Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Cloudy/colder Wednesday...51º

Acupuncture is on my calendar this morning and Rusty is off on another day trip into the high lakes...I'm so glad that he is having these adventures and getting to see some awesome sights while riding a horse.

It gives me a chance to loaf or not and today, I will go grocery shopping after puncture and home to a visit from Cindy and a friend, who is curious about my grapevine that survives the Wallowa County winters...An easy day.

Rusty even mowed the lawn for me yesterday as he had the riding mower out to do some of the pasture and I didn't object...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Grampa Joe would have 
been proud, he loved 
his horses and at
a young age rode
in rodeos.


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Slow Monday...63º

 Connie arrived on time and ready to work and I decided that the house was needing attention, rather than the outside...So as usual, she dusted, then started the vacuum and worked her way through the house, mopping, scrubbing and doing some deep cleaning along the way.

For some reason I wasn't feeling my best, so ended up sitting on the deck and enjoyed the sunshine...My neighbor stopped by for a short visit, Connie finished up at 12:00 and I decided that chicken rice soup sounded good...I had leftovers and fresh veggies in the fridge and was soon sipping a brothy chicken soup, tasted good even on a warm day...Finally I remembered the laundry that needed to be put on the rack on the back porch, a great place to dry clothes.

Late afternoon I checked in on Becky and visited for awhile, then home to another bowl of soup...Rusty texted me that he was home, had a good trip into the wilderness and would see me this morning/Tuesday.

Now it is time for me to get dressed and start breakfast, think i'm feeling better today...Hugs to All...OWAV:) 

Patty Pans are finally producing.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Sunday Dump Day...59º

Cooler August days are here, summer in Wallowa County is probably over...It seems like it was just yesterday that Spring arrived and now we go the other way...I don't look forward to winter but I don't dread it either...Every season has it own beauty, I try to enjoy what they bring.

Rusty spent more time in the basement yesterday, this time it ended in a dump/recycle run...Herb and I both managed to accumulate "treasures," at the time, now they need to go...After the basement, more of the same in the upstairs that I squirreled away...Out with the old but hopefully not too much new!..For a person that doesn't like clutter, I certainly have my share of it!

Looking forward to a cool week, Connie will be here today to deadhead or cut totally down, as we prepare the flower gardens for fall/winter...Soon in the veggie garden we will harvest potatoes, onions, carrots and the last of the zucchini and patty pans...I think it might be time for me to mow the lawn...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
Asters are about the last 
to bloom.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Crazy Weather...61º

A beautiful day starting out and ending the same, but in between we had thunder/lightning, rain/hail depending on where you lived in Wallowa county...I'm reading this morning, that gardens were demolished, roads, culverts were washed out and I think the "car show" came to an abrupt end...We got the edge of it on Barton Heights, watched the lightning strikes along the mountain range, Ruby Peak was white with what we assume was hail...Then the day ended with sunshine.

We had company for dinner, John, Becky and Pam joined us for food, drinks and laughter...Rusty outdid himself, cooking bone in pork chops on the Traeger, while I did a relish tray, hard rolls and a plum Gillette...We all ate way too much and didn't think about doing photos, maybe another time...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

From 2 years ago
but very much like yesterdays.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Busy downtown...58º

It took me a few minutes to figure out why at 7am I heard traffic on Josephs' Main street, unusual even this time of year..."The Wallowa Mountain Cruise," started last night and this morning, cars were already lining Main street for the "Show-N-Shine."..An annual event with up to 200 cars lining main street for everyones viewing pleasure...Looks like the weather is going to cooperate for a sunny day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

The following photo is from "Wallowa Mountain Cruise", website from a previous year.

Ariel view of car show and Joseph, Oregon


Friday, August 25, 2023

Another Sunny Day...57º

 Grocery shopping is first on the list today, sure hope the shelves have been stocked...Yesterday was a visiting morning, sitting on the front porch, neighbors came for different reasons and it was fun to catch up, because we don't do it often...With the morning almost over, I remembered the load of laundry that needed to be put out to dry, then I looked at the clock and realized it was almost time for my balance class...Luckily I had an easy dinner planned, creamed peas and potatoes would go nicely with the rotisserie chicken from Safeway.

Balance class was more difficult yesterday (only two more weeks) and PT's Emily and Natalie are ramping it up...They set up an obstacle course, with cones to walk around, pillows and foam pads to step on and over in a serpentine course...Remember 12 people in the class, all of us are old, many hard of hearing, and some just don't take to following directions!..Lucky we didn't all end up in a heap in the middle of the floor! (Just Kidding)

Becky is working part-time and yesterday since I was in Enterprise, I got to bring her home...Nice to have a short visit and see that she is doing well in her recovery...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Veggie dinner from the garden.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Warming Trend...50º

 I know 50º doesn't sound very warm, but the sun is full on bright coming in our front window and the day will warm up considerably...Maybe we will have at least a week or two of growing weather for the garden...It is not uncommon to get a killing frost, the first part of September...Rain for the past three days was very welcome, and made everything clean and green.

I had an easy day yesterday, first a massage, then to the grocery store, but shelves were bare and  employees were scarce and I was hungry...So I decided to come back another day...I bought a deli chicken and went to Rusty's house (Rusty is off on another horse back/packing trip to Reds Horse Ranch) and ate chicken for lunch.

On my way home, I decided to stop and visit an old friend, from many years ago...We boated together, shopped for antiques and many other fun things, then both got full time jobs and our lives took different turns, but we still visited and kept in touch...Joanne lost her husband last November and I knew we needed to reconnect...We had a very nice 2 hour visit catching up, and promised to make it happen again.

All in all, it was a very relaxing day...Now I should get dressed and moving, because Rusty will be here soon and give me a bad time about what I didn't do yesterday...He is such a slave driver...(just kidding) ...Love and Hugs to all...OWAV:)

Joe Pie Weed, 
one of my favorite plants.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Much needed rain...54º

More rain is predicted for today as we get remnants of Hurricane Hilary, (or so they say).  It seemed like just a nice summer rain, that soaked into the hard dry earth in our lawn and garden...After being a total slug yesterday, (I was so lazy that I canceled my cleaning lady because I couldn't even stand to watch her work), today I feel rested and ready to move out of my chair.

Rusty continued to work in the basement, rearranging, cleaning and painting and I managed to cook the already made enchilada casserole that I prepared on Saturday, for our dinner...Late afternoon as the rain stopped and everything was clean and sparkly, I ventured outside, picked up the mail and took a few photos of the newly washed flowers...I love how the rain brings everything to life...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Globe Thistle

Santa Rosa plums almost ripe.

Black eyed Susans.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Garden/Birthday Party...56º

 An oasis under the pines, where 30 or more ladies gathered to celebrate Diannas' birthday and the amazing garden that she and her husband have planted and expanded for a number of years...Their home/wrap around deck, is adorned with hanging baskets and the lawns and gardens are manicured to perfection, with flowers blooming for every season.

The food table was laden with every kind of finger food possible, plus a separate dessert table...Tables and chairs for dining were scattered throughout the lawns and under the towering yellow pines...It was easy to move around, visit with friends, meet new people, and take in the sights and smells of blooming flowers, everywhere you looked.

Nearly 3 hours of partying was drawing to a close when the sky darkened, thunder rumbled and drops of rain sent us scurrying to our cars as umbrellas were folded up, food carried to the house and tables and chairs put away until the next party...It was a lovely gathering to celebrate a special ladies birthday!..Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Picture perfect.

Birthday Girl.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

A lovely setting for a birthday celebration...59º

 An early wakeup time for me yesterday, I lay there thinking, I could stay in bed all day if I wanted to, but that's not my nature...I did waste a couple of hours doing puzzles on the laptop, before I did my blog, then started a batch of bread, prepped everything for a big batch of Chili Enchiladas, harvested zucchini and my first 2 Patty Pan squash from the garden...Back in the house, I divided yesterday's zucchini cake into portions to freeze or give away, then got busy rolling enchiladas into 2 pans, one for Becky and John (Becky had knee surgery, so is on crutches, also on an ice machine periodically throughout the day) and one for Rusty and I for today or tomorrow.

Some where between enchiladas and cake I mixed and kneaded the bread and it is now lifting the lid off of the bowl and saying, "I knead your attention." Three round loaves and 6 large buns, now doing their final proof.

It is somewhere around noon now and I decide to take a break, also need to text my friend Lesley, because she has been absent from my FB page for at least two months...I find out that her daughter has been in and out of the hospital, her husband has health problems and her little dog isn't in very good shape...She sounded totally overwhelmed!

A Birthday party was also on my calendar yesterday, so while the bread bakes, I clean up the kitchen, then while it cools I take a much needed shower...I baked the bread for a reason, one loaf to Sandy in thanks for the cucumbers (or trade), one loaf for the Birthday Girl and now a loaf for my friend Lesley...Oh and buns for John and Becky and Me and Rusty!...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Join me tomorrow to hear all about the birthday party.

These will easily hold
 a 1/2 pound of beef
or make a great BLT

1 1/2 pound loaves

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Zucchini is getting ahead of me...66º

 We had rain, bringing cooler temperatures, yesterday...It felt really good and gave me an excuse to grate zucchini and make a chocolate sheet cake using the zucchini that goes crazy in the garden...Now I have to freeze most of it so I don't eat it, one little/big bite at a time!

Seems like a good day to make bread and warm up the kitchen, after spending the past 5 days trying to cool it off!

Rusty and I checked out some yard sales yesterday, he bought a saw, for future use, then spent the afternoon rearranging/cleaning in the basement, not sure what he's doing, but there is lots of banging and vacuuming going on down there...I think another load will be going to the dump soon...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Chocolate, zucchini, chocolate
chip sheet cake.

Friday, August 18, 2023

More Pickles, weather cooling, 65º...

Rusty and I visited a garden yesterday, to check out the watering system and ended up bringing home enough fresh cucumbers for 4 more quarts...I sliced one jar into spears and put lots of garlic in all of them, along with one Thai pepper, grape leaves and dill...They sure are pretty...Larry and Sandy have a beautiful place, Dobbin ditch along one side and room for chickens, 2 horses, a lovely log home and a garden with green house...Sandy grows an amazing garden, using the green house for cukes, tomatoes, beans, tiny cantaloupes and 4 watermelons...In the garden itself are squash, onions, corn, garlic (harvested already)grapes and everything else that is growable...She is an amazing gardener.

Yesterday I finished the 5th week of my balance class, 3 more weeks to go...They challenged us with tossing a ball (basketball size) to a partner and walking backwards...12 people, 12 balls, 2PT instructors and 2 student instructors...You can imagine, it was balls going every which way, and unbalanced people trying to standup and walk backwards...Someone mentioned that they forgot the chewing gum...It is hard work, but fun as well, think I might/should sign up for the next session...
Almost forgot, dinner last night was delicious, Rusty did salmon on the grill and I did pasta salad and fresh carrots, onions and tomatoes...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Dill Pickles


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Tomato Season is here...67º

 After canning tomatoes for much of my life, several years ago I tried roasting, then freezing, tomatoes to make into winter meals...I have shared it here many times and will do another rerun of it today...If you click on the following link, it will take you to roasting tomatoes and also, making zucchini casserole because zucchini is also in season...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Bracing for the Heat...70º

 A heat wave is forecast for the next few days so trying to keep the house cool this morning, so we can do things inside instead of outside.

Yesterday we picked apricots, our tree produces "cots" about every 5 years, they are delicious and we appreciate them very much...Will make some jam, will try drying a few and eat some fresh.

Face Timed with Bobi this morning, she and Ci went to the beach yesterday and spent a lovely day in the sun and water...Wishing all my friends a wonderful day...Hug to All...OWAV:)

Lovely Apricots!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

It was a great day...57º

I started the day off, washing sheets, so they could line dry for the day...Rusty fixed breakfast, then worked outside while I prepped cucumbers to made fermented dills...We each filled a two quart jar, -(following a recipe), grape leaves in the bottom, then garlic, mustard seed, peppercorns and thai pepper, then half of the cukes and repeat the layer, ending with 2 more grape leaves to cover the top...A salt, vinegar, water brine was poured into the jar covering all...A homemade airlock lid then screwed on and now they ferment for several days.

Fermenting Dills

Rusty carried boxes of dills downstairs, and put them on cellar shelves, now we wait until Thanksgiving to sample them...We love filling the cellar.

Looking ahead at the weather, temperatures are getting into the 90's next week, so I mixed a batch of bread, preferring to bake while it is not so hot...I ended up with 3 loaves, 5 sandwich buns and 5 hard rolls, most are now in the freezer...Pam arrived with a huge head of Romain lettuce from Beckys' garden, so we made tuna sandwiches, Rusty poured wine and we visited the afternoon away.

To finish the day, fresh line dried sheets on the bed, I showered and called it a day...Hugs to All...OWAV:)


Mixed Buns

Saturday, August 12, 2023

More on Pickles...55º

 The best kind of vinegar for pickles is apple cider vinegar...It has gotten very expensive the past couple of years and you have to read labels carefully...It needs to be 5% acidity...Braggs is the most common and the most expensive, I've found it occasionally at Grocery Outlet for a "decent" price...Costco has a 3 quart pack of "their" cider vinegar and safeway has a gallon...Do not use white distilled vinegar!..(made from corn)...Your pickles will not taste the same and most people will not eat them, saying, "Mom, these pickles don't taste right."

Rusty and I are going to try fermenting dills today, doing a couple of big jars and see how that process goes.

I got rid of more dill yesterday, Betty from the Methodist Church ladies called for dill and garlic to go with the cucumbers they have...They make pickles and sell them for a fundraiser...I like donating to local organizations...Hugs to all...OWAV:)

This works

make sure you use pickling salt.

Good Vinegar.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Kitchen is a disaster area...

Thirty Five pounds of cucumbers have been washed, sorted, stuffed into jars, along with garlic, dill, grape leaves, hot peppers and brine...They will rest on cellar shelves until Thanksgiving, when they will be ready to eat...I have a few pounds leftover and am thinking about making fermented dills...First I have to wave a wand over the kitchen, twitch my nose or just get dressed and clean up my mess from yesterday!..I keep telling myself, I love what I'm doing...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

The photos are in reverse order...

2 gallons that will be made into sweets, in
about six weeks

Dills ready for cellar shelves.

Cucumber getting washed and  trimmed.

Our 2 hour visit/lunch in Boardman park 
on the river.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Apples on the ground...50º

Monday morning, Rusty found me still sitting in my chair, tapping away on the computer...I was trying to hurry but not making much headway...I had started bacon on the stove, so he took over the kitchen and soon had bacon, eggs, toast and fruit ready to eat!..I left my blog still only half done and sat down for breakfast...What a guy!

Breakfast done, I finished the blog, as Connie came in the back door, ready to clean house or work in the flower gardens...We decided the gardens would be first, and finish up in the house doing what ever she had time to do.

I made my usual rounds, in the veggie garden and moved water hoses on the yard...As I walked under the apple tree, I spied several apples on the ground, knocked off by last nights rain...Something clicked in my brain, pie crust frozen, wouldn't take long to thaw?..

By 1pm, Connie had finished deadheading, cleaning bathroom, kitchen and vacuuming...AND an apple pie sat cooling on the kitchen counter.

The Mom in me said, "Rusty, you know this pie is the best right now while it is still warm?" And he said, "Do you want yours with ice cream or sharp cheese?" "I'll have ice cream, you can have the cheese." So he had both!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Monday, August 7, 2023

Time Flies...57º

 It was nice having "younger" people around for the last 3 days...Rusty's 40th class reunion celebration was over the weekend, Frank, April and Bryan, with friends, parked their RV in our backyard for the long weekend...They joined other classmates for pizza at Embers on Friday night, BBQ at the city park on Saturday and prime rib and partying at the Stubborn Mule on Saturday night...Good thing they are "young," I got tired just hearing about all of the activities.

Now it is Monday morning and all is quiet, here on Barton Heights...Rusty is fixing breakfast, so I can write and bring everyone up to date...We are planning a day trip, this week, to Boardman, where we will meet Bobi and Cienna for lunch...They will bring cucumbers from Sauvi Island and we will swap dill, garlic and grape leaves, then all will return to their separate homes to make dill pickles.

Connie is here this morning working on flowerbeds and maybe house cleaning too...Sure is nice to have her help...Sometimes though it is a good excuse for me to be lazy...After everyone left yesterday, it had rained and was cool in the house, so I mixed a small batch of bread, shaping it into buns for sandwiches (BLT's. hamburgers etc) and made "Big"wiener wraps and one loaf of bread...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Nice Loaf

Wiener Wraps out of 3 oz

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Acupuncture, groceries, lunch, wood...60º

 Early Wednesday morning, Rusty was on his way to get a load of wood, (cut up, but still on the ground) from last time they did wood...I had the morning to myself, with acupuncture on my calendar, followed by grocery shopping...I treated myself to lunch at the Senior Center, again sitting with "Sandy and Louis" relative newcomers to Wallowa, County...Wieners and sauerkraut was on the menu.

I arrived home shortly after Rusty...He unloaded and stacked wood, while I took care of groceries, and prepped dinner...By that time it was after 6pm and we relaxed and visited on the deck before he left for home, to shower and crash...It had been a long day for him.

He has a busy weekend coming up with a 40year class reunion, activities scheduled for the weekend...Frank and April are staying in their RV on Barton Heights...Other classmates will be stopping by...Should be fun...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Nice load of wood.

Miniture BeeBalm

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Garlic Time...60º

 Monday morning found Rusty and I in the garlic patch...I got to pull 200 plants, lay them out in 10 to a bundle, luckily they pulled easy, and were very clean...That was the easiest job for me and Rusty, then tied them and hung them to dry in under the lean-to...They will dry for about 3 weeks before we clean them up, cutting off all the dried stems, place in flat boxes to cure more before we break apart, peel, slice, dry and grind into powder.

Tuesday, we left early looking for the elusive huckleberry, we had a nice drive out Day Ridge, only saw a few berries...It is extremely dry, but we explored new country for both of us...Back home I went to my balance class, then home to reset sprinklers, fixed a light dinner (to hot to really want much to eat)...We were both ready for an early bedtime...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Almost done.

Ready to hang

Done for another year.