Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Cabin Fever...20ª

January and cabin fever seem to go hand in hand...It is hard to stay indoors when the sun is shining outside, unless the temperature never gets much above 30º...Yesterday as I pondered, "what's for dinner?" and couldn't get in the mood to cook anything, thoughts of "burgers and fries" floated through my head...Text to Pam, "Road Trip to Imnaha?"...Almost before we had time to get bundled up against the cold wind, she was driving into our driveway.

The Imnaha Tavern and Store is a gathering place for the Imnaha locals and a destination for the rest of Wallowa County, when we need the scenery of a lower elevation and something to eat without cooking...Opening the door to the tavern, warm air from the wood fired barrel stove, engulfed us and invited us in out of the cold...We were greeted by the familiar laugh of Leita and Steve and old forest service friends, Janie and Bob...We had a quick visit before they left for "up top" as the Wallowa Valley is called by the Imnaha folks.

It wasn't much warmer down there, but the snow line is much higher on the rim rocks, cattle can be seen grazing on the lower pastures...The trip down and back up that winding road and full bellies will last us, maybe until March, when calves will be frolicking in the fields, or lying flat out, soaking up the sun and the day will be perfect for another "Road Trip."...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

We Left This.

For This.

And This.

Almost Back Home.

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