Friday, April 22, 2011

OWAV:)...04/22/11...5am...20°...Clear with ☀☺

The promise of sunshine...yard saling with a friend...scrabble done...pigs killed...things are looking up...sun is hitting Ruby Peak...that's my cue to get dressed, but first I must write.

Yesterday morning I worked on label-making 101 all morning...finally figured out an acceptable way to do the name tags and place cards for Founders Day...Now all I have to do is print the program inserts on Tuesday and my job will be done...I will help set up at Vali's on Thursday morning...Actually I hate Founders Day and all the foo-faa...but it is important to my dear friend keep saying I do it for her.

We had the comfort food of oven fried chicken thighs with roasted potatoes and onions, a side of salad...Herb ate more than usual, it was so good...our dessert lately has been Oreo cookies, one with mint filling for me (I'm not wild about Oreo cookies), and three assorted for him...Later he has ice cream with butterscotch topping and I have pea pods and a small piece of chicken, yummy...trying to be good, calorie wise, because I see the doctor next week and she is sooooooooooooo going to yell at me for gaining so much weight!!!!!  Actually I should be eating everything in sight then dieting after the appointment.

Think I mentioned before that I have a high school reunion coming up in June...don't plan to go...but got the email list of emailed the guy that I went to Wood Grove with and ask if he or his sister has any photos of that time...he is supposed to send me photos, so that should be interesting...will also pick his brain as to him memories of that time.

I mentioned yard sales...emailed friend Pat that I was in need of conversation and "drinks"...we have settled on the annual Lions Club sale and coffee at Arrowhead Chocolates...while conversing...then home to do whatever today.

Herb has been feeding horses and Dobbie for John, while he is on the river...that gives Herb a break between books, solitaire, pig killing, laundry, stoking the fire, emptying the dishwasher etc..Enough rambling for one day OWAV:)

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