Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Garden Clean Up...41º

I didn't plan to be a gardener...Many years ago, gardening to me was much like housework, it never stayed done, so I decided I just wouldn't do it...Grass, trees and bushes suited me just fine!..Then one by one plants, (given to me by friends) appeared and started to bloom...Soon I was going to nurseries and coming home with more plants...My Mom needed help in her garden, so I practiced (under her tutelage) digging, weeding and planting...I found gardening books at yard sales and with photos included it wasn't difficult to put names to the blooms...I didn't know what I was doing but if a place in the yard was difficult to mow, we killed the grass, amended the soil and put in plants...Down came many of the trees, because the plants I grew to love, needed more sun...Now we have more gardens than grass!

So, as you all know, I happily spend hours doing the weeding, deadheading and watering to keep everything blooming in its own season...I've found that most things in life do not stay done, the dust still piles up on any flat surface, endless piles of clutter adorn our house and eventually I have to clean...But outside with each changing season, seeds sprout, something new blooms and blooms make me happy, so I don't mind the endless chores of keeping a garden...Herb and I both work hard to keep the weeds at bay...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Pat and Brian's plane was delayed before they boarded in Baltimore, so they will be arriving tomorrow instead of today...Also their entire trip will be three weeks, only 10 days spent in Joseph...Things seldom go as planned...😉

Leading to the front door.

Sidewalk is much wider
with all the plants pulled our and/or trimmed.

Meadow Rue


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