Thursday, August 17, 2023

Tomato Season is here...67º

 After canning tomatoes for much of my life, several years ago I tried roasting, then freezing, tomatoes to make into winter meals...I have shared it here many times and will do another rerun of it today...If you click on the following link, it will take you to roasting tomatoes and also, making zucchini casserole because zucchini is also in season...Hugs To All...OWAV:)


  1. This is Laurie, and it seems like I need to visit you, recipe cards in hand. Your dill pickles, sweet pickles, and mustard pickles in your blog posts make my mouth water, and I can’t help but wonder if your beet pickles are the ones I’ve been thinking about for over 20 years.

  2. Thanks Laurie for your comment, I would love a visit with you, but would be happy to share all of these recipes with you, via email...I won't be making as many sweet pickles as before, because Herb was the one in our family that really liked them...Hugs to YOU.
