Monday, July 9, 2018

Stinky Stuff...56º

I'm always optimistic that the deer will leave some blooms for us...I'm willing to share but they don't seem to have the same mindset...Do they think I plant just for them?..As I deadheaded this past week, I found that they are deadheading EATING the buds, not only on their usual fare, (day lilies, gailardia) but even my purple cone flowers, hostas and autuum joy, that haven't been to their liking other years...So Herb mixed up the "Stinky Stuff," liquid deer fence, and I sprayed, almost the entire garden...Maybe that will help.

That brings up the subject of wolves and is it because of them that our town is inundated with deer?..Deer that are so brazen, that they bed down in our yard, walk on our deck and dare us to enjoy our own back yard...A bumper crop of wildflowers carpet the forests that surround our town, why are they not out there eating those delicious flowers?!!!!When we moved here 43 years ago, deer were not roaming the Joseph streets, where they have now taken up permanent residence...There has to be a reason...Our problem is small, compared to the cattle ranchers, who battle the wolves on a daily basis, as they are protected, and have free run of our county...Will there ever be an equitable solution?..Hugs To Most...OWAV:)

bouquet on one stem

Will the deer add these to their diet next year?

Do we have to learn to love only foliage?

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