Saturday, October 30, 2021

Garden Produce...30º, Sun predicted...

 As I've mentioned before, the heat and lack of rain, made for a different summer on Barton Heights...No matter what the weather is our garlic crop is one that we can always depend on...Maybe they weren't quite as big but we still had good yield...Potatoes and onions did okay and the carrots are the big winner and really surprised us!.

Over the years I have found my own way of planting carrots, (I mark off a 4x8 plot, mix a package of seed with sand, then broadcast this on the plot, lightly rake ov
er them, sprinkle with straw and water every morning)...I have to cover this plot with netting because the quail love the soft moist dirt and will come in the night and rearrange all the seeds!..I have very little thinning to do and once the carrots start growing, there is no stopping them...We had a bumper crop this year...Bobi took a bag full home with her, I have a crisper full for us for winter and I took a 5 gallon bucket full to water therapy and shared with everyone there...You would have thought I was handing out gold coins, they were delighted to get carrots that smelled like carrots!

Carrots were amazing

Gardens are a lot of work, but compared to the joy we get from eating and sharing, it is a great way to pass the hot summer days...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

A new garden addition, baby pumpkins


  1. Those carrots are AMAZING! I've eaten one every day since I came home.

  2. Dad and I had huge servings of cooked (just tender) carrots along with a pork chop and other dipping veggies, for dinner yesterday...Glad they have made so many people happy!...Love you!
