Thursday, December 20, 2018

Slip, Sliding Away...30º

Sunday night it rained, Monday brought more rain, but it stayed cold enough to keep the layer of ice in all places that are shaded...Tuesday morning brought more rain but the road in front of our house on Barton Heights was mostly bare pavement...I left the house before 10am to stop at the hospital lab and deposit a urine sample (trying to clear up a recurring bladder infection), before water therapy...My mind was anywhere but on the road conditions, as I have driven this stretch for over 45 years...We alway have good tires and I wasn't in a hurry, thank goodness.

The only thing I remember is seeing our neighbor Rodd, standing at the edge of the road, looking down the hill...Then it hit me, The Hill is ICE!..In the next split second, I touched the brake, I slid sidways, so I thought, I'll just turn into Svendsen driveway and not go down the hill, but no the car had other ideas, actually the icy road was in control...I turned the wheel, the car slid sideways again and now Theil's mailbox loomed before me!..Miracle of all miracles, the car turned just enough to slide past the mailbox and my front left wheel hit soft snow, next to the bank...Still holding my breath, heart pounding, I slipped the gearshift into 1st gear...Now both left wheels were in snow and I crept down the hill, (on the wrong side of the road, but I wasn't going to correct that, because a steep bank is on the right side), I watched the car in front of me go around the corner and looked in the rearview mirror hoping another car wasn't sliding down behind me.

I drove to bare pavement, pulled to the side of the road, took some deep breaths, checked the seat, yes, I would still stop at the hospital lab...I called Herb and said, "Do not try to drive down the hill, yes, I'm okay, just wanted to let you know the hill is very slick!"

Four hours later, I returned home, the hill was slush with icy spots...Again I hugged the bank going uphill this time...I had bought a fresh pizza from Safeways deli and Herb and I shared a beer, counted our blessings, it had stopped raining and the sun was about to go behind Mt Joseph...All Is Well...OWAV:)

I didn't have time to take a photo. LOL

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