Saturday, June 8, 2024

Busy day on Barton Heights...55º

 Rusty arrived early, yesterday 7AM, ready to work in the cool of the morning...We had breakfast, then he started water, before attacking/pulling the weeds that climb the bank to an extended flowerbed...A nasty weed that we call "beggars Lice, sticky weed" or just "that damn weed."...I stayed in the house mixing bread, and pasta salad, so we have something to eat, with leftover ribs, later in the day.

The flower gardens and lawn got a good watering, now for the veggies and the pasture...Pumps are set up hoses laid out, everything seems to be working outside...Inside I emailed claim forms to BCBS, and almost forgot to put the bread in the oven...It was over proofed but didn't totally fall in the oven...Rusty sliced it hot out of the oven and slathered with butter we each had a slice to eat...It was heavenly!..Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Ready for the over.

Such a lazy guy!

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