Thursday, June 7, 2018

Round 2...51º

Another trip to La Grande, another eye appointment...The right eye is healing nicely, paving the way to do the second eye...So next Monday we start round 2, another early morning trip to La Grande and have our fingers crossed that all goes well for eye number 2...We will both be very happy when the procedures are all finished and we get back to our "hum drum" life, living in our little paradise!

I have a batch of bread started this morning and while waiting for the sponge to rise and it is a warm 51º outside I took advantage and snapped a few photos for today's blog...New irises bloom every day and an orange poppy that I got from Becky is really putting on a show...It is a perennial but a bit different from the orientals that I have...Speaking of which, two/three years ago I ordered new oriental poppies in plum, velvet red, pink, orange edged in white and white with a pink center...First blooms I got last year were all "orange."...I called, I complained, the company replaced them...New blooms so far this year, all "orange."...I still have more to bloom, but that might not happen this year...Now orange has never been my favorite color and who know how many years I will be around to see if I get anything but orange poppies...I have to look on the bright side, so far the deer still shy away from eating orange poppies and maybe they would savor, plum, velvet red, pink and even orange edged in white, one never knows...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Becky's Poppies

Oriental Orange Poppy

Another of my favorite irises

Purple Allium

Mixed Shrubs

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