Sunday, June 30, 2013


Had a good time "yard saling" yesterday...We found every one that was advertised and some that weren't...We finished up in Joseph at the Farmers Market...I brought home fresh strawberries and cherries for us to snack on during the afternoon...We had tacos for dinner and finished off the evening with strawberry shortcake.

The morning is heating up quickly, supposed to be close to 90º today so I must get up and get moving and do a few things in the cool of the morning...Hugs to All...OWAV:)


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thunder and Lightning ...67º

Herb joined Brian for a flight to McCall, leaving about 8am and returning by 10:30...That trip in a car would take about 8 hours...They had a beautiful flight and Herb really enjoyed flying over county where he had lived and started his career with the Forest Service.

I worked outside in the cool of the morning, leaving long enough to visit the only yard sale in Joseph, then back home to arrange flowers to take to the Josephy Center and a display of ceramics crafted by Vietnam Veterans...I don't have the real red traditional poppies that are common for veterans but came up with the following bouquet...The photo doesn't do justice to their beauty.

After a day of extra warm temperatures yesterday, we went to bed with all the windows open, covers thrown back and were rudely awakened in the early morning hours as the thunder boomed and lightning lit up the bedroom for brief seconds...The storm moved along the Wallowa Mountain Range and finally all was quiet and we slept until daylight.

Now my coffee cup is empty, scrabble games and jigsaw puzzles done I must get on with my chores while it is still fairly cool...Pat will be here at 8:30 so we can check out the Saturday yard sales....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Friday, June 28, 2013


Heading outside to gather lettuce and pick flowers in the cool of the morning...Supposed to be warm and sunny today.

Herb and I spent a couple of hours last evening listening to music at Courthouse Square in Enterprise...It was lovely, warm, no wind with easy listening music...Herb bought kettle corn for us to munch on while we listened...We visited with friends and watched the hustle and bustle of the "Farmers Market"...Also enjoyed watching the kids who run, play and dance to the music, not a care in the world.

Just a few years ago Herb and I were in the middle of all this as we sold "Oma's Grainy Bread" at the "Farmers Market"...Now we are free to sit, watch and listen...Very enjoyable evening...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gotta Get Going...45º

Sun is shining, rain has stopped, temperatures are going to soar into the 80's over the next few days...Not much to report here, so I just better get moving and take advantage of this wonderful weather...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Confusion Reigns...53º

You would think that our write group would be "whizzes" at communicating but things got a little muddled last week and the emails started flying...So to put things in perspective I wrote this in explanation as my contribution at "Write People" yesterday.
The internet has made communication easy…Contact lists or address books are standard features on every computer…Once you have them setup it is easy to add everyones email address in an easy to find spot and with the tap of a finger any message can be sent winging out across the airwaves to one or possibly a hundred people…A fast easy was to get the word out.

Is this the best way to communicate or sometimes is it too easy…Fingers fly across the keyboard as fast as you can think, a message can be drafted and then sent arriving almost instantly…Automatic spell check is at work…There is no stopping to erase or look up a word in the dictionary…No time to really think, how does this message sound?..In todays hurry up world, we type, send and think later…The typed word shows very little emotion, so the world has come up with emoticons---Smiley faces and also sad, mad, frustrated, devilish faces and yes hearts…Hearts standing for love...

Also a whole new vocabulary has been created for the texting world, shortcuts so we can get the message on the airwaves even faster…Our teenage population is a master at this language and some of it isn't very nice…The only one I really know is LOL meaning "Laugh Out Loud", this is used to convey that your message is funny, sometimes in a sarcastic way.

I hope that nothing ever replaces the good old round table discussions where we deal with matters face to face, one on one, person to person, where you can see the twinkle in a persons eye or possibly the grimace on ones face....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rainy/Cold/Power Outage...55º

Another cold rainy day, then starting to warm up with temps in the 80's by the weekend...Winter to Summer with a few days of spring thrown in...Typical Wallowa County weather...Everything is lush and green just waiting for the sun.

We are enjoying yesterdays bouquet and I'm trying another one with poppies...Found some info on the internet about using poppies as cut flowers...They recommend that you cut a poppy bud just as it starts to show color, then sear the bottom of the stem before putting it in the vase into cold water along with other flowers...Supposedly by trapping the milky liquid in the poppy stem it will feed the bloom causing it to open and last for a few days...Time will tell...It doesn't make a very pretty bouquet but is an experiment worth trying.

Rather pathetic waiting for the bud to open.

Power went out last night just as I was almost finished with a mystery on Masterpiece Theater...Wouldn't you know that the laptop battery was saying 5% and I needed to recharge...Turned off my laptop went to bed and still no internet this morning...Finally about 8am internet was restored and I finally got to see who the "murderer" was....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Peonies Abloom...55º

Late afternoon yesterday, sun shining, I grabbed my hand pruners and headed outside to make my rounds...Nothing needs to be watered so I deadheaded flowers and pulled weeds from the rain soaked earth...I don't have a lot of peonies blooming because of the late snow storm we had that wreaked havoc with the bushes, but the few that are blooming are outstanding this year...I carefully snipped a few blooms, added some columbine and had a bouquet to enjoy inside.

I'm using my old camera and have to learn all over how to use it even though it is billed as a point and shoot...I'm sure you can get the idea of how gorgeous these are in real life. 

Many of the poppies are blooming and I will try again to make a bouquet using them...Wish me luck...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lazy Sunday...45º

Nothing on the schedule today, have chicken thawing for dinner...Herb has started the laundry and I plan to work outside this morning and maybe tackle a corner in the kitchen...I have a bad habit of letting things get lost in a corner then stacking more things in front until it is a big mess...I need to throw most of the stuff away or at least send it to Soroptomist to maybe find a new home...But will I do that?

Pat and I yard saled yesterday, both of us coming home after a fun morning with new treasures...I have a new stock pot to replace my old one...Same exact thing like the one I've been using for about 15 years only this one has never been used...Also a new pair of loafer-like shoes, worn once, will work with jeans, nice soft leather...Pam called late evening and we had a good visit catching up on the "news".

Since my camera quit working last week, i've been researching new cameras, same brand as I like the cannon but the more I look the more confused I become...Just when I think I've found the right one I read another review that dashes my hopes!..The company loves moving the buttons around, making the screen smaller or bigger, making the camera smaller which also makes the buttons smaller....Plus there are hundred of models and colors to choose from...I wanted a blue camera last time but Costco only carried it in silver except for the one on display was blue (they wouldn't sell me that one) Now I'm looking at a neon pink or a flaming orange!!!...I think I'm going to scream...Hugs to all...OWAV:)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Longest Day...45º

I'm never sure if the longest day of the year is June 21 or 22, but in 1965 I was sure that it must be the 21st...I was a full nine months pregnant...It was hot, I was extremely uncomfortable and no matter how many rides over bumpy roads (that Herb took us on) this baby was taking its sweet time about making an appearance...Everything was ready, crib set up in a bedroom shared with Bobi, who also was waiting with great anticipation the birth of a new brother or sister...:)

I have to reminisce a bit here...The sex of a baby was not know in those days until the baby was born and the doctor announced "looks like we have a boy or girl"...Up until then it was anyones guess...It would be nice to have a boy but I didn't really care just as long as this baby was born healthy.

Being pregnant in the 60's was way different than it is today...You didn't announce the pregnancy early on and did everything you could to hide the fact...First by wearing loose fitting clothing, then moving into maternity clothes that consisted of pants with the "belly" cut out and a long smock covering so the woman's shape was straight up and down (no bumps showing)!..Nine months was the usual waiting period...I didn't know anything about trimesters or sonograms...Childbirth classes hadn't been invented...Pregnancy was a private thing...I still have a hard time in todays world as I watch pregnant women, obviously proud of the "baby bump" as they sit belly stuck out massaging said bump as they talk about every minute detail of their pregnancy to anyone willing to listen...You would think that they were the first women to have ever gone through this experience...As I watched a young mother-to-be walking (pregnancy waddle) in town last week, dressed in tights with t-shirt stretched tight over the "bump" I couldn't help but think---"Oh my gosh, what would my Grandmother Parkin think of that."

Early morning on the 22nd day of June after a hurried drive over a very windy road we arrived at the McCall Hospital at about 4:30 and a baby boy made his appearance at 5:05...Happy Birthday Rusty!
Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Hopefully the worst of the rainstorm is over, warmer temps on the way and just a few showers in the next few days as the longest day of the year looms before us and summer officially starts...We have been feeding the sourdough start and will mix and bake bread today...Mostly indoor activities as I figure out menus, pay some bills and clear away the clutter of our warm,
cozy house.

A plane ride to McCall and Cascade, Idaho for Herb with Brian has been postponed because of the weather...A "rain check" offered and accepted.

Enjoy this day as the sun dries and warms the earth and the flowers and weeds are rejuvenated to a new growing spurt!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Mom called these Cemetery daisies. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fire time...46º

The promise of rain materialized, thunder showers turned into a soaking rain, almost a frog strangler...It rained off and on all night with more rain this morning...This morning Herb was outside dumping the rain water off of the shelter (blue tarp with straw underneath) for the lambs and kids...Now it is time to built a fire in the wood stove for the day, warming the house as we probably won't see Mr. Sunshine...I dug some nasty weeds yesterday and found out just how dry it is in the flowerbeds, both in the yard and across our street...The ground bone dry and hard even though we have been irrigating...We and the Wallowa Valley farmers needed some rain...If only it will know when to stop.

Snapped some photo's of what is blooming in the yard this week so will include a few here and post some on FaceBook...My camera started acting up, ended up with the lens open and in the extended position and won't retract...Googled for an answer but so far nothing has worked...Have to dig out my old camera and hope I can get this one working again...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Dames Rocket



Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Looks like a good day to start a pot of bean soup with rain showers in the forecast...Also should be perfect weather to work outside.

I have write group this morning where I will share a story written by my friend Jane...Jane grew up in Eastern Washington where her father worked for Union Pacific Railroad and for several years they lived in "Boxcar" housing...Not many people can relate to this and I have encouraged her for the last few years to write about this time, giving her children a record of her early life as a "Boxcar Kid"...Very exciting that she is finally putting it on paper.

Docenting was very slow at the Josephy Center yesterday, only two visitors and very little housekeeping to do...So answered the telephone then cleaned up the dishes and sinks and emptied garbage before I left for the day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fathers' Day...55º

Early morning yesterday was spent outside...Herb and I had both done some watering so weeds are easy to dig or pull...Everything is lush and green, iris in full bloom, poppies just starting and peonies budded and ready to pop...It was hot in the sun so I moved to the front of the house where it is shaded...Daffodil foliage is sprawled like a weeks wash all over the sidewalk...Contrary to what the garden books say I got ruthless with the shears and cut all of it off just above the ground...Blooms were scarce on them this spring because they are so overgrown and root bound...They need to be dug up and separated....I will add that to a list of "Honey Do's" for Rusty.

Changed out of my grubby garden clothes while Herb and Bobi did a FaceTime for Fathers Day...Pat and Brian arrived before 1pm and we had an enjoyable drive to Union and the "Historic Union Hotel" for a Fathers Day dinner...Minam Canyon is lovely this time of year and the fields of grain, grass, mint and alfalfa is a site to behold as we dropped into the LaGrande valley...We visited, laughed, toasted to another Fathers Day and friendship and enjoyed our meal...The drive back home was fairly quiet except for the occasional gales of laughter coming from the backseat.

Rusty called with Fathers Day wishes and to let us know he was at home in Bend...I chatted with him this morning to catch up on his news and his plans for the next two weeks before he comes to Joseph...Now I better get moving, full day for me as I go to the dentist, stop at soroptomists, visit with my friend Jane and do a 4 hour stint as a docent at the Josephy Center...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Neighbors for twenty years, over the fence friends...We kept an eye on each others places when one set of us was off on a trip...Quite ofter we picked up mail, watered plants, occasionally someone needed to borrow something...We waved and visited over the fence about families and how our respective gardens were coming along...They were active in their life and we in ours...Two years ago cancer was diagnosed, chemo therapy treatments put it in remission but this spring it came back, another round of chemo...It didn't help...Our neighbor died this week at home with his family...Picking up the pieces now, his widow, moving on with her life, we her neighbors ready to give a hand.

Today is "Fathers Day" our kids are miles away but I'm sure will check in with their Dad via telephone or FaceTime...We have a dinner planned, driving to Union with friends to check out the historic Union Hotel and sample its food...The hotel built in 1921 when Union was the county seat and a booming town...A scenic drive, a visit along the way, a good way to celebrate...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Daddy and his John Deere tractor

Bears had been killing our sheep so measures were taken.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sunny Saturday...45º

Yesterday didn't warm up until late afternoon so the fire Herb built early morning kept us toasty warm all day...Looking forward to a warm day today with time in the garden and on the deck...Leftover meatloaf is on the menu for dinner...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...In case you haven't been reading Bobi's blog here is a photo of the dragon boat that Cienna was a team member on, during the Portland Rose Festival.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cold but warming?...40º

Herb built a fire this morning, forecast says it will warm up today but think it will take awhile...We had rain yesterday so will take a break from watering and maybe get some things done in the house.

Yesterday Pat and I enjoyed mocha's at Arrowhead Chocolates, thanks to Amy...She really knows what makes us happy...With my chocolate fix I arrived for my acupuncture appointment thinking I was too revved up to relax...The needles and heat did there magic while I snoozed away...Safeway was next to stock up on groceries and then to the nursery to use a gift certificate for another planter on the deck... Hugs To All...OWAV:)

This was my choice.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Days and Weeks...45º

Days fly by as I try to savor the weeks also flying by...Close to the middle of June and summer is almost here...The city of Joseph and the rest of Wallowa County makes the most of our short summers by scheduling an event every weekend, starting with Memorial Day, to draw in the tourists...We also have farmers market on weekends and during the week with free concerts thrown in...Main events are Car shows, Quilt shows, Festival of the Arts (youth and adult), Rodeos (ranch, broncs and bulls) and Chief Joseph Days Rodeo, Indian feasts and dancing, 4th of July fireworks, Blues in the park, Mule Days and recently revived is Alpine Fest in late September to close out the season.

When we moved here 40 years ago Joseph's claim to fame was "Chief Joseph Days"...It lasted an entire week with parades, carnival, hand dipped corn dogs and 4 PRCA Rodeos...The town, the county and the community planned this event for a year as it was the "Main Event"...I wouldn't say Joseph was a booming town even then but it had the timber industry that gave people family wage jobs and support for schools...Farms and ranches had to deal with the weather but not with wolves imported from Canada who are protected and farm animals are a succulent part of their diet...Yes we have events going all the time but our school population has decreased to half of what it was in the 70's...Family wage jobs are few and far between.

Not sure where I'm going with this except to say, I loved Joseph 40 years ago and I still love this place but sometimes I long for the slower pace, I miss the sound of the mill whistle that sounded when the shifts changed (one at 6am), I miss the Gold Room and the Cowboy Bar, The Corner Grocery, The Variety Store and a Main Street that wasn't always lined with cars and tourists except for that one week in July when Joseph was the place to be!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Joseph Sunset 6/12/13 (start to finish)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Yesterday the day kept going from warm to cool and back again in a matter of minutes...Clouds rolled in, wind picked up, temperature dropped...Late afternoon I prepped a small bed to plant annuals, leftovers from the half barrels...I was either freezing or baking depending on the clouds...It threatened rain but finally blew over...Looks like the norm for the next couple of weeks...Cool, hot, cool, hot!

I have handwriting analysis class this morning, bills to pay, check book to balance, meals to plan and always weeding and watering...Maybe work on getting another load of wood from the log deck to stack in the backyard for another winter...Acupuncture appointment Thursday afternoon...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June Celebrations...48º

June has always been a month of celebrations for our family...Three family members with a special day were Herb's Dad, Herb's and Rusty's Birthdays...Many years we had one big celebration as our families shared cakes, candles and gifts...Sometimes now when the miles that separate us grow, we make due with a phone call or FaceTime and a promise of celebration when our family unites...Guess that is why when our family "comes home" it is party time on Barton Heights.

I always say that we got married the day after Herb's birthday so he would always remember our anniversary but that is not quite true...I always wanted a June wedding and the 10th was what worked out best that year...Most years we either have a special dinner at home or go out to eat and count our trips (Cruise, Hawaii etc) as our Anniversary Celebrations...So yesterday we took a drive on the "Loop Road" ending up at "Hells Canyon Overlook" reminiscing about the many trips we took over this windy road that was mostly dirt back in the 70's...We boated on the reservoirs, camped in a tent, swam, water skied and fished...I remember meeting many loaded log trucks on the narrow road...Scary!..We returned to Joseph, drove to Wallowa Lake and had a glass of wine to toast years gone by and more to come, and enjoyed dinner at the Glacier Grill...That was our excitement for this year...Both kids chatted in conveying love and good wishes...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Hells Canyon Overlook

Wild Flowers

Indian Paint Brush

Monday, June 10, 2013

Then And Now...45º

What is that saying a picture speaks a thousand words?...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

June 10th 1961

June 10th 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Slow Morning...50º

Saturday of the "Estate Sale" was slow...Not sure why except there were no other yard sales in the Wallowa Area and with gas prices at $4.25 a gallon people just don't drive the distance when yard sales are in their own backyard...We left Amy at about noon and headed home...It is a big weekend in Joseph with a car show and quilt show in progress...Lots of yard sale signs along the way...Neither of us were interested in stopping as our brains couldn't even think about looking at other peoples stuff!

Amy's sale did well on Friday and we hope Saturday afternoon picked up a bit as people were out hunting for that last "real deal"...At home I simply vegged, sitting on the deck, reading, staring into space...Bobi had text me about mid morning that Ci's Dragon Boat team came in second in the first race but internet was spotty for them so didn't get any more messages...They were spending the night in a motel downtown Portland so they would't have to fight traffic for this mornings race.

Herb's birthday package came in yesterdays mail and he waited to open it until this morning... He is the proud recipient of not only the hardest pair of socks, Bobi has ever knit, but also a new pair of slippers to keep his feet toasty warm this winter...What a thoughtful and precious daughter she is...This puts the pressure on me to get busy making a special pie or dessert for Herb to go with a steak and shrimp for his birthday dinner....Hugs To All....OVAW:)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tired, Achy...50ª

About seven hours on Thursday unpacking boxes of collections and treasures from at least two/three generations found Pat and I tired and achy...Utmost in our minds was a hot shower and a comfortable bed to refresh and renew ourselves for another day...Friday found us back for a 5 hour stint, Pat at the "cash register" me helping other people with small purchases or packing breakables in boxes and getting them to the cars.

A huge assortment of tables set up in a shop, we spent the first day unpacking, dusting of the worst of the dust, organizing into tables of kitchen utensils, glassware, fine china, pottery, Christmas decorations,  small furniture, tools, books, vintage clothes and much, much more...Then the hard part came; The pricing for a yard sale, because many of these items are quite valuable but the object of the sale was to SELL and things don't sell at yard sales for high prices...Soooo some of it was priced, most of it was make an offer...After the initial rush, things settled down and it was fun to watch people who came and some stayed for over an hour shopping, waiting for more treasures to be added to the tables...Amy ordered us burgers from the "Little Bear" drive in.

Soon we were on our way home to make appetizers for a concert at the Josephy center and crash into bed for the second night...Almost 7am this morning and we are scheduled to leave here at 7:30...So it is Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Yard Sale...54º

It is an early morning to help Amy set things up for her "Estate Sale"....We really have no idea how much stuff is involved, so plan the entire day and hope it all gets done...The actual sale starts on Friday morning and goes through Saturday....So you probably won't be hearing much from me the next few days...Wish us a fun, productive day!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Launch Day...48º

A busy day ahead with even busier days to come...The sourdough is rising along with the sun and I must get moving...One last trip to Alder Slope yesterday where I purchased a few more bedding plants so they are calling me...Several loaves of bread will be made today and I have to think about quick and easy meals as Pat and I will be helping Amy with her estate sale for the next three days...A tray of savory finger food is on the agenda for a Friday night concert at the Josephy Center...And time must be found to relax on the deck...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Blooming now, my Mom's favorite columbine.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sunny Week...48º

Sunny days are in the forecast, perfect for more days outside...Yesterday was perfect for planting...And so I planted cucumbers seeds, tomato plants in the garden and then moved onto the deck where I finished the planters for the deck and the front porch...This all sounds simple enough but it involves removing old soil and adding new, finding the right pot for a certain plant...Getting the watering system in place...Many trips are made to the garage and back and forth...Now if one was more organized it would help!..I easily get side tracked.

I finally came inside at after 3pm and Herb helped get dinner ready...We had hot pork sandwiches, apple slices and asparagus (fresh from the garden) also a few tiny radishes which I swear every year I will not plant again...They grow lots of green tops but very little radishes...GGRRRR

Write people is on the agenda today and then home to plant the potatoes...Hugs To All....OWAV:)

Monday, June 3, 2013


Years of mushroom hunting, cleaning and eating have taught me a few things...My first experience with mushrooms were ones Herb brought home in his lunch pail after a day in the woods...They were immediatly placed in a sink of salt water to get rid of the critters...Little effort had been made to clean off the dirt, pine needles or to sort out the ones that were obviously "wormy"...I spent hours over a sink full of water sorting the debris from the M.R. over the years...The next step was trying to dry out the soggy M.R. (mushroom are just like sponges)...We must be slow learners because this went on for years... Now however when we hunt mushrooms we remove the lower stem of the mushroom where it has dirt on it, leave the pine needles in the woods and leave the obviously wormy ones to rot in place...I carefully sort through the dry mushrooms removing any debris that we may have missed...Cut each one in half from top to stem, where I can get a good look at the insides for worms...These halved M.R. are then bagged and stored in the fridge.

Now for the cooking directions...Place halved M.R. in a colander, rinse well with cool water, dump onto paper towels to drain a little, slice into smaller pieces if you like before putting them in a DRY frying pan on low to medium heat...The M.R. will release their natural water, I let them simmer until they are dry then add a little butter, garlic and sauté until they brown and even get a little crispy, sprinkle with a salt and serve...Mmmmm-Good.

You may want to make copies of these directions, so the next time a good friend (doing you a great favor?) brings you a bag of mushrooms...It might be appropriate to share these directions with them...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Perfect weather yesterday for digging in the dirt and planting seeds...I did a wide row of carrots, row of beets and got 12 cabbage plants in the ground...Put water on a couple of raised beds and today will plant them with cucumber seeds and a couple of cherry tomato plants...I still have the planters on the deck to finish and geraniums on the front porch.

Yesterday Herb vacuumed and hauled the house plants to the front porch for the summer and mowed Pam's lawn, he is doing laundry this morning...We have lots of greens in the fridge and a steak thawing so dinner is pretty well taken care of, which means that I can putter and dig and take breaks on the deck with my mountain view.

Debbie just stopped by with salt for the lambs & kids and I pulled her an armload of rhubarb because Tim loves his rhubarb desserts....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Bed of Forget -Me-Knots

Cabbage plants in their own little "greenhouses"

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Herb and I made our mostly annual trip to the local ski area "Fergie" yesterday...A little late for skiing you might ask?..After the snow melts on the south facing ridge it is a good place for hunting mushrooms...Notice I said hunting not finding mushrooms...Herb did luck out yesterday and found enough for us to sauté for breakfast this morning...A treat we always enjoy.

Speaking of "Fergie", many years ago we spent almost every winter weekend on the slopes of Fergie where we skied with friends making Wallowa County winters more enjoyable...Summers years ago found us at Wallowa Lake with our kids and boat where we water skied, sunbathed, swam and picnicked every weekend...Aaaah, the memories.

Yesterday "We 3" met at Amy's new home off of "Old Ski Run Road"...A park-like setting, her 10 acres on a slope give her a lovely view of Joseph and the surrounding area...The property is fenced, has it own horse arena and fits Amy and her two horses perfectly...Quiet and tranquil her small home is nestled among tall trees with a small fenced garden where fruit trees are blooming...Raised beds for veggies and a raspberry patch complete the garden space...We shared a potluck lunch and toasted to Amy's future as she continues to build her acupuncture business, starts an interim job at the Josephy Center and in her spare time rides and trains her horses.

Today will be spent mostly in the vegetable garden where potatoes, cabbage plants and assorted seeds are waiting to go into the ground...Also I hope it is safe on this first day of June to move starts from the greenhouse to the half barrels on the deck...Hugs To All...OWAV:)