Sunday, January 5, 2014

Books and Dust Bunnies...15º

I can only move the dust in our house around with a "swiffer" for so long before I get out my cleaning pail, add a small amount of cleaner, water and a cleaning cloth...Yesterday I tackled my cookbook library...Not a huge collection but it takes time as I remove the books, clean the book case, dust each book, leaf through it, thinking maybe this one could find a new home, before I put it back in the stack to keep...None of these cookbooks are old family heirlooms, nor do they have recipes that are often used...You see, some were given to me, others I bought at yard sales, sometimes I read them like a novel, savor the photos and think someday I will try a recipe...Some of these books are huge volumes, used by chefs...I found them at a yard sale in Portland, 50 cent each...Others are tiny paper backs, such as "The Tassajara Bread Book" also found at a yard sale...I love the calming feeling I get when perusing this little book and can feel the dough come to life in my hands as the yeast or sourdough start, works its magic.

One small case with its odd collection.

Last night before I went to bed the books cases had been cleaned, rearranged and all the books back where they belong...Only two went into the sack that will take them to a new home, the others seem happy with their lot, collecting dust waiting for the day when I choose one to read or maybe even try a new recipe...Today I have another corner calling me, another book case...This is the gardening library...Ah todays journey, as I dust and savor, will take me into spring, bulbs blooming, trees leafing out and then the flowers, do I smell lilacs in the air?...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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