Monday, February 25, 2019

Snowy West...22º

A four day storm has been predicted for the Western US, mostly in Oregon and Washington...We are getting our share of it here in Northeast Oregon and all other surrounding areas...It snowed steady yesterday, sometimes it really came down, but still light and fluffy...This morning we have over 5 inches of new and still snowing, doesn't look like we will see much sun until Friday.

I started Challah bread on Saturday, mixing and folding, then refrigerated overnight...Sunday morning began the fun part...First I sectioned the dough into even pieces, rolled them flat with the rolling pin, then rolled them up tightly into long strips...I did 3 strip braids, just like braiding hair, one 4 strip loaf ( I thought that would be hard but no it was simple, just followed Utube directions) and one small round loaf, using the last of the dough...The fragrance was overwhelming and the flavor heavenly, they are almost two pretty to cut into...Pam joined us for dinner and she let me win again at cards...😀 French toast is on the menu for this mornings breakfast.

3 strand loaves

Snail loaf and 4 strand loaf

All baked and waiting for butter and jam, 
leftovers for French Toast.

It is a good thing that we have leftovers for dinner because our day is going to be spent shoveling, plowing, resting...Repeat...Fingers crossed that we stay well and don't have to leave our warm abode...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Looking out the sliding glass doors.

A little different view


  1. I want to learn to make challah bread. It's delicious!

  2. Okay, we are going to have to schedule some play dates.
