Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hot Springs Continued...8º burr, it is still October!

Thursday shopping was fun for a change, our first stop was a consignment store, where they only take quality items, and price them so everyone gets a good deal...All of us scored there, Jan and Sue thinking of the guys they left behind, found coats at bargain prices, Pam was into vests this year, as a multi colored wool fit in her bag, along with practically new winter gloves, and I with much trepidation tried on a pair of leather, ankle boots, (me who only wears stable tennis shoes, as I "approach" old age) they fit, felt good, had good soles and only a few scuff marks, I succumbed! Linda is a "professional" thrift store shopper, buying for; Herself, husband, kids and grandkids, she has a nose like a bloodhound when it comes to finding the best names, quality clothing and equipment for family skiing trips...From there we moved on to thrift stores and three hours later, Sue, Jan and I were shopped out and hungry...We left the other two, to shop more and walk "home," while we drove to the cabin, made sandwiches for all, visited, before Sue and Jan, took a walk for some fresh air and the incredible views of Payette Lake...For the evenings entertainment, some played cards and others enjoyed crazy tv shows/movies on netflix.

Friday dawned cold and clear...We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, and were entertained by a family of raccoons, parading through the property and into their "home," under a storage garage...Soon we had lunches packed, car loaded, Sue as pilot, (her car is more roomy than mine) we drove the scenic 40 mile route to Burgdorf...As we neared Burgdorf, signs of this summers fire became apparent and we could see how close the fire came to nearly wiping out this lovely spot, with all of its historic cabins and lodge, and are so glad that, that didn't happen...Four of us enjoyed a 2 hour soak, (had the pool mostly to ourselves), while Jan investigated the many cabins, walked to nearby campgrounds, then joined us in the lodge for our lunch before we just had to get back in the pool for another hour, before our ride back to McCall...It was a sun filled, crisp, cold day as we soaked, neck deep, in this mineral bath that hovers around 103º.

On our other trips we have returned via the 39 road to home...Since Sue and Jan had never been from New Meadows, north through Riggins, Grangeville etc, to Lewiston we decided to drive this loop home...We left shortly after 8am, fueled up in Riggins, where Pam and I spent some time trying to meet up with friend, Kitty...We kept in touch via cell phones, for the rest of the journey...All made a stop at Costco and we drove through snowy country as we approached Wallowa County...We all arrived safe and sound, tired but happy and already planning next years trip!..Hugs To All...OWAV:)

These ladies get more camera shy every year!

Zims Pool

Selfies Were A Bust!

Brundage Ski Area/Lodge

Upper Payette Lake.

Back Seat Drivers

Home Away From Home.
Jan Found A Friend On Her Walk At Burgdorf.

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