Saturday, April 30, 2011


Slept late, after celebrating Founders Day last night.  Got home at a decent hour, but sat up doing scrabble and killing pigs until 11pm...Always need to unwind.

Marion Stanley
We had a great sorority party with 24 ladies in attendance to celebrated Founders day... "Pathways to Friendship" was the theme for 2010-2011...Jane, Marion and their committee have worked tirelessly since the first of the year plotting and planning the decorations...The three sororities "Phi Master, Xi Beta Nu, and Beta Nu", were greeted with a "yellow brick path" bordered on both sides by flowers and signs leading into "Vali's", where we enjoyed a social hour before partaking of a lovely buffet dinner...the traditional founders day program was followed, as we reminisced about the past year and dedicated ourselves to enriching our future.

Ann Hayes and Jane Williams
Our sorority chapter was started over fifty years ago and two of the original charter members, Jane Williams and Ann Hayes are still active members in Phi Master...Jane and Ann joined sorority, as young women looking for a much needed took them away from the everyday routine of child care, cooking, laundry was a place where they met with their peers to enrich their lives socially, culturally and also gave service to their communities...They embraced this group and became lifelong friends, promoting the ideas and teachings of Beta Sigma Phi...Over the years, two more chapters have been added and at one time boasted a combined attendance of over fifty members, in Wallowa County...Jane and Ann keep us on the straight and narrow in the ways of Beta Sigma Phi...any questions we have can be answered by them...Words of advise from them are...Attend meetings and study your BSP Book.

I was extremely lazy yesterday but did accomplish one thing.  Jane had written a poem several years ago about her days in BSP and she read it at Founders Day.  I called and ask if she would like to enter it in the poetry contest being sponsored by BSP.  She liked the idea so she filled out the entry form, I quickly typed the poem and it went out in the mail, so we could beat the May 1st deadline  I hope she gets recognized.  OWAV:)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

OWAV:)...04/28/11...6am...32°...Raging Blizzard...Oh Joy

Received this forward yesterday...usually I just delete them and go on about my day...after looking outside this morning decided that this must be the problem here in Wallowa County...Since it is almost May 1st and we have a major blizzard in progress.
INSTALLING   SPRING.... 44% DONE...Install delayed....please wait. Installation failed...Please try again... 404 error: Season not found...Season "Spring" cannot be located...The season you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable...Please try again.
Finally a few daffodils are they are being flattened by snow and wind...little green house is being kept warm with a heating pad and a 100 watt light bulb...think the chances of growing anything in there are slim...keep trying.

Yesterday I printed programs for Founders Day...stitched insert to cover on the sewing machine...all thirty of them...finished with name tags and place cards...will pick Jane up this morning to go to Vali's and help set up for the big event tonight...She will be so frustrated at this weather as they have outside decorations to install...they depict this years theme... "Follow the Path to Friendship"...We can only hope the weather changes before tonight.

Made ham and bean soup out of leftover ham from Easter...It is so simple...all done in the oven...did a quick soak on the beans...added chopped onions, celery, garlic, leftover ham and bone...covered with water...5 quart dutch oven was very full...covered pot, put in 250° oven at 10am...stirred at 12 2pm we had wonderful soup accompanied with corn bread, honey butter and fresh kind of cooking.

Enough for today...OWAV:)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Sun coming through the east window brings promise of a nice day...they seem to be far and few between so far this spring...Daffodils just starting to bloom...perennials slow to break through the frozen ground...very likely one day it will change...temperatures soaring and everyone complaining about the it goes...

I spent most of Monday, doing Dr. appt. hip x-ray...then home to make a salad to take to "Stitch and Bitch"...While in Safeway I walked by the strawberries and they actually smelled like "strawberries"...put a box in my basket along with baby home I prepped the spinach, nuts, green onions, Mandarin oranges and made a huckleberry vinaigrette out of frozen huckleberries, plum jelly and balsamic vinegar...dipped the strawberries in chocolate, rolled them in nuts...picked a bouquet of almost blooming daffodils..birthday gift... and woolah I'm ready for a "S&B" birthday party for friend Kathy Hunter...

Meet Kathy at the grange hall and we get there at 4pm...others don't show up until about 6pm...we are entertained by "Pinto", a dog who reminds me so much of our Bailey dog that it is unreal...the dog owner, Ann, whose home we are at, finally puts him out in the car...then he will be good because he thinks he is going somewhere...He is about a year old and Ann keeps saying he will calm down soon...little does she know...

This S&B has been organized for sometime...the women six of them...are close and have done trips together plus the knitting...I'm new and think Kathy is the only one that includes me...others are still checking me out trying to figure how I too...haven't knitted anything for almost a year...and usually don't knit at S&B because I end up tearing it all out when I get home...hard for me to talk and knit at the same time...We watch it rain, snow, sleet, hail, and sunshine...Lots of food...soup, salad, homemade bread, pesto, oranges slices in wine, dense, dark, chocolate cake...I'll probably be up half the night on another caffeine high...Told Herb when I left back in a couple of hours...he said before dark?...I said oh sure way before that...I pull into the driveway as daylight is on its way out...

Tuesday...7am dental appointment...quick stop at Safeway...home to get ready for write group...out the door with computer by Kathy Putnum at the grange hall, seems my meetings this week are all up Hurricane Creek...We arrive at Phyllis's to the smell of brownies cooking and Kathy has brought soup this week, Phyllis furnishes the bread and I'm eating again...Home before 2pm, ask Herb if he is hungry...not I plan dinner for about favorite fried oysters....Can't imagine why I'm gaining weight!!!!!

I have programs to print and assemble, for Founders will close for another day...sun still shinning...OWAV:)

Monday, April 25, 2011


It was a gentle warm rain last night when we went to bed, with more snow falling in the high mountains...snow pack is above normal...can only hope it doesn't warm up and come off too fast...showers are predicted for the entire week.

Worked outside yesterday morning...moving mulch around, where it is covering plants that should be sprouting by now...the rain should help them to get started...Have the vegetable garden ready for seeds to be planted...greenhouse is "perking" away.

Put a ham in the oven early...layer of onions on the bottom, tented loosely with foil... temperature at 300°...sliced potatoes, onions, garlic for scalloped potatoes...then started a pie crust and filling for lemon pie...Herb juiced the lemon and always carries stuff up stairs from the cellar...saving me many trips...Dinner at 4pm with John and Tate joining us...always a good visit with those two...Becky will be home in a week, for the summer.

Talked to Bob and Ci on ichat...she got a new Cuisinart for her birthday, having worn out the one she got at a yard sale...Ci was finishing up her homework...they had goat for Easter dinner...Bob sold four bags at the bazaar on Saturday and made contacts for other possible sales...Kept missing Rusty on ichat so will try to connect with him this afternoon.

Now I have to head for the shower...Annual physical scheduled at 8:45am...stop at Soroptomists...Kathy Hunter emailed that "Stitch and Bitch" meets late afternoon today for a "soup and bitch" supper...should be fun...

Tomorrow I have a dental appointment...write group...and will finish the programs for Founder's Day...have leftover ham today and beans and ham tomorrow...I think...OWAV:)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Finally planted a few seeds (150) and got the little greenhouse started...know it is late and don't know if anything will mature...but have to try...of course with the sun in the daytime, it gets up to 80-100° very fast...put a heating pad in for the night...thinking about a heat lamp...want to plant cold weather vegetables such as lettuce, radishes, carrots and beets in the real garden today.

Have a ham to fix for dinner, along with scalloped potatoes and greens...typical for Easter...sometimes would have asparagus...John has been invited either for dinner or a doggie bag however it works out...Pam also, but she hopes to be on her way to the valley where she has a training session all week...

Looks like a beautiful day is shaping up outside...Herb has sheets hanging on the line...must get moving because I think the day is changing by afternoon to moisture....Happy Easter everyone!!!  Thinking about more later..about past Easters...OWAV:)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


My day is wasting, kind of like my night!!  No more "triple shot mocha's" for me.  Gwen informed me yesterday as she started to make my tall mocha that they put triple shots of espresso in them, was that okay?  I said sure, why not it was only 10:30am.  What was I thinking????

Yesterday, as planned, Pat arrived at 9am ready to rock and roll.  We joined a huge crowd at Cloverleaf Hall in Enterprise for the annual Lions Club yard sale and silent auction.  Shopped for about an hour, both of us buying a few things, nothing really spectacular.  They have an immense amount of junk there, as people donate boxes full of "stuff" and sorting is minimal.  After the initial rush, the crowd thinned out and we made one more pass through. Made a side trip to Safeway and on to Joseph and "Arrowhead Chocolates".   Drinking and talking for the next hour or so we caught up on news of the past two months.  Then to my house for a brief tour of my "awakening" garden and on with the day.  Pat is in the process of planning her garden, at their Wallowa Lake home.

I didn't feel particularly energetic, talked to Bobi about her upcoming craft bazaar, happening today, and then got on the subject of "Angry Birds" and the golden eggs...then I spent several hours researching that on the Internet, copied some directions...took time out to make a meatloaf, potatoes and onions...stuck it all in the oven...and went after the golden eggs that I have left to solve...Finished reading "The Blind Assassin" finally...will have to have my friend Kathy explain some of the plot as it was beyond me.  It was an interesting read.

Passed my bedtime, at 10:30pm I went to bed... where I lay wide eyed... heart pounding...taking deep slow breaths...thinking only good up at 12 midnight...took pills...ate crackers...killed pigs...back to bed at 2am...deep breathing again...good thoughts...awake at 6am....NEVER AGAIN will I have a triple shot!!

Remembering a day forty nine years ago...ME...a scared nineteen year old...was about to experience an event that would change my life forever...It was Monday, the day after Easter, April 23rd, 1962...about 2:15pm our daughter Barbara Jo Allen was born...In the "olden" days, childbirth was not discussed...except in whispers..birthing classes were not held...tests were not run...the sex of the baby was unknown, until such baby appeared...for the past nine months I had told myself...other women have done this...and I will also......arrived at the hospital 12:30...driven by my sister-in-law...Herb was at work...fathers were only in attendance to fertilize the egg in those labor for only two girl was delivered...whisked away to the nursery so Mom could rest...bonding was unheard of...stayed in the hospital for five to seven days...then begin a new life...Its been a good life, thank you Babe, we were so lucky to get you for our first born...OWAV:)

Friday, April 22, 2011

OWAV:)...04/22/11...5am...20°...Clear with ☀☺

The promise of sunshine...yard saling with a friend...scrabble done...pigs killed...things are looking up...sun is hitting Ruby Peak...that's my cue to get dressed, but first I must write.

Yesterday morning I worked on label-making 101 all morning...finally figured out an acceptable way to do the name tags and place cards for Founders Day...Now all I have to do is print the program inserts on Tuesday and my job will be done...I will help set up at Vali's on Thursday morning...Actually I hate Founders Day and all the foo-faa...but it is important to my dear friend keep saying I do it for her.

We had the comfort food of oven fried chicken thighs with roasted potatoes and onions, a side of salad...Herb ate more than usual, it was so good...our dessert lately has been Oreo cookies, one with mint filling for me (I'm not wild about Oreo cookies), and three assorted for him...Later he has ice cream with butterscotch topping and I have pea pods and a small piece of chicken, yummy...trying to be good, calorie wise, because I see the doctor next week and she is sooooooooooooo going to yell at me for gaining so much weight!!!!!  Actually I should be eating everything in sight then dieting after the appointment.

Think I mentioned before that I have a high school reunion coming up in June...don't plan to go...but got the email list of emailed the guy that I went to Wood Grove with and ask if he or his sister has any photos of that time...he is supposed to send me photos, so that should be interesting...will also pick his brain as to him memories of that time.

I mentioned yard sales...emailed friend Pat that I was in need of conversation and "drinks"...we have settled on the annual Lions Club sale and coffee at Arrowhead Chocolates...while conversing...then home to do whatever today.

Herb has been feeding horses and Dobbie for John, while he is on the river...that gives Herb a break between books, solitaire, pig killing, laundry, stoking the fire, emptying the dishwasher etc..Enough rambling for one day OWAV:)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

OWAV:)...04/21/11...6am...33°...Snowed 2" Brrrrrr

One of those days...nothing pushing me, no place to go, just sittin here in my jammies, playin on the computer.

I will take a shower, maybe get moving.  I have to work on sorority stuff, name cards didn't work in the printer, too small, jammed, had to turn the printer over and fish it out.  Back to square one.

Had an early blood draw yesterday, managed to get enough blood with two "sticks".  I can hardly wait to get the results of all these things, they always manage to fine something to give me another pill for or another test or, or, or???

We had deer stir fry yesterday and will have comfort food on this cold, snowy day.  Some thing like chicken and mashed potatoes.  Maybe more later....OWAV:)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Oh Joy, I go for a blood draw this morning.  My veins are flat and hiding, then when they do find one, it is like a worm in a compost bin and wiggles right out from under the needle. (How is that for description)!!!!  So no coffee for me this morning, just hot water.  I have to be there at 7am.

Our write group met at Phyllis's hilltop home yesterday, we read some writings and then got on the subject of books.  Spent most of the time talking about Greg Mortenson and whether his stories were exaggerated in "Three Cups of Tea".  Phyllis fixed a pot of soup and crusty bread for our lunch.  Usually we go to her house when the hillside is blooming but too early this year.

Then I went for a bone scan and mamogram, stopped at sorotomists and browsed for a while, then home.  Sun was shinning but a cold breeze continues to blow.  Talked to both kids, bobi last night.  She is getting ready for a craft sale, selling her bags and has a birthday coming up this weekend.  Rusty is in Maryland so was on the computer early this morning, as usual their job is delayed because trucks didn't show up with parts that they need.  Story of his life.  Guess I better get dressed and on my way.  OWAV:)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

OWAV:)...04/19/11...4:30am...20°...Clear Sky

Seemed wiped out last night, so went to bed at 8pm.  That's what happens when you have meetings all day.  Anyway I slept good and woke up "refreshed".  It is frosty outside with birds singing.

Came home from book group with more books to read.  "Committed" by Gilbert, author of "Eat, Love and Pray" is the choice for next month.  Other books mentioned were "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", "The Girl Who Fell From the Sky", "Major Pettigrew's Last Stand", " The World is Flat", "The Help", "Room" and the series by Stieg Larsson.  People also bring books to exchange and return books from last month.  A lively discussion was enjoyed by all.

At the sorority meeting we made good headway toward Founders Day with Jane and Marion leading the way.   Nine of us attended the meeting, with the two oldest members of our group doing the most work, strange how that happens!

I got home about 4pm and Herb had everything ready to make our dinner of an egg/steak scrambled, with hash browns and toast.

We spent the rest of the evening as usual, reading, killing birds and playing scrabble.  Thus another day on Barton Heights.  OWAV:)

Monday, April 18, 2011

OWAV:)...04/18/11...24°...5am...Maybe sun?

Birds are chirping this morning, sun trying to break through.  Forecast still says chance of rain/snow.  Scrabble games are done!

Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day.  I scattered thousands of seeds and sand everywhere in the main flowerbeds.  Very few of the seeds will actually sprout and grow but the ones that do usually fill in nicely.  The little greenhouse is up and I am starting seeds in egg cartons, never tried this before.  They look very much like the premade seed pots, so should work.  If this experiment doesn't work, Alder Slope is always an option.

Book group meets this morning, members all reading a different book to be discussed.  I am finally reading "The Blind Assassin", by Margaret Atwood, the book of choice two months ago.  I am enjoying the book, even though it has three plots going at one time and way too much description for me.  I'm riding with Pat this morning, so we will catchup on our visiting and errands.

Have a final committee meeting for sorority this afternoon, then will have to finish the program brochure, and work on name tags and place tags for the banquet.  Also have to finish a scrapbook page for Ruth.

Tomorrow write group will be held at Phyllis's.  I have a bone scan, mammogram in the afternoon, and blood work on Wed.  This leading up to an annual physical next week.  Fun Fun Fun....All pretty boring stuff!!!!  Sun is shinning in front window and lighting the top of Ruby Peak.  My signal to MOVE!!!  OWAV:)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Up early but feel rested, with head clearer than it has been.  Maybe totally dried out from the decongestants.  Another cloudy, gloomy day, although yesterday started out with some sunshine and morning temperatures in the fifties.  Herb worked at trimming the apple tree and I checked out the garlic (doing nicely, but could use some sun).  Also looked over flowerbeds to see if the new transplants are starting to sprout, since I've never been able to make myself, make a master plan, it is always fun to figure out what I planted where.

Marigolds from seed
Broadcast last spring for fall bloom
Back in the house I started looking for the seeds that I harvested last fall.  My plan is to get some started in a small greenhouse so they are ready to go in the ground in late may.  After much searching I finally found all the seed stashes and will start planting this morning.  While I have the seeds out, I will also broadcast some outside, as that is sometimes where my best flowerbeds come from.  It is fun to mix a potpourri of seeds into about two quarts of sand and then scatter all of this willy-nilly in every flower bed and see what grows.  Most of the time it is amazing, what mother nature comes up with.

Yesterday I also talked to all three of my sisters.  Don't usually do this all in one day, but Loraine had a birthday on April 6th, tornadoes have been coming very close to Barbara's house in Oklahoma and Mona, usually the one that keeps in touch, has been unusually quiet for the past month.  I find all of them, sounding good, especially good for the ages we have attained.  Loraine is 84, Barbara will soon be 82 and Mona is 73, I think this is correct.  I've always been the young one, but all at once I seem to have gotten old also. How could that happen?? 

Our of the mouths of babes.  While talking to Barbara, computers came into our conversation and she related this story.  While visiting one day, her neighbor ask if she had a computer, Barbara replied "Heavens, no, I probably wouldn't even know how to plug one in."  The neighbors six year old son overhearing this remark quickly replied "But Mrs. Stephens, you know that thing in the wall where you plug the vacuum cleaner, you just plug the computer in there."  How simple is that?

Must get a shower and start the day, Herb is going to BBQ us a steak for dinner, I will add a baked potato and green salad.  Life on Barton Heights for another day. Love to all OWAV:)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

OWAV:)...04/16/11...37°...Rain overnight...Birds singing

I talked to both kids yesterday, some concern about my cold, but mostly "You didn't do your blog today".  I love it!!  To think they are actually interested in something I write or are they just being nice?  They both liked hearing about " My life with their Gramma and her remedies".

I miss the old barn.  The skeleton of the new modern three car garage, with shop, is going up in its place.  Now I can view the mountain tops, over the the bare 2x6's.  The concrete floor was poured, on the only good weather day of this week.  I wonder if they will have a dance when the garage is completed.  I know that I will get use to it, in time, like my Dad alway said, "You will get use to hanging, if you hang long enough."

I fixed a yummy "mustgo" soup yesterday.  I mixed leftovers from the lamb shanks and spaghetti, from last weeks meals, added corn and broth from the freezer, and at the very last, I added chopped cabbage and greens, simmered a little.  Then stirred in some cream to blend and soften, all the flavors.  It was served with our favorite cornbread, and honey butter.  Herb and I eat more soup than we ever have before, it is easy and good and I can get lots of veggies in it.

Herb just brought me a note pad and the grocery ads to make a list.  He is on his way to Enterprise and will get groceries while there.  Now I have to THINK.  What are we having for meals over the weekend and what do I need from the store.  I think i've played this cold for all the rest and relaxation I can get out of it, and now must get back to the reality and drudgery of everyday life.  Also  It seems that the "writing well" has dried up on this day.  Another day on Barton Heights, OWAV:)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

OWAV:)...04/14/11/6am...24°...Partly Cloudy

I have been up since 4am, playing scrabble and angry birds.  Now I must write.  Didn't get the storm that was predicted yesterday, although it was nasty and cold with rain and snow mixed, there was no accumulation of snow.  I've finished my coffee and now have a cup of "home remedy", Mom's hot lemonade, made with fresh lemon juice, honey and hot water.

Yes, I have a head cold and sorority scheduled at my house tonight.  What to do??  I don't want to pass this along to my friends, so I will call co-hostess Darlene and decide what to do.  Do we cancel the meeting, move the meeting place or what?  Some people would say, "Idella will do anything to get our of cleaning her house", they may be right.  But no, even I wouldn't go this far.  I got the kitchen and bathroom cleaned yesterday and plan on doing the living room today, etc etc.

As I write about "Mom's home remedies" it brings back memories of many, many years ago.  You learned early on never to tell Mom that you were having a problem going to the bathroom or that you weren't feeling well or thought you might be coming down with a cold, or had a tummy ache, or a sore throat.  Most of these things would pass in time, on their own.  If you were really sick, she would figure it out, and bring all of her remedies out of the "medicine cabinet" to cure whatever ailed you.

For the common cold and sore throat, first came the blue bottle of Vick's Vapor Rub, filled with menthol smelling salve.  That in itself was not bad, when just rubbed on the throat, but it was on occasion inserted inside the nostrils (which is a no-no) but it definitely cleared out the sinuses. Also there was Vick's nose drops and a Vick's inhaler.  Remember there were no nose sprays, decongestants or antibiotics in those days, just aspirin and Vick's.  I was plagued with "tonsillitis" which was probably strep throat and today, easily taken care of with a round of penicillin.  Then huge pills called sulfa drugs were given.  I was between the ages of four and eight and couldn't swallow pills, so I would first refuse the pills, but as the pain of the sore throat worsened I would chew the pills and then try to wash them down with water, not a pleasant memory.  I have also had my throat swabbed with Merthiolate and Vick's salve.  The cure soon becoming worse than the disease, and in time I recovered.  The hot lemonade and a salt water gargle were probably the best remedies.

If  you had a chest cold, then the mustard plaster came into play.  Mom would mix up dried mustard and water, spread it on a clean cloth, rub your chest with lard and apply the mustard plaster to your chest.  Cover you with blankets and a hot water bottle, just to get the mustard to heat up.  This was supposed to break-up the mucus in your chest and help you to breath easier.  When the mustard plaster was removed, your chest would be a flaming red color from the mustard plaster and you said "Yes, Mom, I can breath much better now."

If you mentioned that you had a tummy ache, first came the "vinegar fizz".  Made by mixing hot water, vinegar and a pinch of baking soda, stirred and drank before it bubbled over the top of the glass.  This was usually followed by "throwing up"(vomiting) whatever was causing the tummy ache.  Further complaining brought out the "Fletcher's Castoria" bottle filled with a foul tasting, brown syrup.  Since the "vinegar fizz" didn't cure the tummy ache, it must be constipation.   "Fletcher's Castoria" was administered by the tablespoon full and followed with a large glass of water.  This was sure to solve the problem because no one in their right mind wanted to remind Mom of the "enema bag".  Enough said.  OWAV:)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

OWAV:)...04/13/11...5am...35°...Storm Warning

We are supposed to have two - three inches of snow before noon today.  So far, rain but that is all.  Yesterday was sunny but far from warm.

I went to write group in the am with six of us attending.  Readings went well but sometimes our socializing gets in the way of our writing.  I read some of my blog from last week, at the Imnaha retreat and a story written several years ago called "Dumpster Diving Mama". It is similar to one Bobi wrote about, her Gramma (my mother) and her days gleaning the dumpster at a small grocery store in Utah.  I received good comments and much laughter from "The Write Group".

                                           Dumpster Diving Mama
“Oh, I see a case of mushrooms down in the corner,” said my mother.  “Just a minute,” said her sister Jessie, “I have to get this box of grapes.”  And so it went as they made their weekly or semi-weekly visit to the dumpster at Reem’s Market in Bountiful, Utah.  The two sisters, my mother and my aunt, always the frugal ones, had found another way to stretch their pennies.  No, they were neither homeless nor destitute, but they were both in their seventies and had lived though hard times.  They were always looking for ways to stock their cellars and freezers and save on their grocery bills.  Now it seems they had found a bonanza.

My mom moved to Bountiful in 1973, moving into the little house that her parents had built and lived in for many years.  Now she would be closer to many family members.  Also the climate there would allow her to grow almost everything and anything that she wanted, not only flowers but also fruits and vegetables to preserve and store in the cellar for winter.  She had struggled in the colder climate of McCall, Idaho to grow a garden and had traveled one hundred miles, round trip, to buy fruit so she could preserve it for her family. 

Now in Utah, she and her sister Jessie were shopping together and trading vegetables and fruits to can.  Aunt Jessie had a small orchard and the valley in which they lived was truly a bountiful place, with produce of every kind.  My mom was in her glory.

Each week they checked out the weekly grocery advertisements and planned their shopping trips around the specials.  The store, Reem’s Market, always seemed to have the best specials and was usually their first stop.  They would trade off driving each week, either my mom in her 57 Chevy or Aunt Jessie in her 69 Cadillac.  One day the parking lot was very full, when they arrived at the store, so they parked in the back near the dumpster.  The dumpster was overflowing with boxes and discarded food.  A watermelon caught their eye, after looking it over and finding just a small rotten spot, they decided to take it home. 

That was the beginning of their dumpster diving.  Usually they went in the cool of the evening on the days that the dumpster was quite full.  This made it easier for them to reach things, but soon they were scaling the side of the dumpster and reaching down inside for the really good stuff.  At first they just took enough for the two of them to eat, then they started sharing with other relatives.  They couldn’t stand to see all of that good stuff hauled of to the dump, so they made cantaloupe-pineapple marmalade and dried the grapes into the most wonderful raisins.  Mushrooms were frozen or dried and broccoli and cauliflower was trimmed, blanched and frozen.

  Every summer when I went to Utah for my annual visit, Mom couldn’t wait to go to the dumpster to see what we could find.  Sometimes we made nightly trips just to check it out.  I remember hanging down inside the dumpster with her holding onto my feet, while I reached for something.  I don’t remember what it was, but we just had to have it.  Soon we were both laughing and I was struggling to get out of the dumpster before I ended up, on my head, at the bottom with all the rotten vegetables. 

The manager of the store knew about their forays in the dumpster, and even set aside other things for them.  Sometimes he would have outdated cheeses, packaged meats etc., that they could pick up inside the store.  But then as always good things come to an end.  Because of the liability the manager told them he would have to post the dumpster with no trespassing signs, thus ending their dumpster diving days.  They of course were not happy about this, but took it in stride and continued canning from their gardens and fruit trees for many more years. 

 I have decided to have "Thursday night at the movies" for the sorority meeting.  Darlene will bring carmel corn and I will furnish candy (Milk Duds, Malt Balls, M&M's, Mike and Ikes and buttered popcorn.  No we won't show movies, only tell about the first movie we saw as a child or about our all-time favorite movie.  This won't be the cultural program that our sorority stresses, but instead a way to get to know each other better.  From my experience, if you want to become better aquainted with a person, listen to their childhood stories.

When I got home from write group, the carpenters were here fixing our roof.  I was happy to see, that unlike my dream of last week, where they almost demolished the house, they were fixing only, the eight square feet that blew away in the windstorm of two months ago.  Adam had trouble getting the roofing material and other parts, plus the weather has been so awful.  Now it is starting to snow and we really need sunshine to stick the shingles together.  Hope we don't get wind!  What will be will be.  OWAV:)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Just saw a posting about Mr. Bill Williams on "facebook", a dear friend and neighbor.  His son Steve had posted his picture in honor of his April 10 birthday.  It brought back many memories of this special man.  He was much loved and honored by the community.

I wrote the following on the day of his death.


I knew Bill first as a neighbor; soon afterward he became a friend.   I’ve known him now for almost 35 years and in that time I have learned many things about him.  He grew up on a farm in Eastern Washington and learned at an early age what hard work was and that money didn’t grow on trees.  He started college at Whitman in Walla Walla, but his schooling was interrupted when he left by train to serve his country in the Second World War.  He didn’t talk much about that time in Germany, but he did tell me a story about one place he was stationed.  Their base was near a pasture and a cow was kept in this pasture.  Sometimes at night he would slip through the fence and milk the cow then share the milk with his buddies.  “Nothing ever tasted so good” he said.  The next words out of his mouth were “I felt bad for taking milk from the German lady and her family”.  Bill didn’t go hunting in Wallowa County, something that almost everyone else does here.  He said he had enough of guns during the war. The American flag flew from his front porch almost everyday for as long as we’ve been neighbors.  He was a gentle, humble, kind, loving man with a deep faith in God.

When Bill returned to Walla Walla after the war his Sweetheart, Jane Lust was waiting for him.  They finished college, married, and both applied for a teaching job in Lostine, Oregon.  They found themselves teaching students not much younger than themselves, and made lifelong friends in those early days.  After teaching for a few years in Lostine Bill and Jane moved to Joseph, where Bill served as superintendent of schools for the rest of his career.  Bill loved to tell the story of their move to Wallowa County.  They planned to stay here for about five years, make enough money to pay off their bills and then move to a place where they really wanted to live for the rest of their lives.  It didn’t quite go as planned and some sixty years later they are still paying the bills, but they did find the place they wanted to spend the rest of their lives; Wallowa County, the place they call home.

The house on Barton Heights in Joseph was soon filled with children, Bill, Mike, Steve, Charlie and twins Bob & Linda.  The small acreage that came with it gave them room for a vegetable garden and the old barn surrounded by a pasture was the perfect place for a milk cow to graze.  The cow would give milk to help feed their growing family and also supply fertilizer for the garden.  My first memory of Bill is seeing him go out the back door of the house, wearing old clothes and a baseball cap with a milk pail in his hand.  The cow had to be milked before he went to work.  Two hours later he left the house by the front door, dressed in a suit and tie on his way to work at the Joseph schools. Sometimes he drove the old pickup, but most days he walked to work, I think he liked the quiet walk to gather his thoughts for the sometimes long day ahead of him, especially the days when a bond was being voted on to provide much needed money for programs at school.

Bill loved his family above all else, he supported them in whatever path they chose, and then he guided them gently toward their goals.  As the grandchildren and great grandchildren came along they found a special place in his heart and he would beam with pride as he talked about them.

I had the privilege of working in the school system for Bill; there I came to know him as a professional, Mr. Williams.  His job as superintendent was not a nine to five job but a job that encompassed his entire life.  The needs of the students and staff were always put before his own needs.  He worked long and hard to make sure the school system was the best he could make it and always treated his entire staff in a kind and compassionate manner.  It didn’t matter if you were a teacher or a janitor, to him you were an important part of the school and first and foremost you were treated as a person.   He looked for individual strengths in everyone and always the good in people never their shortcomings.  Bill was respected and loved and looked up to as a role model by both students and staff.

Our children were privileged to know him as a friend and neighbor as well as their school superintendent.  Our son learned the rules of baseball and sportsmanship when he played for the “Red Socks”, the little league team that Mr. Williams coached for many years, long after his own sons were grown and married.  He coached because he loved the game but most of all because he loved teaching kids.  Our children looked up to him with respect because he lived as an example, someone to pattern life after.

After retirement Bill continued to serve his community as he had the school, active in Masons, Rotary and the Methodist Church.  He was loved and respected by family, friends and the community he served.

We continued visiting as neighbors, usually on the front patio of Bill and Jane’s retirement home.  They were still our neighbors, only now two doors up instead of next door.  Little did I know when we moved to the house in Joseph that the first people we met here would play such an important part in our life.  Many days we sat on the patio, taking a break from mowing, weeding, planting or watering. We visited about family, local issues, aches and pains, the weather, traveling, the days when we were both at the school and how young all of us were when we first met.  He almost always had a joke to tell and I loved his sense of humor.

The last few years haven’t been easy for Bill, with a hip replacement that put him in the hospital in Boise for almost two months.  Then learning to walk with a cane, manage oxygen full time and other health problems has been very difficult.  But he faced them all with determination and continued life like he had always lived it, taking one day at a time and doing what had to be done.

 Ours was an easy friendship, a treasured friendship and now I have the memories to last me a lifetime, because I knew a special man.  A man named Bill, a man named Mr. Williams, a gentle, humble, kind, loving man with a deep faith in God.  Thank you Bill for being my friend.

I accomplished the main thing on my list yesterday and mailed out the sorority invitations, to the sister sororities, for our annual Founders Day to be held, on April 28th.  Also I paid monthly bills, balanced the checkbook and made a little headway on the house cleaning.  I have write group today, but will read some of my blog about the Imnaha writers retreat.

Chatted with both "kids", caught up on scrabble.  Sun is shinning!! OWAV:)

Monday, April 11, 2011

OWAV:)...04/11/11...5:30am...38°...Partial Cloudy

I've wasted an hour playing "Angry Birds" and now can see the sunrise as it hits Ruby Peak.  The signal to start a new day.  I have been sorting things in my mind and...Have to clean house this week in preparation for my sorority meeting here on Thursday night.  Sure wish I could find that cleaning lady of my Imnaha dreams...First I have to call Jane and get an update on the data to go in the sorority, founders day invitation, so it can go out in the mail today.  Then I can get on with the cleaning.  I made spaghetti for dinner yesterday and since it is always better the second day, we will have leftovers for dinner today, one problem solved.  I have some phone calls to return after being gone for a week and need to plan menus for the rest of the week...Just mundane stuff!

Certainly didn't accomplish much yesterday, other than unpacking my suitcase and getting everything put away, alway more fun to pack for a trip than the unpacking.  I got back into the scrabble games, missed them while in Imnaha.  Took the scrabble board with me but no one was very interested in playing, so I just put the board on the coffee table and played the tiles myself.  Not near as much fun as a rousing game with other people. 

I have talked to both my kids since coming home, Bobi is getting ready for a craft show on April 23, where she will display and sell her bags.  Cienna, working on her last term of seventh grade, where has the time gone?  Yes, it is still soggy and wet in Portland.  Rusty catches an early flight Tuesday morning for Maryland, where he and Jarno will add another "crane" to a building that they have worked on before.  News is scarce on Barton Heights, so I will say goodbye, until another day... OWAV:)

Sunday, April 10, 2011


After a wonderful sleep in my own bed, I'm rested and will get moving soon?  The lingering smell of skunk is gone, the familiar smells of my own house have taken its place.  My head is clear.  Herb has my coffee fixed and waiting for me.

Kathy and I quietly went about our clean-up duties, before we loaded our belongings into the garden cart for the last trip across the Imnaha River and our departure for "out on top".

Retreat foot bridge. Photo by Katey Shultz

As we worked at these tasks we also, packed our suitcases, tidied bedrooms, bathroom and refilled our coolers with food, that hadn't been used.  The dryer buzzer signaled that the laundry was done.  Sheets, pillowcases, and towels were folded and put away for the next group of writers, who will descend on this canyon, Sunday afternoon.  Our time is winding down.

Kathy again pushes the cart across the foot bridge while I finish up at the house.  We get everything across in two loads.  I'm not looking forward to the bridge.  Much to my surprise, the bridge is much easier for me and I move along quickly and am able to help Kathy put the last load into her car.

We visit, spot elk on the hillside, stop at the Imnaha Store and Tavern where Kathy treats us to an ice cream.  Then wind our way to the top.  As the Wallowa Mountains come into view, I get the same feeling I did some thirty eight years ago, on my first trip coming into this valley.  That feeling is one of coming home and home it is.  OWAV:)

Saturday, April 9, 2011



I awoke at 6am with light coming in my bedroom window.  I'm in a strange place and didn't sleep well.  My night was filled with crazy dreams, often changing characters, but alway the same story line.  Sometime in the night I woke up cold and had to go to the bathroom.  Before going back to bed I put a shirt on over my pajamas and socks on my feet.  Slept warmer the rest of the night but the dreams continued.  

Along with two other ladies, I'm at the "Imnaha Writers Retreat", sponsored by Fishtrap.  This is my first year here so everything is new and exciting.  We are staying in a large log home, that was build about thirty years ago by Dr. Blackburn, who was a physician in Joseph,  for many years.  In his later years he sold this place to Dr. Driver, a young doctor, who had joined his practice.  Now Dr. Driver rents this remote spot to Fishtrap, for the months of April and October.  Writers come from all over Oregon for a week or two of peace and quiet, to write, hike, read, make new friends and reflect.

Log House (photo by Katey)
The log house is deep in the Imnaha Canyon, surrounded by rimrocks, with the Imnaha River running nearby.  A long suspension foot bridge is the only access.  The trees are starting to change colors, with the willows and bushes turning from orange to light green.  A lone forsythia bush, with its yellow blooms stands out, next to the river.  Green lawn surrounds the house.  It is warmer here than in Joseph, but we still need a fire, to ward of the chill.  The house is heated with electric baseboard heat and a wood furnace.  

Yesterday when Kathy and I first arrived, she knowing about my balance problem, suggested I cross the bridge one time to see how I would manage.  The bridge was difficult for me, since my balance is nil.  It's a good thing it has wire mesh sides as I hung on all the way, taking baby steps and looking straight ahead, all my concentration focused on the end of the bridge.   It was decided that Kathy, with one arm in a cast, from a recent surgery, would navigate the bridge, bringing our belongings over in a garden cart.  I with two good arms would split kindling and get the wood furnace started.  What a "team".  All went well and soon we were heating the soup I had brought from home, and having our lunch.

Kathy and I visited about family and friends and soon Katey, our third person arrived and then left for a bike ride with her friend Eric.  Kathy needed a rest and I spent time, bringing more wood into the house, set a fire in the fireplace for evening, and watched the river while reading my book.  Later Kathy made cookies and I her "left hand" managed the removal of the hot cookie sheets from the oven.  Later all three of us dined on more soup and bread, shared wine and conversation around the dinner table, then retired to the living room.  In front of a crackling fire we read or told some of our stories and ideas of what we hoped to accomplish in this week.  OWAV:)

OWAV:)…4/05/11…6am…60°…Broken Clouds

Up at 6am, rested.  I've been retyping a story after it has been edited.  It is now 9am, sun coming over the rimrocks and flooding the canyon with light.  It rained during the night and now the rain drops are sparkling, the grass is greener and there is a promise of a warmer day.  Kathy will be making a trip to Joseph today for a luncheon meeting and return late afternoon.  Katey is fixing a special chili, using Thai lime and chili cashews for flavor for our dinner.  Both Kathy and Katey have a food intolerance to milk products and Katey also to wheat.  My soup worked well for both of them as I, substituted wild rice mix for the usual homemade noodles, added hominy and lots of green and yellow vegetables.  I will make roasted chicken, yams and salad for dinner Wednesday night.  Friday we will eat leftovers and on Saturday morning clean up, wash sheets and towels and leave this peaceful place for another group of writers arriving on Sunday.

Yesterday was windy and cold, each of us on our own went for a short walk, but were all soon back in the house to the warmth of the wood stove.  Kathy pruned the grapevines and Katey and I made a quick trip outside with hand pruners, and brought in a bouquet of forsythia, now forcing blooms on the dinning room table.  Each day we have quiet time from 9am to 5pm, with a break for lunch.  Not that we are totally quiet all of that time, but it keeps everyone more aware that we are here to write.  

Kathy Hunter
Without really planning, we all have assumed different jobs.  Kathy as "Den Mom" makes sure trash is emptied, knows where everything is and what belongs to Fishtrap and what belongs to the Driver family.  I have been keeping the wood furnace burning, splitting kindling, and setting the fireplace up for a nightly fire.  Katey hauls wood from the woodshed to the back porch each morning.  We all share in cooking, doing dishes and other cleanup.  Our day is spent writing, rewriting, editing, and reading.  I play "Angry Birds" for a break.  

Kathy fixed shepherd pie and green salad for dinner, we top it off with a glass of wine, then have dried fruit and chocolate for dessert.  The fireplace is lit Kathy has brought some of her special cherry cordial, so we sip that as we read some of our writings aloud to be critiqued by each other.  OWAV:)--watching the river and looking up at the rimrocks.

OWAV:)…04/06/11…6am…60°…Broken Clouds…OWAV:)..

Up at 6am, start coffee, rebuild fire in the wood furnace and settle down to write.  The wood furnace is a temperamental beast, a little difficult to start, then when started it burns the wood like a raging monster.  There is no way to close it down so it sustains a steady even burn.  If I load it full to last all night it burns hot and fast so by morning I'm again left with a warm firebox but no coals, so have to start with more paper and kindling each day.  I find that one good sized log lasts as long, because it doesn't burn so hot, as if it is loaded up at night.  This log house is probably at least three thousand square feet, so along with the wood furnace we use the electric heat sparingly and keep a somewhat even temperature.  If it would just warm up during the day it would be nice.  Oh well can't change the weather.  Another thing that we can't change is the continual smell of skunk especially in the living room.  It will almost go away and then soon becomes more pungent, didn't smell it much on the first day but it gets worse as time goes on, maybe it is from the house being warmer.  Kathy said they had skunk "problems" at one time but sealed up the foundation so animals can no longer get in.  I wonder if it is sealed tight enough.  Wonder if the smell of skunk is seeping into my pores and will I have a new fragrance when I go home?

Yesterday was pretty non productive for me, I did some more editing, and when I think about it that is one of the things I wanted to do here.  So maybe it was more productive than I thought.  I split more kindling, read more of the book "Too Close to the Falls" by Catherine Gildiner.  A memoir of growing up in the fifties-sixties, my era.  Read some material Katey gave me in preparation for her memoir class, I will be taking in May.  I'm not comfortable doing dialog, but she says I need more of that in my stories to keep peoples interest, so something to work on.   Katey did fix her special chili for dinner last night and it was very good, makes me want to be more innovative in my cooking, but not sure how it would go over at home?  Kathy, Katey and I seem to be getting more comfortable with each other, loosening up a little, personalities coming to the surface.  Alway interesting getting to know new people.

I hear cows mooing outside, have seen a couple of deer browsing on the hillside this morning and hear the sounds of birds, awake for another day.  I must shower this morning and get on with the day.  OWAV:) 

04/07/11…5:30am...45°…Overcast  05/08/11…5am…45°…Snow Overnight

Didn't write yesterday, spent the day reading "Too Close to the Falls" by Catherine Gildiner.  Memoir (coming of age) by a precocious child of the fifties'.  Raised by affluent parents and schooled in Catholic schools.  I found it interesting.  

It has been cold, snowy, grey, dismal, not at all the week I expected, weather wise.  Katey hauled wood from the woodshed, before she left for Enterprise and I have tried to keep the house warm, but it is difficult.  Also trying not to use all of the wood.  I do hope the next three weeks are nicer for the people coming then.  Kathy came down with a cold and sore throat yesterday morning, so is sneezing and staying in her room more than usual, to keep her germs to herself.  I made chicken broth yesterday out of the chicken carcass of the night before, when I had made a chicken dinner with roasted carrots, yams and parsnips.  We didn't cook yesterday, just fended for ourselves with all the leftovers in the fridge.  I had soup for breakfast and chicken sandwich for dinner, along with oatmeal cookies that I baked on Wednesday afternoon.  Both of us drank chicken broth during the day, it tasted especially good on this cold snowy day.  I split kindling and brought wood into the house, took a little walk just around the grounds to get some fresh air.  The continued smell of skunk in the house is, worse at times, making my head hurt.  Wonder how I will look back on the is week a year from now?

On the productive side I have made corrections to most of my stories that my friend Kathy Putnam had edited some time ago.  So will see how they fit together and what spaces I need to fill in to make the story flow in an orderly manner???  

Last nights dreams were vivid and jumbled.  Someone showed up at my house to clean, cleaned one room and charged me two dollars, I gave her a five.  Bill and Mona were building a new house in front of their old one and someone brought in heavy equipment to work in a rock quarry that was supposedly on our property.  I went to the courthouse to find out where our property lines were, then called a lawyer to put a stop to their digging.  The rock quarry was filled with the red rock of Utah.  I awoke to find all of my covers on the floor, so reached down pulled them up again, all in a heap, went back to sleep and continued the dream.  I kept trying to find the cleaning lady, so she would do another room, no luck.  I arrived home, to find our house with the entire roof and upper story windows gone.  Half of the house was being replaced instead of just fixing the eight feet of roof that was blown off.  I'm ready to go home but afraid of what might be waiting for me.!!  I slept until 7am.  It is now almost 10am so will get dressed and start gathering my things into piles as we will clean and be on our way home tomorrow.  OWAV:)

QWAV:)…04/09/11…7am…feels warmer…cloudy

I have kitchen stuff, including frozen food that is left, in my bags except for my breakfast.  Sheets and towels are in the washing machine.  We wash our sheets, pillowcases and towels, then fold them and leave them on top of the bed so people know they have been laundered.  They will make their own beds when they arrive.  Bedding is furnished by the owners which makes it easier than bringing your own, but it is very worn out and would be fine for summer when it is hot here, but we had a hard time finding the right combination to keep warm on this cold visit.  

Idella, ready to go home.
As always I'm anxious and ready to go home.  It has been fun, only wish it had been warmer, then Kathy got the cold and has spent most of her time in her room trying not to spread her germs.  Katey had to go into Enterprise on Thursday afternoon, for a presentation and decided not to return to the retreat, for only one more day.  So much of it has been a solo trip for me.  I did get the corrections made in many of my stories, now will fill in the gaps with additional stories, also add a few about my high school years.

Looks like the sun is trying to peak through, maybe we will have nice weather out on top.  Must sign off, get dressed and pack my suitcase.  We will vacuum, sweep and put things back as they were when we arrived.  I brought over more wood yesterday and split a box of kindling and medium size wood for the next group.  So long…from the Imnaha retreat, time will tell whether I return another year.  OWAV:)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Everything the weather report said, came true yesterday.  We had wind, rain, sleet, snow, and a brief glimpse of sunshine.  Typical April weather here in Wallowa County, except for in Imnaha, which is thirty miles from Joseph and near sea level.  Warm breezes, lush green grass and the smell of flowering fruit trees everywhere, a little paradise, unless you factor in the rattlesnakes and the fact that I am dreaming.

Imnaha, located north of Joseph, in a canyon surrounded by rimrocks.  It has its own grade school, postoffice and tavern.  It's temperatures soar in the summer making a perfect place to grow almost any kind of fruits and vegetables that you desire.  From Imnaha you can travel on rough, scary, scenic roads, to Dug Bar, located on the Snake River, or Hat Point, an overlook of the Snake River. The other route is the river road, with leads back to a paved road taking you to the Snake River Canyon, where you can drive by Oxbow Dam, take a side trip to Hells Canyon Dam, then drive by Brownlee Dam and on into Idaho.

Today I will ride with a friend to Imnaha, take the river road and spend the week at a writers retreat.  "They" say every person has a story to tell.  I hope to hone my writing skills and edit some of the stories I have written and eventually put them into some kind of a book for my family.  If nothing else it should be a relaxing and restful week.

I spent most of yesterday, writing lists, packing food and clothing for the next week.  I have made a pot of soup for our first night.  Other people will be bringing food to share and it may be a week of potlucks.  This is the last you will hear of me for a week, but I will keep a daily log of the happenings and report to you when I return home.  I'll be thinking of all of you while I'm smelling the flowers, soaking up the sun and dodging the rattlesnakes.  Hope you miss me, love to all...OWAV:)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

OWAV:) 04/02/11..5am..44°..Windy/Rainy

April came in like a lamb but on its second day has turned into a lion.  Have rain and wind this morning and snow is forecast for later today.

On Thursday I spent most of my time editing some of my stories in preparation for a writers retreat in Imnaha.  I have many that are half written, waiting for me to finish.  I hope this week will inspire me to get with it.

Yesterday, Herb and I left at 6:30am for LaGrande.  Herb had an eye appointment and both of us would get an adjustment from Dr Bond, our chiropractor.  The seventy miles to LaGrande is a beautiful drive, so I alway look forward to the trip.  Dawn is just breaking as we leave and as always we are on the lookout for deer.  We see many white tail deer grazing on the new grass, as we take Hurricane road, bypass Enterprise, and pick up highway 82, headed toward Lostine.  Cattle, with their calves, are still bedded down in the fields waiting for their breakfast. It looks much more like spring, the farther we go.  In Minam Canyon, the Wallowa River is running high and muddy.  Looks like the steelhead fisherman will have to wait for better weather to resume their fishing.  Fields of winter wheat, grass seed and mint are all greening up and growing as we enter the Grande Ronde Valley.

We arrive at Dr Pettit's office at 8am, always try for an early appointment, because you are more apt to get in and out quickly.  Otherwise you may end up spending half of the day there!  Today it goes quickly, Herbs eye pressure check is good, and we are soon shopping at BiMart, then on to Dr Bonds.

For many years I have been coming to Dr Bonds office, first bringing my mom here, for her adjustments, some fifteen years ago.  He took such good care of my mom, that now Herb and I try to come out on a monthly basis, and sometimes it is more of a visit than doctor time.  Dr Bond and his wife "Sam" are kind and caring people and we always enjoy our visits with them.  We discuss, trips, kids, gardening, cooking and quilt making among many other things.  We leave his office an hour and a half later, as "well adjusted people" and refreshed from a good visit.

Next stop is the health food store to buy fresh peppercorns and other spices I might find.  Then on to the used bookstore, where I could spend the rest of the day, but since Herb is waiting in the car, I limit myself to a half hour. He reads ten times more books than I do, but he doesn't enjoy browsing in a bookstore like I do.  It is just get books and go, with him.  I will plan another day, alone to LaGrande, when I can browse to my hearts content.  I buy two books, non fiction, to take to Imnaha.  One last stop at Grocery Outlet, our favorite store in LG.  We have decided on Mexican food for lunch/dinner.  We order a dinner to share, along with a beer for Herb and a margarita for me.  Oh my gosh!  The margarita is strong and sweet with grand marnier, way too sweet.  I drink most of it, along with chips and salsa and dinner.  Won't order that again!

We do make one more stop at D&B farm supply, look for awhile and buy two pairs of gardening gloves, seed potatoes, beets and pole bean seeds. As we leave Lagrande, temperature is in the high sixties and the Grande Rhonde River is really high as we pass through Elgin.

Home again, we unload the car, soon Rusty comes home, and Susan and Josh stop by for a visit.  We spend the evening reading, playing angry birds and scrabble.  Bedtime is early.  OWAV:)