Thursday, January 23, 2025

Garden Gleaning and Thanksmas...22º

 It is hard to remember all that has happened in the last four months...We had some nice fall weather late September, so I texted Bobi, "Sunny days in Joseph this coming week, maybe we can spend some time on the deck?" I think it was the next morning, her text said, "Leaving Portland." It was a good visit, harvesting potatoes, carrots, onions, the last of the cherry tomatoes and cucumbers...This is the first year that our garden produced enough cucumbers to make about 2 dozen jars of dills!

I mentioned yesterday that Rusty planted garlic and then we did more cleaning up, picked the grapes, prepped the new raised beds with more compost, leaves, manure and covered them with netting to keep everything in place...Asparagus and strawberries were cut down, fertilized and also covered with chopped leaves and straw...We have an abundance of maple leaves from our trees, Rusty gathers and chops most of them to use and some to save for next spring, when we add another layer to the garden...It makes me sad when I see people burning leaves when they are a great amendment to gardens.

The flower gardens also needed care...A pile of wood chips, from neighboring trees (that had to be cut down) waited to be scattered...Rusty filled the wheelbarrow many times and I spread chips over fallen leaves and put the beds to rest for the coming winter.

Bobi returned in November for our usual Thanksmas, only the 3 of us this year...We just have to be thankful that we can celebrate together.

Cienna is still in Prague, working 2 jobs, playing when she can find the time and money to travel to other cities and countries...She has moved to another apartment, sharing a 5 bedroom house with 4 other girls, cheaper rent and still close to her jobs, either walking or riding a bus...It's not so hard to have her so far away, after we spent time with her in August and now have first hand knowledge of where she is and what she is doing!..Enough for today, love and hugs to all...OWAV:)

last apple pie

carrots bagged
and ready for the fridge

tomatoes ripening
in the basement

Ace waiting for
his morning walk.

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