Friday, July 5, 2013


Heat wave is over for a few days, nights in the 40-50's and days in the 70º into next week...The garden is probably in shock this morning!..Rusty and Biscuit arrived yesterday about 1:30 and we spent the afternoon visiting on the deck and getting acquainted with Biscuit...She is a nice little "mutt" with some border collie and who knows what else...Not sure if she is just on loan, for Russ to socialize her or if she will be a permanent part of his life...She pretty much only has eyes for him and doesn't let him out of her sight.

After a dinner of steak, potato salad, asparagus and salad, we stayed on the deck until the mosquitoes and cool night air chased us into the house...Also the fireworks as this is Biscuits first 4th of July...She was a little spooked...I went to bed about the time the fireworks started at the lake, listened to them as I fell asleep...Then woke up about 2am to someone make big "KABOOM" sounds that jerked us out of a sound sleep...Damn people anyway!!!!

Russ is making a trip to the dr's office this morning as he has a foreign body in his eye...Pat and I are headed to Lostine for the flea market and yard sales...Have to figure out meals for days to come...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

PS...With a little pressure Rusty pushed the lens back into my camera and it seems to be working fine..

Biscuit (Not happy about having her picture taken)

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