Saturday, December 8, 2018


We are celebrating the double digit temperature this morning and by evening we will be having a family celebration...Rusty arrived Thursday to fill his deer tag and the "Girls," surprised us with a text last night and said they will be headed to Joseph, at about 9am today!

Cienna finished up her fall classes at OSU on Thursday, moved out of her dorm yesterday, has about 3 weeks off before she leaves for Chile...Another travel adventure for her in conjunction with her winter term at OSU...A ten week stay in Chile, going to school and living with a local family, she is super excited and we are excited for her!

We will have a short, crazy, fun, exhausting visit and by Tues or Wed, they will all go home and Herb and I will recoup/collapse...A list is running through my head, make beds, cook food, clean/dust, put our some Christmas decorations, make candy...Hmmmm, guess I better get dressed...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Photos from 2010.

Buck Horn Lookout  2010

Our Parting Shot


  1. ENJOY~ Nothing like family togetherness!!!!

  2. Thank you Virginia, we certainly will enjoy them.
