healing nicely, paving the way to do the second eye...So next Monday we start round 2, another early morning trip to La Grande and have our fingers crossed that all goes well for eye number 2...We will both be very happy when the procedures are all finished and we get back to our "hum drum" life, living in our little paradise!

I have a batch of bread started this morning and while waiting for the sponge to rise and it is a warm 51º outside I took advantage and snapped a few photos for today's blog...New irises bloom every day and an orange poppy that I got from Becky is really putting on a show...It is a perennial but a bit different from the orientals that I have...Speaking of which, two/three years ago I ordered new oriental poppies in plum, velvet red, pink, orange edged in white and white with a pink center...First blooms I got last year were all "orange."...I called, I complained, the company replaced them...New blooms so far this year, all "orange."...I still have more to bloom, but that might not happen this year...Now orange has never been my favorite color and who know how many years I will be around to see if I get anything but orange poppies...I have to look on the bright side, so far the deer still shy away from eating orange poppies and maybe they would savor, plum, velvet red, pink and even orange edged in white, one never knows...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Becky's Poppies

Oriental Orange Poppy

Another of my favorite irises

Purple Allium

Mixed Shrubs

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Yesterday was one of those days where it looks warm outside but a cool wind blows, clouds roll in and out...A light jacket feels good until the clouds move away from the sun...So it is a put-on, take-off kind of day...Finally when I reach for my jacket and realize I left it in the veggie garden, hanging on a post and I'm now acrossed the road, looking down at the river, I give up and just keep working...Also my gloves are no longer on my hands, wonder where I left them?

I had made a quick trip to Enterprise for groceries and a few bedding plants to finish planting pots for the deck...I'm using mostly marigolds this year, not my favorite flower, but they are showy and not a favorite meal for the deer...They frost easily, so I covered them last night but think they will be on their own now.

Herb was outside most of the morning, checking water, keeping the lines cleaned out, a couple of days of dry weather and we will start irrigating...I need to get more hoses in place, in both flower gardens and veggie garden...If you think retirement is all about sitting, doing only what you want to do, then think again, because it is all about moving and doing things that you actually enjoy, that you never thought you would...Enough blathering for one day, hugs to all...OWAV:)



A favorite iris