Thursday, July 25, 2013

Catch Up...57º

Haven't posted for a couple of days so here is a recap! 
Monday 22..Rusty left early for his trip into the Minam...Bobi and I shopped at Soroptomist then I had banking to do which ended up taking all morning...Noon found me Docenting at the Josephy Center and Bobi at lunch with a friend while Papa and Cienna held down the "fort" on Barton Heights...We had "sliders" for dinner using leftover lamb roast and dinner rolls.
Tues 23--Cienna driving we headed toward Imnaha, made two passes up and down sheep creek hill for practice then turned on the 39 road and went almost to the forest boundary, then back home…Regrouped and headed for the lake to paddle board…Ci had a great time for over an hour as you can see in the photo's to follow...
Then we went to the Red Horse Cafe for a drink and low and behold just in time for the horses to come down main street…Running of the "wild horses" is the kick off for Chief Joseph Day...They were slower this year as they had horses with riders surrounding then..(liability I suppose)..Now we are home on the deck with a breeze, catching up on posting photos and scrabble games…Chicken strips and potato salad for dinner.

Wed morning Papa left early to mow Pam's lawn and make a dump run while Bobi, Ci and I went to the head of the lake to water flowers for Pat...Cienna rode the go-carts again, then we met Papa at the miniature golf course for a round of golf and since I was the loser I got to buy lunch at the "Glacier Grill"...Back to our deck where it is very warm, Bobi hoses down the deck which helps for a short time, then we all give up and go in the house where it is cooler...Played cards and had popcorn and root beer floats before bedtime...Hugs to All...OWAV:) PS check facebook for more photos.


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