Sunday, June 2, 2024

Cloudy but perfect to plant the garden...50º

 Rusty does the heavy work and I do- mostly the looking on to make sure he does it right...We make a good team...Irrigation water is on its way down the long ditch from Wallowa Lake, just in time for June watering...Hoping to finish the planting today.

Two of the new planter boxes are now layered with chopped straw, leaves and manure with lots of little red wiggle worms...This will decompose over the summer months, while the potatoes on top of it, will grow and produce nice clean, mostly scab free Yukon Gold potatoes...We layered old "Wallowa County Chieftain" newspapers over these layers, (Rusty quickly dampened them with water, to keep in place) then we carefully placed seed potatoes 4 across, 8/10 down and covered them with at least 6/10 inches of newly chopped straw and a layer of well aged manure covering all and gave it a good soaking with the hose...For the next month we will water regularly and continue to add straw so the new potatoes won't get green spots on them from sunlight.

In July I will reach into the straw until I find new little potatoes and "rob" a few for our dinner of creamed peas and potatoes...Yummmy...September is harvest time and also time to plant garlic... The garlic will go right into the recently vacated bed without tilling, because it has been decomposing all summer!..Hugs to All...OWAV:)


Potatoes on top

Covered with straw

        Covered with manure

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